[MyAppleMenu] Nov 16, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Nov 16 18:59:00 EST 2012

**** The Great Skeuomorphism Misunderstanding ****
Ken Segall's Observatory

> News flash: skeuomorphism is not dead. What’s dead are cheesy, antiquated graphics — like the stitched leather look in Contacts and Calendar. These were aberrations in a world that had been built upon good taste.

> Skeuomorphism is a good thing. It’s part of what made Apple what it is today — interface elements presented as real-world references to things we instantly understand. Things like documents, folders, trash cans, calculator, etc.

**** Adobe Edge Animate 1.0 Review ****
Michael Burns, Macworld UK

**** 6 Tips For Getting More From Your Apple TV ****
Jonathan Seff, Macworld

**** Hands On: Apple Maps Turn-by-turn ****
Adam Turner, The Sydney Morning Herald

> Apple Maps' turn-by-turn features aren't too bad, considering that it's free, but the inaccuracies in the maps means it still needs to rate a fail compared to something like the TomTom or Navigon app. If you've been using a paid app you're very unlikely to abandon it for Apple Maps. Near enough just isn't good enough when it comes to satellite navigation and there's a long road ahead before you can have complete faith in Apple Maps.

**** Apple Store At Utah’s City Creek Opens Saturday ****
The Salt Lake Tribune

**** Goodbye, RSS. Goodbye, Reader. Hello Pocket On The Mac ****
Tera Thomas O'Brien, Tera Talks

**** Tweetbot For OS X Review ****
Bill Stiteler, TechnologyTell

**** How To Back Up Your Mac: Our Complete Guide ****

**** Sorkin-penned Steve Jobs Biopic To Consist Of Just Three Scenes ****
Chris Foresman, Ars Technica

**** Ambrosia Updates Snapz Pro With Mountain Lion Compatibility, More ****
Peter Cohen, The Loop

**** LTE iPad Mini Pre-orders Begin Arriving ****
Randy Nelson, TUAW

**** Evernote 5 Launches With Revised Interface, New Search And Collaboration Features ****
Joel Mathis, Macworld

> Most notably, the screen now includes a lefthand sidebar, with a Shortcuts section that gives users quick access to a custom assortment of notes, notebooks, tags, and Saved Searches. The sidebar also includes a list of recent notes, and views of your notebooks and tags.

**** Review: The Room Is An iOS Game So Good, It's Scary ****
Lex Friedman, Macworld

> The Room for iPad is a fascinating game. You’re in a room with a well-locked safe, and your goal is to get that safe open. The game makes the story more detailed than that, but The Room’s storyline is its least interesting aspect. The fun comes from the hours of puzzles and challenges required to break open the safe, coupled with the game’s delightfully creepy ambience.

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Game Controller Marries Tablet ****
Chris Suellentrop, New York Times

> In its marketing buildup to the Wii U introduction, Nintendo emphasized the benefits of two-screen gaming, particularly competitions in which the player with the GamePad sees something different from what the other players watch on the television. In so doing, Nintendo played down a simpler concept, one more easily understood by casual players and Apple fans: the touch screen.

**** In Online Exams, Big Brother Will Be Watching ****
Brian Bergstein, Technology Review

> How can you tell if an online student has done the work? That’s where webcam proctoring comes in.

**** Towards Flexible Mobile Screens ****
David Zax, Technology Review

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** The Nature Of Fun ****
David Foster Wallace, The Guardian

**** Out Of Touch ****
Andrew Piper, Slate

> E-reading isn’t reading.

**** Lengthy Insights, Vividly Served At High Velocity ****
Michiko Kakutani, New York Times

> But at their best these essays remind us of Wallace’s arsenal of talents: his restless, heat-seeking reportorial eye; his ability to convey the physical or emotional truth of things with a couple of flicks of the wrist; his capacity to make leaps, from the mundane to the metaphysical, with breathtaking velocity and ardor.

**** Parliament: Replies That Never Answer The Question? (Act 2) ****
Leong Sze Hian

> How can “it is not the aim of ERP to raise revenue” be used as the reason for not reducing road tax?

I disagree. "Not the aim… to raise revenue" doesn't mean that total revenue must be kept at a constant level.

**** Quality Museum Programmes Attract Visitors, Not Free Admissions: MCCY ****
Channel NewsAsia

> Mr Wong said: "Visitorship is also driven by the quality of programming, and this requires significant resources to sustain.

> "Otherwise, as we have observed in some European countries which offer free admissions, visitorship numbers can still taper off after an initial phase."

Notice that the Smithsonian in the United States was not mentioned at all. Thirty million visitors annually to nineteen high-quality museums and galleries (and the National Zoo), all <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Smithsonian_Institution&oldid=523125820">without paying any admission charges</a>.
Maybe we should outsource all our museums to the Smithsonian Institute.

**** 高薪养廉:一个天大的笑话 ****

> 高薪养廉,曾一度风靡全中国,成为一种与国际接轨的时髦之举。然而,在我们大幅度提高公务员薪酬的同时,腐败不但没有减少,反而愈演愈烈。何以会如此?原来,事情并不像我们的主流媒体宣传的那样,高薪养廉只是个传说,只是上帝与我们中国人开的一个天大的玩笑。在其始发地的新加坡,亦没有高薪养廉的说法,新加坡政府和人民对中国大陆给他们戴上的这顶“高薪养廉”的帽子感到羞辱,他们反驳说:“廉洁是每一个公务员最基本的职业道德要求,不需要用高薪去养。”高薪养廉,只是我们一厢情愿地给他们戴的一顶高帽子。如此而已,哪有他哉!

**** Pay TV R21 Content Have Proper Safeguards Parliament Told ****
Channel NewsAsia

> "In accepting this CRC's recommendation, we had recognised the need to provide adults with mature content while at the same time protecting our young" said Mr Wong."

> "We also recognised that VOD on pay TV allows for a higher degree of parental oversight, with the availability of an easy-to-use parental lock mechanism to prevent unauthorised access by under-aged viewers."

Why is SingTel and Starhub given monopoly on providing R21 movie rentals outside of cinemas?

**** MDA To Probe Horror Trailer During TV Primetime ****
Channel NewsAsia

**** Ten Countries Drowning In Government Debt ****

> Singapore may rank seventh on this list, but not for the same reasons as other countries. In fact, it may surprise you that Singapore is actually considered a highly responsible country when it comes to fiscal matters.

> Because the federal-debt-to-GDP ratio only takes into account the liabilities of a country and not that country's assets, Singapore is misrepresented as a debtor country.

**** M'sia-S'pore Rapid Transit System Feasibility Study To Be Ready By end-Nov ****
Zazali Musa, The Star

**** Singapore Sees 2012 Growth At Low End Of Forecast On Exports ****
Shamim Adam and Sharon Chen, Bloomberg

> Singapore said growth this year will be at the lower end of its previous forecast and the expansion in 2013 may hold near a three-year low, as faltering demand for its goods weighs on the Southeast Asian nation’s economy.

**** MINDEF To Compensate Families Of NSFs Who Died In Training ****
Vimita Mohandas, Channel NewsAsia

> While MINDEF did not reveal the exact amount received by a family of a deceased serviceman, a ministry spokesperson said that a family will receive a death gratuity equivalent to 12 months of the last drawn monthly gross salary of a regular serviceman of equivalent rank.

**** SMRT Bus Services From Bukit Panjang Bus Interchange To Be Changed ****

**** The Govt Cannot Be Sued? ****
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News

> Only when someone’s head is on the chopping block would real actions be taken to be tip top and zero tolerance for accidents and negligence or failure to perform.

**** Teaching Teachers ****
Bertha Harian

> Let’s hope that the Code is broad enough for teachers to be themselves and not a strait jacket that will stifle their personalities and turn them into safe but boring automatons.

**** Govt Admits: We Could Have Planned Better ****

> DPM Teo Chee Hean admits that population growth in recent years has outpaced Singapore's infrastructure plans.

> DPM Teo did not address Png’s questions on population density and whether quality of life would be affected as a result.

**** Singapore's Downsized Restaurant Scene ****
Eve Ang, CNN

> Away from the big resort players, some of the city's top chefs are attracting their own fan base by offering more casual, intimate dining experiences.

**** Saving Future Private Lees And Third Sergeant Tans ****
The Void Decker

> It goes without saying that we need to protect our sons and daughters in service before they can protect us.

For an organisation that need lower-ranked people to blindly follow orders in order to be effective, these kind of lapses in the middle and upper management is inexcusable.

**** Training Safety: More Transparency In Data Needed ****
Liew Kai Khiun, Today

**** Satirical Film Should Be Shown For Singapore To 'Mature' ****
Lee Yue Lin, Today

> While I agree with Mr Tan that "racially offensive material ... must always be a no-no", I would point out that satire is not necessarily racially offensive.

> He compared this film with the degrading video about Prophet Muhammad, an alarming broad-brush comparison, especially since the former has garnered acclaim at film festivals in America and Europe.

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