Missing source port.

Russell Fulton r.fulton at auckland.ac.nz
Wed May 9 18:40:31 EDT 2001

2001-05-09-21:27:35	s	tcp		->	111	2	0	0	0	S
2001-05-09-22:21:15	s	tcp		->	111	3	0	0	0	SR
2001-05-09-22:47:52	s	tcp		->	111	3	0	0	0	SR
2001-05-09-22:56:50	s	tcp		->	111	3	0	0	0	SR

Any idea why these records have no source port?  (this is tab delimited 
output from ra).

Here is raxml for one record:

         <Flow> <IP SrcIPAddr = "" DstIPAddr = 
                  "" Proto = "tcp" Dport = "111" IpId = 
                  "0x0" /> </Flow>
         <FlowAttrs SrcTTL = "236" DstTTL = "0" SrcTOS = "0x0" 
               DstTOS = "0x0" />
         <ExtFlow> <TCPExtFlow TCPState = "SYN|RST|SRTN" TCPOptions = 
               "MAX" SynAckuSecs = "0" AckDatauSecs = "0" >
                   <TCPExtMetrics  SrcTCPSeqBase = "4101873286" 
                      SrcTCPAckBytes = "0" SrcTCPBytes = "0" 
                      SrcTCPRetrans = "1" SrcTCPWin = "8760" 
                      SrcTCPFlags = "SR" DstTCPSeqBase = "0" 
                      DstTCPAckBytes = "0" DstTCPBytes = "0" 
                      DstTCPRetrans = "0" DstTCPWin = "0" 
                      DstTCPFlags = "" />
         <Metrics SrcCount = "3" DstCount = "0" SrcBytes = "192" 
              DstBytes = "0"  SrcAppBytes = "0" DstAppBytes = "0" />

This traffic is part of a new type of scan I have been seeing for the 
last few days.  It probed many thousands of addresses but only these 
four had missing source ports.  One other factor that may be relevant 
is that the network where this data was collected is an 
extreamly saturated 10MB link -- DMZ upgrade to 100Mbps in two week (if 
the hubs don't mealt before that).

 I'm guessing that it is the solaris sadmin worm looking for new homes 
(when it isnt beating up our IIS servers).

Cheers, Russell.

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