[MyAppleMenu] May 22, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue May 22 18:59:01 EDT 2012

**** Copy Events, Delete Mail Messages ****
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld

**** Review: MoneyWiz For Mac ****
Graham Spencer, MacStories

> For new users who want something reasonably powerful but simple to use, I think MoneyWiz is a great choice and one that I personally use. Having the trio of apps (iPhone, iPad and Mac) and the excellent sync service makes MoneyWiz very flexible. Just imagine going to the shops, buying something on your card and as you leave you enter the expense onto your iPhone and it’s automatically synced over when you open the iPad and Mac app up at the end of the week to check on your budgets for the month.

**** iBook Lessons: The Long And Short Of Ebook Submission Review Times ****
Erica Sadun, TUAW

**** App Store Changes On June 1 Should Have Minimal Impact ****
Topher Kessler, CNET

> Even though sandboxing restrictions means more work for developers, users should notice little change to most applications.

**** Review: MindManager 9 For Mac OS X ****
Erik Vlietinck, IT.Enquirer

**** A New, Easy, Inexpensive Way To Backup Your Mac’s Valuable Files Online ****
Ron McElfresh, NoodleMac

> The one I chose is the easiest to use, most flexible, and gives me the most control. The Mac app that does the online backup is called Arq. The online storage system I use is Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

**** Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer Sends Brochure To Cupertino Neighbors Inviting Feedback On New ‘Campus 2′ ****
9 To 5 Mac

**** Taxpayers Fill Apple's Deep Pockets ****
Louis Bedigian, Benzinga

> Do Apple retail outlets provide a guarantee of economic growth? And if so, should taxpayers be forced to ensure they come to town?

**** Panic Announces Coda 2, Diet Coda For iPad ****
Lex Friedman, Macworld

> Top amongst the hallmark additions is code-folding, for collapsing snippets of code that take up precious screen real estate but don’t require frequent review. The other big feature finally arriving in Coda is support for autocompletion of custom variable and function names; Coda already offered that functionally for pre-defined function names, but now learns your codebase’s custom controls as well.

**** iOS Developers Believe Larger iPhone Won’t Cause Big Problems ****
Erica Ogg, GigaOM

> I talked to a few iOS app makers, and interestingly, many of them are not convinced Apple would actually “pull an Android,” as one developer put it, and make it more complicated to design for a bunch of different screen sizes (iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4/4S and something new).

**** Gifting Mac App Store Apps, Emailing Videos, And More ****
Christpher Breen, Macworld

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Are You A Human Replaces Annoying CAPTCHAs With Games ****
Dean Takahashi, VentureBeat

**** Business World Gets A New Way To Monitor Employee Text Messages ****
Jon Brodkin, Ars Technica

> A startup called Uppidy has unveiled a service that backs up SMS services to the cloud, making it easier for individuals, parents, or even your employer to read your text messages.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Little Witches ****
Lauren Watel, Slate

**** Philip K. Dick, Sci-Fi Philosopher, Part 1 ****
Simon Critchley, New York Times

> Now, was this just bad acid or good sodium pentothal? Was Dick seriously bonkers? Was he psychotic? Was he schizophrenic? (He writes, “The schizophrenic is a leap ahead that failed.”)

**** Brothel, Washington DC ****
Michael Merriam, n+1

> This floor was entirely asleep; others were roaming, and the last of us wouldn’t be back from work until nearly dawn; The Pimp (hereinafter referred to as [Name Withheld]) was snoring to the south, and the dear, 300-pound, peach-complected Commander (Navy, retired,) who owned the whorehouse, was snuggled with his boyfriend to the north. To be fair, we did not call it a whorehouse, despite the fact that escorts lived and worked here. It was simply The House. It was like Disney’s Haunted Mansion: thick drapes, creaking halls, many, many stairs, plus “discretion,” exaggerated in a Dickensian way to mean something more like “occult secrecy.”

**** Raise A Paw If You Understand Einstein ****
Katherine Bouton, New York Times

> I considered reading this book aloud to my dog, even though I doubted he would understand relativity, even as explained by the witty and clear-thinking Chad Orzel.

**** WP's Png Contradicted Himself, DPM Teo Chee Hean Says ****
Rachel Chang, Straits Times

**** SingTel Acquires HungryGoWhere For $9.4M ****
Ryan Huang, ZDNet

> Southeast Asia's largest telco SingTel has acquired restaurant review portal, HungryGoWhere.com, via the buyout of its owners Singapore-based GTW Holdings for S$12 million.

**** Raise For Singapore’s Low Wage Workers: But What’s Missing? ****
Ryan Ong, Yahoo!

**** Govt To Help Defray Cost Of New Wheelchair-accessible Taxis ****
Channel NewsAsia

> Wheelchair users can look forward to a new fleet of wheelchair-accessible taxis from 2013. The government is giving grants to taxi operators to defray part of the cost of operating cabs that can accommodate larger and high-back motorised wheelchairs.

**** Famous Last Words ****
Political Writings

> I don’t think any amount of “clarification” can correct the impression in voters’ minds now.

**** May 1987 Still Holds Relevance Today ****
Joses Kuan, Publichouse.sg

**** Opinions On Hougang By-Election ****
Foo Jun Kai, The Online Citizen

> The only way to stop all these things that are so wrong with the system is to have more and more opposition wards over the next few General Elections, till this government realises that they cannot continue in their approach of discriminating against their own citizens. Please think hard before you cast your vote on 26th May 2012.

**** Png Clarifies Comment After Source Reveals He Was Considered For NCMP Post ****
Teo Xuanwei, Today

> A day after a source claimed that Workers' Party (WP) candidate Png Eng Huat had never asked to be be off the Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) ballot, Mr Png today explained it was part of the procedure for every candidate to be considered.

> Speaking to reporters outside the Hougang Town Council, Mr Png said he had made clear to party chief Low Thia Khiang and his East Coast GRC teammates that he did not want to be considered for the NCMP seat but it was part of the procedure for every candidate in the team to be included for consideration in the secret ballot by the CEC.

**** Singapore Elderly Toil And Slog It Out In Retirement ****

> In Beijing, all residents above 80 get coupons worth 100 yuan a month to subsidise daily necessities or services including haircuts and hiring domestic help.

> It’s the toil and sweat and sacrifices of your parents, now mostly in their 60s to 80s, who largely laid the foundations of modern Singapore, it must always be remembered.

> But the PAP government would rather vote themselves million-dollar salaries than spend on the elderly.

**** Sex And Fair Play In The City state ****
P. N. Balji , New Straits Times

> Singapore is experiencing an awakening of sorts. The challenge is coming from all directions: the people at the bottom and middle complaining about the high cost of living and the number of foreigners among their midst, and those at the top arguing for fairer politics and policies.

> How the prime minister and his team respond to this unique challenge will define the future of a country that has defied the odds to transform itself from marshland to metropolis in just 46 years.

**** Why The Surprise? ****
Musings From The Lion City

> Despite all the talk of cooling measures by the Singapore government, private home prices have never went down. Prices may have risen more slowly since the cooling measures but it is still rising.

> To be fair to them, most Singaporeans don’t think the Singapore government is serious about making home prices in Singapore more affordable.

**** Half Time Report Of The Hougang By-elections ****
Howard Lee, The Online Citizen

> Both the Workers' Party (WP) and the People's Action Party (PAP), for different reasons, have much work to do in justifying why Hougang residents should vote for their respective candidates.

**** Maid Dies In Fall From 13Th Storey Flat In Sembawang ****
Straits Times

> The employer, who wanted to be known only as Madam Goh, suspects that the Myanmar maid was trying to run away when she fell out of the kitchen window yesterday. She had asked the agency to take back the 24-year-old maid.

**** The Hougang Brawl So Far ****
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News

**** The Ugly Chinese ****
The Jarkata Post

> Many Singaporeans will not deny that they know a decent Chinese in their workplace, school, and block, but they know that another bastard like Ma Chi can harm their lives just because he thought he’s all rich and powerful – just like his country.

**** Discussions Under Way On Changing Third-rail System ****
Christopher Tan, Straits Times

> SMRT chief engineer Ng Chong Joo told The Straits Times on the sidelines of the Committee of Inquiry on Monday that replacing the third rail would be part of a multi-million-dollar plan to upgrade the rail system to make it more reliable.

**** 宣称是自己不考虑当非选区议员 匿名信指方荣发所言不实 ****
郑景祥, 联合早报

> 本报在截稿前,接获匿名电邮传来工人党去年的会议记录,记载工人党中央执行委员会投票推选非选区议员时,方荣发其实还获得一票。

> 这份会议记录并没有工人党秘书长或主席签名,本报在昨晚11时尝试联络工人党,希望该党作出回应,证实会议记录是否属实,最后工人党主席林瑞莲通过手机简讯回复,工人党将在今天作出回应。

**** 政治观察家看两党策略: 行动党弃家长式作风 工人党以刘程强护航 ****
郑景祥, 联合早报

> 新加坡国立大学东亚研究所高级研究员蓝平儿博士认为,行动党在策略上当然可以坚持后港补选是地方性选举,但问题是选民会接受这种说法吗?“后港居民也需要搭地铁、搭巴士,也会同样面对物价上涨的压力。因此以选民的切身经验来说,补选既有国家议题,也有地方考量,很难叫他们分得一清二楚。如果行动党继续坚持,反而变成自我设限。”

> 新加坡管理大学法律系助理教授陈庆文则持不同看法。他认为行动党所提出的改善后港居民生活的议题比较实在,直接针对选民的肚子和钱包。反而是工人党提出的捍卫民主和后港精神等概念比较抽象。

**** You Don't Have To Tell Hougang How To Vote! ****
Diary Of A Singaporean Mind

> This is precisely what the people of Hougang, Aljunied and Anson know better than the rest of us. We are sometimes lured by the kind smiling faces and campaign promises that they care for us and want our lives to be better but time and time again after they get elected with large margins, they will turnarond and put the squeeze on Singaporeans and implement policies that undermine our quality of life and trade-off our interests for that of their own power-elite network.

> Vote for PAP men like Desmond Choo and he will fix the little pothole in your estate but you will find yourself unable to retire and financially strained when you get sick.

**** Pay Rise For SMRT Drivers ... And A 6-Day Week ****
Sumita Sreedharan, Today

> National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) deputy secretary-general Ong Ye Kung, who is also the executive secretary of the National Transport Workers' Union and a board member of SMRT Corporation, reiterated that he had been "reluctant" for the salary increase to be reported in the media before all the bus drivers were informed.

> The biggest worry now is the potential loss of overtime income. "They want to work six days but also want to make sure that their overtime pay is not affected," Mr Ong said.

What a lousy deal the union has negotiated with SMRT.

**** The Candidates Answer ****

> As campaigning for the Hougang by-election enters its home stretch, <i>Today</i> puts five questions to PAP candidate Desmond Choo and WP candidate Png Eng Huat.

**** Any Internet Code 'Has To Be Based On Bottom-up Approach' ****

> Any code on regulating or managing conduct on the Internet has to be based on a bottom-up approach, said the minister of state (trade and industry) and mayor of North East Community Development Council, Mr Teo Ser Luck, yesterday at a dialogue session organised by a network of social media practitioners, infoCommUnity.

> Mr Tan elaborated, saying that having a civil code will at least give a baseline on what is deemed as acceptable behaviour by the public and the course of action if that baseline standard has been breached. Alternatively, Mr Tan said Singapore have an independent Ombudsman, who could look into issues pertaining to behaviour on social media.

The question is: why a need even for a code?

**** Hougang: ST Photo Coverage ****
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor

> Practically every photo of Desmond Choo shows him with “lesser mortals” (i.e. the “little people” he, and his bosses, claim he (and they and the PAP) wants to help. But when it comes to Png, the photos are a mixed bag.

**** Beauty Of A Singapore Sunset ****
Singapore Actually

**** SMRT Bus Service Drivers Blow The Whistle ****
The Online Citizen

> A crucial point to note is that all bus drivers now have to work a 6-days week instead of a 5-days week.

> The folllowing 5 reasons will highlight how SMRT Bus Service has misrepresented the salary adjustment and in actual fact a large majority of the bus drivers who have been employed for a long time with SMRT Bus Service will lose out.

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