ra looping problem still in Beta 8 on FreeBSD

Russell Fulton r.fulton at auckland.ac.nz
Sat Mar 3 18:15:15 EST 2001

The problem I reported with ra looping is still present in beta 8.  It 
is intermittent and *not* dependent  the file read by -r.  I stronly 
suspect that the problem is triggered runing out of memory.  The 
problem has surfaced since I started analysing utp traffic in my 
overnight slow scan detector. 

I have attached gdb to an ra process that has been running from many 
hours (top shows that free memory is around 3MB of 128MB).

Breakpoint 1, ArgusReadStreamSocket (input=0x8141000) at ./argus_parse.c:1394
1394    {
(gdb) n
1395       int retn = 0, fd = input->fd, cnt = 0;
1402       if ((cnt = read (fd, input->ArgusReadPtr + input->ArgusReadSocketCnt,
1448          if (!((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EINTR))) {
(gdb) p cnt
$3 = 0
(gdb) p errno
$4 = 35
(gdb) n
1464       return (retn);
(gdb) n
ArgusReadStream () at ./argus_parse.c:1619
1619                for (i = 0; i < ARGUS_MAX_REMOTE_CONN; i++) {
(gdb) l
1614       ArgusDebug (4, "ArgusReadStream() starting\n");
1615    #endif
1617          for (;;) {
1618             if ((retn = select (width, &readmask, NULL, NULL, &wait)) >= 0) {
1619                for (i = 0; i < ARGUS_MAX_REMOTE_CONN; i++) {
1620                   if ((input = ArgusRemoteFDs[i]) != NULL) {
1621                      if (FD_ISSET (input->fd, &readmask)) {
1622                         ArgusInput = input;
1623                         if (input->status & ARGUS_DATA_SOURCE) {

It seems to be stuck with the read always returning 0 and errno EAGAIN!

Perhaps we need a counter in the loop and quit with an error if we get 
EAGAIN more than some number of time in a row?

Could this be a FreeBSD problem where read fails when memory is low.  I 
have another identical box with Debian linux installed on it.  I will 
try moving everything on it it next week and see if we have the same 

One thing that makes me suspect that this is a memory problem is that 
the job ran happily for a couple of days after I deleted the history 
file where it keeps up to 7 days worth of history.  This drastically 
reduces the amount of memory needed to run.

Russell Fulton, Computer and Network Security Officer
The University of Auckland,  New Zealand

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