[MyAppleMenu] Jun 24, 2012

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Sun Jun 24 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** Apple Case Against Motorola Thrown Out For Good ****
Ian Sherr, Wall Street Journal

• <a href="http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/06/23/why-judge-posner-pulled-the-plug-on-apple-v-motorola/">Why Judge Posner pulled the plug on Apple v. Motorola</a> (Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune): There is, as Mueller put it, a "protection gap" between what Jobs clearly felt -- and many people might feel -- <i>ought to be protected</i> by the laws governing intellectual property rights, and what our patent and copyright systems <i>actually protect</i>.

**** Review: What A Photographer Thinks Of Aperture 3.3 ****
Mark Crump, GigaOM

> There are three things I’m going to share with you that I really like: faster previews, better white balance and shared iPhoto and Aperture libraries.

**** Apple Chomps At App Store Search? Developers See Shift In Search Results ****
Anthony Ha, TechCrunch

> Apple is making potentially significant changes to the search algorithm in the App Store, at least according to some app developers. If you’re a developer or publisher counting on a well-chosen name to help with visibility, things could get tougher from here on out. But if you’re a popular and well-reviewed app, things might be looking up.

**** Apple’s Retail Army, Long On Loyalty But Short On Pay ****
David Segal, New York Times

> About 30,000 of the 43,000 Apple employees in this country work in Apple Stores, as members of the service economy, and many of them earn about $25,000 a year. They work inside the world’s fastest growing industry, for the most valuable company, run by one of the country’s most richly compensated chief executives, Tim Cook.

• <a href="http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2012/06/23/imagining_a_better_world_what_if_the_apple_store_were_the_worst_job_around_nbsp_.html">Imagining A Better World: What If The Apple Store Were The Worst Job Around?</a> (Matthew Yglesias, Slate): So think about a world in which these kind of jobs were the absolute worst jobs around. You're thinking about a world in which everyone has health insurance, and essentially no full-time workers or children of full-time workers are living in poverty. That would hardly be a world with no problems, but it would be a tremendous achievement. And it seems to me to point to the fact that the really urgent question isn't why aren't Apple Store jobs better, but why are so many jobs worse than this?
• <a href="http://thenextweb.com/apple/2012/06/23/apples-retail-army-by-the-numbers/">Apple’s Retail Army, by the Numbers</a> (Matthew Panzarino, The Next Web)

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Domain Wheeling And Dealing ****
Sarah E. Needleman, Wall Street Journal

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Some Books Are More Equal Than Others ****
Claire Needell Hollander, New York Times

> So what should students be asked to do? I propose focusing on accessible nonfiction guaranteed to increase world and verbal knowledge.

**** How To Get Under Aaron Sorkin’s Skin (And Also, How To High-five Properly) ****
Sarah Nicole Prickett, The Globe And Mail

> “I’m sick of girls who don’t know how to high-five,” he says. He makes me try to do it “properly,” six times. He also makes me laugh; I’m nervous, and it’s so absurd. He loves it. He says, “Let me manhandle you.” Then he ambles off, hoping I’ll write something nice, as though he has never known how the news works, how many stories can be true.

**** Fleet Street: The Surprising Origins Of Britain’s Newspaper Industry ****
Matthew Green, Telegraph

> The birth of the modern newspaper can be traced to a house that once stood on the eastern bank of the fetid River Fleet in London. From 1702, overlooking the sewage, dead dogs, and suicide victims that clogged up the waterway, England’s first daily newspaper, the <i>Daily Courant</i>, thumped, clanged and squelched out the news to the city's eager citizens.

**** It's All News To Me By Jeremy Vine – Review ****
Barbara Ellen, The Guardian

> Of course "Auntie" is the second main character in this book, if not joint first, and Vine's account keeps us ever-mindful of an old BBC fading, while a new BBC dawns.

**** Singapore Has No Right To Meddle — Wan Junaidi ****

**** Of Napkins And Peranakans ****
Hugh Jorgensen, The Dunce Confederacy

> With a per capita GDP increase from the very low base of US$428 in 1960 to $50,123 in 2011 (at current market prices), the phenomenal growth in Singapore’s economic prosperity since independence is beyond dispute. What is up for dispute is the ‘transferability’ of Singapore’s ‘compulsory Confucianism’ to our own wide brown land; how much are we prepared to concede of our ingrained belief in an egalitarian social welfare system, private competition and liberal democracy for a slice of Singaporean dystopia?

**** Time For STOMP To Come Clean ****

**** Row Over Nosy And Noisy Neighbours ****
Mergawati Zulfakar, The Star

> A diplomatic observer noted: “Only uneducated Malaysians will swallow what Ong said.”

> Somehow, the MFA’s statement seemed to contradict Ong’s remarks. It may be the Singapore way of explaining things, just to get the other side confused.

• <a href="http://pengundisetiasungairapat.blogspot.sg/2012/06/pesuruhjaya-tinggi-singapura-ong-keng.html">Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Singapura, Ong Keng Yong Mengaku Arahkan 3 Diplomatnya Sokong DAP</a>: Penglibatan 3 diplomat Singapura tanda sokongan kuat kerajaan cina Singapura untuk menjatuhkan pemerintahan Melayu Malaysia. Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Singapura, Ong Keng Yong yang mengaku bahawa beliau diarahkan untuk memberi sokongan kepada pembangkang di Malaysia terutamanya parti cina DAP.

**** Singapore Can Move Forward On The Road Less Travelled ****
Andrew Loh, Yahoo!

> Its current state of reluctant compromise is not leadership. It is insecure pandering. Singapore needs and deserve bolder leadership which is certain of foot, one which sees the future and leads from the front.

**** 不跟建屋局借 更多屋主向银行贷款买组屋 ****
吴淑贤, 联合早报

> 在低利率环境下,更多屋主在购买组屋时向银行借贷,而不是直接向建屋发展局贷款。

**** ST Misreps Yet Again ****
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor

• <a href="http://temasektimes.wordpress.com/2012/06/23/state-media-jumps-to-defence-of-sri-lankan-ft-engineer-responsible-for-causing-death-of-singaporean-granny/">State media jumps to defence of Sri Lankan ‘FT’ engineer responsible for causing death of Singaporean granny</a> (The Temasek Times)
• <a href="http://izreloaded.blogspot.sg/2012/06/did-stomp-knowingly-post-fake-story-to.html">MRT Train Door Open Incident: Did Stomp knowingly post a fake story to get more hits?</a> (I.Z. Reloaded)

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