[MyAppleMenu] Sep 1, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Sep 1 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** Apple Launches New App And iTunes Content Infringement, Copyright Claims Tools ****
Matthew Panzarino, The Next Web

> The biggest new form is probably the iTunes Content Dispute tool that is now set up especially for claims related to apps.

**** iCloud Syncs Data, But It Has Drawbacks ****
Glenn Fleishman, The Seattle Times

> The company built a narrow definition of file synchronization that appeals most to users who don't want to manage which file lives on what computer for a particular piece of software.

Going forward, iCloud-enabled apps will be more like iPhoto rather than Pages today.

**** Turn Your Photos Into Drawings With Etchings For iPhone ****
Leanna Lofte, IMore

**** Turn Your iPhone Into A Television With Elgato’s EyeTV Mobile ****
Grant Brünner, Macgasm

> The EyeTV mobile is a tiny little dongle that plugs into your iPhone 4S, iPad 2, or the 3rd generation iPad via the dock connector, and it enables your iOS device to play back live television.

Sound good for watching live television such as sports and news, while not incurring any additional data charges.

**** Bugs & Fixes: Safari Preferences Solve Two Safari-related Glitches ****
Ted Landau, Macworld

> I recently stumbled over two Safari-related problems. In each case, specific features of a website did not work as expected. While my precise symptoms may be limited in scope, the overall problems are general ones and the solutions apply to a wide variety of similar situations.

Check your Extensions and cookie settings.

**** The Sparrow Opportunity ****
App Cubby Blog

> Many have and will continue to fail with freemium, and I don’t think freemium makes sense for every app in every situation, but it’s time to get serious about finding ways to make it work for more than just games.

Everything has been going towards the price of free, except for things that we <i>really really</i> like.

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** HP Launches The Beta Release Of Open WebOS ****
Ingrid Lunden, TechCrunch

> Gone are the days of HP’s TouchPad and Palm ambitions, but HP is moving ahead with its plans to make webOS, it beleaguered mobile operating system, live on as open-source supported platform. Today it’s launching the beta release.

**** Ahead Of IPO, Moleskine Evolves From Notebooks To Apps ****
Josh Sanburn, Time

**** Wireless Power Gears Up, But It Needs A Single Standard To Succeed ****
Melissa J. Perenson, TechHive

> Every so often, the concept of wireless charging makes an appearance, beguiling us with the potential to ditch bulky charging adapters forever. That reality has been slow to materialize, as standards groups jockey for attention and products inch out slowly to market, locked into one consortium or another.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** The Marquise Went Out At Five O’clock: On Making Sentences Do Something ****
Christopher R. Beha, The Millions

> In those early days of writing, I thought often of Valéry’s remark. I wanted to write fiction, but I didn’t want to write that kind of bluntly functional sentence. I wanted each sentence to be a thing unto itself, self-sufficient and entire. Needless to say, these sentences were all a long way from “The Marquise went out at five o’clock.”

**** Facebook Plays It Safe ****
Alison Arieff, New York Times

> Facebook headquarters are located at One Hacker Way: It’s a shame Facebook couldn’t have expressed that hacker ethos architecturally.

**** The Shock Of The New ****
Martin Amis, New York Times

> In his 1973 book on Joyce, “Joysprick,” Burgess made a provocative distinction between what he calls the “A” novelist and the “B” novelist: the A novelist is interested in plot, character and psychological insight, whereas the B novelist is interested, above all, in the play of words. The most famous B novel is “Finnegans Wake,” which Nabokov aptly described as “a cold pudding of a book, a persistent snore in the next room.” The B novel, as a genre, is now utterly defunct; and “A Clockwork Orange” may be its only long-term survivor. It is a book that can still be read with steady pleasure, continuous amusement and — at times — incredulous admiration. Anthony Burgess, then, is not “a minor B novelist,” as he described himself; he is the only B novelist. I think he would have settled for that.

**** The British Way With Umbrellas ****
Charles Nevin, Intelligent Life

> I, however, shall contine to use, and fairly often lose, one, fortified by a fine remark from Major Tatham-Warter when a comrade counselled caution against a concerted mortar attack: "Don't worry, I've got an umbrella."

**** Staying Power ****
Christopher Buckley, New York Times

> He was a man of abundant gifts, Christopher: erudition, wit, argument, prose style, to say nothing of a titanium constitution that, until it betrayed him in the end, allowed him to write word-perfect essays while the rest of us were groaning from epic hangovers and reaching for the ibuprofen. But his greatest gift of all may have been the gift of friendship.

**** Review: Christopher Hitchens Stays Contrarian In 'Mortality' ****
David L. Ulin, Los Angeles Times

> On the one hand, that's Hitchens being Hitchens — combative, macho, a critical thinker to the end. And why not? Illness doesn't change us; it hones the essence of who we are. Still, the great, transcendent moments in "Mortality" come when, by virtue of urgency or attention, Hitchens traces the broader textures of his diminishment.

**** 新加坡的“李显龙时代” ****

> 我不能说新加坡在发展的过程中有什么做错的地方,但是很重要的一点是要控制好人口,不要出现老龄化问题。新加坡犯了这个错误。我想中国现在也慢慢的遇到了一些人口问题的挑战。 如何应对老龄化社会,如何提供人们退休之后的社会保障,如何确保有工作能力的人都能够有一份工作。这些是我们必须仔细考虑的问题。还有就是要保证政府有足够的钱为人民退休后提供住房、医疗、和日常开销等。新加坡很早就通过公积金建立了养老系统。然而,即使我们的体系健全,老龄化问题的挑战仍然是巨大的,因为老龄化的人口将会越来越庞大。而且养老不光是住房和钱的问题,还有养老院、老人的护理等等一系列的问题要解决。政府需要一大笔资金来运作这些项目,使人们渐渐适应老龄化的社会。

**** How Stupid Does The PAP Think We Are? ****
Singaore Democratic Party

> The government first shoots down a proposal by an independent NGO to form a new group and then says that the Government will form an "independent" group in its place - to be headed by a Mr Salim Abdul Kadir, a member of the Board of Mendaki which Mr Yaacob chairs.

> How stupid does the PAP think Singaporeans are?

**** Singapore’s National Conversation ****
Seah Chiang Nee, The Star

> In 2002, PM Goh Chok Tong conducted a comprehensive study to restructure Singapore with public participation – apparently to the dislike of Singapore’s founding leader.

> I understand it did not result in significant changes because Kuan Yew had objected to any talk that the Singapore he created was flawed and required remodelling.

> Last week in a National Day rally speech, the 60-year-old Prime Minister signalled willingness for change. He appealed to Singaporeans to join him in writing the next chapter of the Singapore Story.

Just like in many technology startups, sometimes you have to sack the founders in order to move on to the next level.

**** Talking To Each Other At The Istana ****
Andrew Loh

**** 二选一 ****
许丽卿, 联合早报

> 如何在不影响鼓励结婚生育政策的同时将单身购屋条例适度放宽,将会是政府接下来的挑战。这不是二选一的问题。既要照顾单身国人的购屋需求,又要鼓励人们结婚生育,要做到两全其美并不容易,万一处理不当,反而会产生反效果。

I am not convinced that we cannot have a good country with lower population.

**** More Underground Pedestrian Links Proposed For Malls ****
Straits Times

> Most of these new walkways will be in the main shopping belt of Orchard Road, where many malls are still unconnected.

Let's extend this idea to the housing estates, and reduce the reliance on feeder bus services.

**** Disappointed With WP For Not Defending Singaporeans Against Attacks By PAP ****
The Temasek Times

> Being against the idea of an open immigration policy which easily allows employment passes, dependent passes , student passes , PR’s and eventually citizenships does not equate to xenophobia.

I hope it is not a surprise to everyone, but there <i>are</i> Singaporeans who with deep xenophobia among us.

**** Do We Need So Many MRT Stations? ****
Jackson Tan, The Online Citizen

> It is a fact that the real reason for so many MRT stations is to accommodate the increasing population, thus they do not meet a real demand in the first place but merely a response to the negative effects of the government’s immigration policy.


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