pid file

Clauss Strauch Clauss_Strauch at
Thu Dec 21 11:37:16 EST 2000

	Lots of OS's don't usually use pid files when starting/stopping
things run out of rc files, but use pgrep/pkill/killall or other programs
that lookup a process by name.  For that reason, and because one sometimes
wants to have multiple argus's running on the same interface (eg to quickly
test out some command-line option), it's good to have the default behavior
be not to try to create a pid file, and have this feature be something you
have to explicitly turn on (which I think is a vote to keep the current 

	On some OS's that don't have a standard /var/run directory 
(eg Solaris), it's common practice to put .pid files for things run by rc.*
scripts in /etc/.  For this reason, and for general reasons of flexibility, 
it would be nice if you could specify exactly where .pid files go via some 
config option.

				-- Clauss Strauch
				   CMU School of Computer Science

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