[MyAppleMenu] Mar 19, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Mar 19 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** Microsoft's Metro: Does It Need iTunes To Thrive? ****
Jay Greene, CNET

> To make Windows 8 a success on tablets, Microsoft may well need help from the one company least likely to give it: Apple.

**** Troubleshooting Your Apple TV ****
Christopher Breen, Macworld

**** Apple Announces Plans To Initiate Dividend And Share Repurchase Program ****

> Subject to declaration by the Board of Directors, the Company plans to initiate a quarterly dividend of $2.65 per share sometime in the fourth quarter of its fiscal 2012, which begins on July 1, 2012.

> Additionally, the Company’s Board of Directors has authorized a $10 billion share repurchase program commencing in the Company’s fiscal 2013, which begins on September 30, 2012. The repurchase program is expected to be executed over three years, with the primary objective of neutralizing the impact of dilution from future employee equity grants and employee stock purchase programs.

> “Combining dividends, share repurchases, and cash used to net-share-settle vesting RSUs, we anticipate utilizing approximately $45 billion of domestic cash in the first three years of our programs,” said Peter Oppenheimer, Apple’s CFO. “We are extremely confident in our future and see tremendous opportunities ahead.”

**** Foxconn Not Off Hook After Radio Retraction, Critics Say ****
Faith Hung, Reuters

> The Hong-Kong based China Labor Bulletin said Foxconn still employed harsh working conditions, while a fund manager with shares in Foxconn's parent said investors were watching how the company treats workers.

> Foxconn said on Monday it had no plans to take legal action although the programme had hurt its reputation.

**** Playing At No Cost, Right Into The Hands Of Mobile Game Makers ****
Brian X. Chen, New York Times

> In Apple’s App Store, the largest store for mobile software, the freemium strategy has become more lucrative than charging for apps.

> Flurry, a mobile-software analytics company, estimates that 65 percent of all revenue generated in the App Store — roughly $2 billion — has come from free games that charge for extra goods. Peter Farago, vice president for marketing at Flurry, said that was partly because Apple had made it easy for people to buy goods within apps and charge them to a credit card on file with Apple.

In other words, trials -- the basic model of shareware all these years -- is important.

**** Apple And The Daisey Affair ****
Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune

> It turns out the Apple public relations staffers did talk to reporters -- always off the record -- about Mike Daisey, pointing out inaccuracies in his account and suggesting that it was extremely unlikely that one man could have seen as much as Daisey claimed he saw in one trip to China. Among the journalists they warned off the Daisey story were Ira Glass and <i>This American Life</i> producer Brian Reid.

**** Apple Schedules Conference Call To Announce Outcome Of Cash Balance Discussions ****
Federico Viticci, MacStories

> Apple just issued a press release confirming a conference call scheduled for tomorrow, March 19th, to announce the outcome of discussions concerning the company’s cash balance.

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** 'Infinity Computer' Calculates Area Of Sierpinski Carpet Exactly ****
Technology Review

> The inability to keep track of mathematical processes at or close to infinity in a consistent fashion has frustrated mathematicians and physicists for centuries.

> So if Sergeyev has found a way round this that works, that's clearly a highly significant advance.

**** App Cameras ****
Jean-Louis Gassée, Monday Note

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** The Evolution Of Death ****
Dick Teresi, Salon

> Most of us would agree that King Tut and the other mummified ancient Egyptians are dead, and that you and I are alive. Somewhere in between these two states lies the moment of death. But where is that?

**** The Signals Sent By Signature Dishes ****
Oliver Thring, The Guardian

> Signature dish. There's something old-school and stolidly Escoffier about that phrase, suggesting carpeted dining rooms and soaring toques, curly moustaches and copperplate menus. It carries a uniquely cheffy vanity.

**** Galileo Syndrome And The Principle Of Exclusion ****
Steven Novella, Neurologica

> Beware the person who claims they have fundamentally changed our understanding of the universe, but doesn’t seem to grasp this distinction, and further doesn’t understand the heavy burden of proof that rests upon their shoulders for claiming the impossible to be true.

**** Poem Of The Week: Prints By Helen Tookey ****
Carol Rumens, The Guardian

**** Your Brain On Fiction ****
Annie Murphy Paul, New York Times

> Brain scans are revealing what happens in our heads when we read a detailed description, an evocative metaphor or an emotional exchange between characters. Stories, this research is showing, stimulate the brain and even change how we act in life.

**** LTA Announces Finalised Alignment For Bukit Brown Road Project ****
Joanne Chan, Channel NewsAsia

> The new road that will cut across Bukit Brown Cemetery will feature a vehicular bridge for nearly a third of the way.

> LTA said the 670-metre bridge will go over existing creeks to minimise the impact on the biodiversity in the area.

Also: <a href="http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1189983/1/.html">Decision To Construct Road At Bukit Brown Wasn't Easy: Tan Chuan-Jin</a> (Hetty Musfirah, Channel NewsAsia)

**** The NEL Incident Reveals Another Inefficency. Our Printed Media. ****
My Little Corner

**** 新加坡市场向中国肉制品企业抛出橄榄枝 ****

> 众所周知,新加坡是世界上肉类消费价格较高和重要的转口贸易市场,一直受到世界特别是东亚国家肉类生产企业的重视。不仅如此,新加坡对进口肉类质量安全要求的严格程度可媲美欧盟、美国,除了注重产品的质量外,对肉制品从农场到餐桌的全过程控制管理也有着非常严格的要求。

**** A Couple For Whom Plays Are Work ****
Shibani Mahtani, Wall Street Journal

> They are slightly more open than they were 10 years ago, and there are some people [at the Media Development Authority, in charge of ratings for Singapore’s media outlets] who really want to help. They often have their hands tied, because they have to stick to what is guidelined for them, but they want to see our point of view. In “Spring Awakening,” we had to discuss specific scenes with them, like the love-making scene, and explain that they were not scenes intended to be deliberately provocative or to titillate.

> We had quite a few chats with them, but there is a dialogue, it is not closed-door anymore. When we were working here 20 years ago, we would have to go down to a police station to hand our scripts in—that’s how archaic it was!—and it would just come back with a rating. There are changes, but it will happen slowly.

**** Myanmar Lures Singapore Inc ****
Megawati Wijaya, Asia Times

> While Western legislators, including in the United States and European Union, imposed economic sanctions over the military's lethal crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators, use of forced labor and government-linked narcotics trafficking, Singaporean companies continued to pour money into the country throughout the 1990s.

> "While the other countries are ignoring Myanmar, it's a good time for us to go in," said Tay Thiam Peng, director of foreign operations at Singapore's Trade Development Board, in a revealing 1996 media interview. "You get better deals, and you're more appreciated... Singapore's position is not to judge them and take a judgmental moral high ground."

> Asia World, one Myanmar's largest business conglomerates with diversified interests in trading, manufacturing, real estate, construction, and transportation, has strong ties to Singapore and is also on a US Treasury blacklist of sanctioned companies. Lo Hsing Han and his son Steven Law, respectively the company's founder and current chairman, have been on a US visa blacklist since 1996 for suspected drug trafficking activities.

**** Do-Not-Call Registry To Include All Text Messages ****
Irene Tham, Straits Times

> Text messages will be included in the national Do-Not-Call registry under a draft data protection Bill, despite resistance from some companies calling for their exclusion.

**** The Consistently Missing Employment Statistics ****
Chua Suntong, The Online Citizen

> BG Tan’s answer could explain the secrecy of annual new PQS numbers. From 2001 to 2010, even as more existing locals had problems getting or retaining jobs in the banking sector, MOM granted employment passes to thousands of newly arrived foreigners to work in the same sector.

**** Time To Regret The High Property Prices ****
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News

> Every time the word affordable is mentioned, it sends a chill down my spine.

**** Goodbye East Coast MacDonald's! ****
In Black And White

> Anyway I brought my wife and youngest son there to take some photos before it all comes to an end...

**** Sunday Morning Quotation – Singapore Vs. Britain ****
Grover Cleveland, Pileus

> Will the Singapore model in terms of economic freedom survive liberalization in terms of individual and civil rights?

**** On Entrepreneurship And Policy ****

> Without going into how the government almost never succeeds in such endeavors, there’s one reason why this is not going to work.

**** Sorry, Grace Is In Short Supply ****
Singapore Notes

> Was it so difficult to say sorry to Mr Chen, in plain English, so all of us can appreciate the effort at graciousness?

**** Raising Government Revenue After 2016 ****
Reflections On Change

> He did not say why he thought 2016 was likely to be a watershed year. It appears the need for new sources of revenues will not arise before 2016.

**** Hougang Will Test The Intelligence Of Opposition Parties ****
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News

> As for the PAP, it can sleep walk into Hougang with its hard core 35-40% supporters without having to do anything. No need any big name minister to blow the trumpet. Just let the opposition fight it out and do the job for them. PAP’s strategy can be very simple. Blow the ego of the opposition parties and let them stand up to prove who is the better loser.

**** Healthcare: A Comparison Between The PAP And SDP Systems ****
Singaore Democratic Party

**** Population Of Wild Boars In Singapore On The Rise ****
Grace Chua, Straits Times

**** 政府很可怕? ****
李亦筠, 联合早报

> 就我过去多年来接触本地电影人,没有人会是塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky),而一个不会让国民风吹雨淋的政府,应该不会介意电影中有个“李光耀”吧?

**** Billionaires’ Property Value In Singapore Rose 14% ****
Singapore Business Review

**** Why Singaporean Education Works And Australia's Doesn't ****
Chris Golis, On Line Opinion

> Yet again we have had another education report saying we should throw more billions at the system. That is not the answer. The answer is to set up a system that objectively measures the performance of teachers and then removes the poor performers.

**** Marine Cove Tenants Say Final Goodbyes ****
Jessica Lim, Straits Times

> 'It's a shame. There's no other place quite like this,' said Mr Rigden, 61, referring to the sun, sea and sand vibes.

**** 对交通部电邮会错意 克兰芝快巴“前程”未卜 ****
郑景祥, 联合早报

> 协会会长爱慧星(Ivy Singh)知道交通部的本意后,失望地说:“其实,这对我没有很大的影响,真正受影响的是那些没有车的公众,还有在这里工作的低薪员工。现在交通部说什么都不重要,最重要是最终的决定是什么。巴士服务再过两个星期就要喊停了,时间不多了。”

Which is worse, that there's no pubic transport for a route where there are lots of workers, or that the employers does not provide adequate transport for their workers?

**** 早起的后港居民有粥吃 朱倍庆:跟补选无关 ****
游润恬, 联合早报

> 这是已有50多年历史的报德善堂首次施粥。询及为何选在这个接近补选的时候开始提供免费早餐,报德善堂总务孙壮攀回答本报说,善堂两年前已有施粥的想法,但因人手不足而无法付诸于行动。这次得以落实行善计划,是因为后港区基层人员能提供部分人手。

> 后港区基层顾问朱倍庆(33岁)去年大选时代表行动党角逐后港,被派去参加补选的概率相当高。询及施粥和补选是否有关系,他答说:“施粥和补选是没有关系的。我去年底跟善堂说要办个施粥的活动,因为需要时间筹备、找义工,所以今天才第一次。有补选没补选,我们都一定会做。”

<li><a href="http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp120319_009.shtml">传请辞上校参加补选 朱倍庆:我不认识姚天福</a> (联合早报)</li>
<li><a href="http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp120319_010.shtml">佘雪玲:无意角逐补选</a></li>

**** 两家廉航将没有 适合登机桥可用 ****
陈紫筠, 联合早报

> 不使用第二搭客大厦登机桥的是成功航空(Berjaya Air)和飞荧航空(Firefly)。

> 樟宜机场集团(Changi Airport Group)发言人受询时说,这两家航空公司使用的Turboprop型飞机无法衔接现有登机桥的装置。它们将不使用登机桥,而是安排接驳巴士服务,接送乘客往来飞机停泊处。

**** No One Will Be Denied Medical Treatment: Gan ****
Salma Khalik, Straits Times

**** Urgent Need To Remodel The Economy And Reduce Dependence On Cheap Labour ****
Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net

> The government has created a business environment where there is less and less incentive to innovate and be creative, because of the perpetually easy solution of exploiting low wage workers, both local and foreign. Our economy needs a very serious overhaul, and that can only come when the citizens start to put real political pressure on the government.

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