[MyAppleMenu] Sep 29, 2014

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Sep 29 18:59:00 EDT 2014


*** Too Much Unwanted Email? Use These Tricks For Identifying And Unsubscribing ***
Christopher Breen, Macworld

*** Consensual Sex: There's An App For That ***
Amanda Hess, Slate

> Good2Go may remind its users that consent can be revoked at any time, but there are still judges and juries that will take evidence that a person said “yes” to sex at one point, and conclude that they were asking for whatever happened later that night (or the next). Compared to that scenario, talking about sex doesn’t seem so scary.

*** Turn It Up To 11: How And When To Use OS X's Advanced Audio Controls ***
Topher Kessler, Macworld

*** Hong Kong Protesters Flock To Off-Grid Messaging App ***
Paul Mozur and Alan Wong, New York Times

> Amid swelling pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong, protesters are turning to FireChat, a new app that allows them to send messages without a cellular or Internet connection.
> Set off against a fresh wave of censorship by Beijing to ensure that potentially destabilizing images of the protests do not enter the mainland, the app is a testament to how the protean development of technology constantly challenges tried forms of blocking information online.

*** The Pros And Cons Of Adding A 4K Display To Your Mac ***
Rob Griffiths, Macworld

> Super-large monitors aren’t for everyone—honestly, I’m not sure this one’s for me yet. I’ve been using it for several weeks, and while I like it a lot, it does take up a lot of my desk (both horizontally and vertically). But for the price, if you’ve got a Mac that can use it and need for more screen real estate, it’s a relatively cheap way to add a massive amount of pixels to your setup.

*** Jawbone Launches HealthKit-Enabled 'Up' App Featuring Personalized Fitness Advice ***
Richard Padilla, MacRumors

*** A Glum Sign For Apple In China, As Smuggled iPhones Go Begging ***
Paul Mozur and Shanshan Wang, New York Times

> Four years ago, the iPhone 4 was a status symbol, with the black market booming before the product was officially introduced. Today, the iPhone is simply one option among many, as local companies like Xiaomi and Meizu Technology rival Apple in terms of coolness while charging less than half the price.

Apple has a new status symbol waiting in line.

*** European Commision To Accuse Ireland Of Giving Illegal State Aid To Apple, Fines Could Be €Billions ***
Seth Weintraub, 9 To 5 Mac

*** The Untold Story Of How The Apple Store Cube Landed In Midtown ***
Vicky Ward, New York Magazine

> Though it has been open for less than a decade, the Apple store under the glass cube at the base GM building is already one of the best-known and most successful retail sites in the world. But few people realize that it exists because of a real estate developer who had just taken the biggest gamble of his life, and needed to solve a problem — and because he knew just how to play mind games with Steve Jobs.

*** Apple Removes Launcher App From App Store For ‘Misuse’ Of iOS 8’S Widget Capability ***
Mike Beasley, 9 To 5 Mac

> An iOS 8 app that allowed users to create custom shortcuts and access them from a Notification Center widget has been removed from the App Store by Apple for what it calls “misuse of widgets,” the developers said in a notice posted on the app’s website.

*** My Coworkers Made Me Use Mac OS 9 For Their (And Your) Amusement ***
Andrew Cunningham, Ars Technica

> You can't appreciate a classic computer or a classic piece of software in the way you could appreciate, say, a classic car, or a classic book. People who work in tech: how long will it be before no one remembers that thing you made? Or before they can't experience it, even if they want to?

MyAppleMenu Reader

*** 'Rooms' Is Haunted By People (And Ghosts) That Can't Let Go ***
Alaya Dawn Johnson, NPR

> <i>Rooms</i>, bestselling YA author Lauren Oliver's debut for adults, features an old mansion overstuffed with memories and a family failing to avoid them; it also features ghosts of the most literal kind, but leaves open the question of who precisely is doing the haunting. The narration is pleasingly circumscribed by the physical limits of the house: all the action takes place within its rooms. It's a construct that makes the story feel at times cozy, like we're trailing behind Poirot in a country retreat, and occasionally panicked and claustrophobic.

*** It’s Silly To Be Frightened Of Being Dead ***
Diana Athill, The Guardian

> Back in the 1920s my mother never went to a funeral if she could help it, and was horrified when she heard of children being exposed to such an ordeal, and my father vanished from the room if death was mentioned; very much later, in the 1960s, when the publishers in which I was a partner brought out a beautiful and amusing book about the trappings of death, booksellers refused to stock something so “morbid”. I was born in December 1917, so was fully immersed in this refusal to contemplate death. Indeed it was not until more than 30 years later, when I had to visit a coroner’s office to identify a woman who had been found dead, that I thought for the first time how extraordinary – indeed how ridiculous – it was to have lived for so long without ever having seen a dead body.


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