[MyAppleMenu] Nov 24, 2013

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Nov 24 18:59:00 EST 2013


*** Mavericks Dictation Vs. Dragon Dictate: How Good Is OS X's Built-in Tool? ***
David Sparks, Macworld

> Dragon Dictate is a fully developed, feature-rich product; Mavericks’s Dictation, not so much. Then again, Dragon Dictate costs $200, while the Mavericks tool is free.

*** Are Comics Too Hot For Apple? ***
Brigid Alverson, Publishers Weekly

> The problem, publishers say, is that it is unclear what criteria Apple uses to judge whether a title should be banned.

*** Touch ID Patent Applications Show Details Behind 'Secure Enclave' And iPhone 5S Implementation ***
Jordan Golson, MacRumors

MyAppleMenu Reader

*** The Book Of Barely Imagined Beings, By Caspar Henderson – Review ***
Alok Jha, The Guardian

> There is something lovely about a book that takes on so many disciplines and tackles them with confidence.

*** Book Review: ‘Essays Of The 1960S & 70S,’ By Susan Sontag ***
Alex Lemon, Dallas Morning News

> But the vastness here has little to do with page number. It is about the hugeness of Sontag’s intellect and the passionate rigor and vitality with which she attends to her wonderfully ranging topics.

*** Book Review: Shalom Chicago ***
Phil Angelo, The Daily Journal

> In one sense, this is the American dream. You move up and out. You gain the educational and financial freedom to do things your parents may have only hoped of doing. In another sense, it's sad, as a separate identity fades.

*** Life Of Solitude: A Loneliness Crisis Is Looming ***
Elizabeth Renzetti, The Globe And Mail

> In the West, we live faster, higher in the air, farther from our workplaces, and more singly than at any time in the past. Social scientists will be struggling to understand the consequences of these transformations for decades to come, but one thing is clear: Loneliness is our baggage, a huge and largely unacknowledged cultural failing.


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