[MyAppleMenu] Jun 18, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Jun 18 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** Apple Shipped Just 8 New MacBook Pros To Britain ****
Alex Hern, New Statesman

> The fact that the American online store is showing the same delay as the British suggests that it may be more the first two points; while the fact that Apple experienced the same problems with the launch of the new iPad suggests that even Tim Cook can't run a company that keeps everything in stock throughout massive demand for new products.

Amazing that a Pro-level machine with an expensive price tag has such a great demand from customers. I'm suspecting there may well be a good future for the Mac Pro after all, if the new design turns out great.

**** Apple And The Birth Of The Drive-time Podcast ****
Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune

> Most talk radio to me is a cesspool of disinformation. Podcasts, by contrast, are my go-to drive-time medium and what I listen to when I ride my bike or walk the dog.

The only live radio stations I occasionally listen to are BBC World Service, WNYC, and whatever local station the taxi driver has tuned to.

**** Retina MacBook Pro Review: The Age Of The High-Resolution PC ****
Steve Streza

> For those of us who have been waiting for the high-resolution desktop and the imperceptible pixel boundary for years, this moment is exciting and invigorating. The PC is alive, healthy, and ready to tackle the next several years of innovation and discovery with the new display and the new technical foundation it's built upon. Welcome to the age of the Retina personal computer, and the new MacBook Pro is a wonderful machine to begin this transition.

**** Head To Head Over Mobile Maps ****
Quentin Hardy, New York Times

> The question is: Can Apple build a map service that does as good a job, or a better one, than Google has?

**** Mozilla Takes Aim At The iPad Browser Market With Its 'Junior' Prototype ****
Chris Welch, The Verge

> "So here comes the fun stuff," said Alex Limi as he began discussing the prototype iPad browser Mozilla has been working on for several months. "We wanted to make something entirely new. We wanted to look into how we could reinvent the browser for a new form factor," he said. He goes so far as to deem Safari for iPad "a miserable experience" all the while acknowledging that it remains the best option available in terms of tablet-based browsing.

**** Public Transit In iOS 6 ****

> The truth of the matter is that if private companies are in charge of public transit and they have vested interests in pushing their own (or partner’s) apps then they have little to no incentive in providing GTFS data to Google. One might think that easy availability of routing info via Google maps might increase these transit companies’ income, but at least the two big Austrian transit authorities do not seem to agree.

**** MacBook Air 13-Inch Review (Mid-2012) ****
Vincent Nguyen, SlashGear

> That’s no small achievement for a machine that delivers not only extreme portability but the sort of performance that, only two years ago, would’ve demanded a top-spec MacBook Pro. The addition of USB 3.0 and an HD webcam addresses two of the most common feature requests, and there’s minimal impact on runtime despite the more powerful processors.

**** Hackers Gonna Hate ****
Nick Chaves

> I'd argue that Apple's push toward devices that are more about the human interface and less about the components is a form of a categorical imperative, a rule for acting that has no conditions or qualifications — that there is no line, there is only an endless drive towards progress: more portable devices that get the job done with less thinking about the hardware.

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Vizio Reboots The PC: A Quiet American Success Story Takes On Sleeping Giants ****
Nilay Patel, The Verge

**** Inside Google's Plan To Build A Catalog Of Every Single Thing, Ever ****
Alexis Madrigal, The Atlantic

> There's a lot more to Google's Knowledge Graph than might be apparent from what you see in a casual search.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Vanishing Voices ****
Russ Rymer, National Geographic Magazine

> One language dies every 14 days. By the next century nearly half of the roughly 7,000 languages spoken on Earth will likely disappear, as communities abandon native tongues in favor of English, Mandarin, or Spanish. What is lost when a language goes silent?

**** If They Could Only Talk ****
Hannah Bloch, National Geographic Magazine

> “The statues walked,” Easter Islanders say. Archaeologists are still trying to figure out how—and whether their story is a cautionary tale of environmental disaster or a celebration of human ingenuity.

**** The Wife ****
Adrienne Su, The New Republic

**** Wise Guy ****
Kevin Stevens, Dublin Review Of Books

> It makes sense that the author of an epistolary masterpiece should himself be a keen correspondent. Like his creation Moses Herzog, Saul Bellow was never short of words, and never less than exacting in their use, whether writing the novels and stories that changed the landscape of American fiction or wrangling with an ex-wife (he had four) over alimony. This selection, just released in paperback, of seven hundred letters (40 per cent or so of what is extant), written over seventy years, is an apt companion to the biographies and to Bellow’s fiction, and for many reasons: for what he has to say about love and loss, friendship and marriage, art and the writing life; for his wit and his advice to fellow writers; for its extended sense of time and place; and for the privileged glimpse into the private life of one of America’s best writers and most interesting men.

**** What Sort Of Role Model Do We Want Our Kids To Have? Woffles Or Vincent? ****
The Gigamole Diaries

**** Woffles Wu Case Hits A Nerve ****
Alex Au, Yawning Bread

> The law minister and the AGC could see that this controversy will further erode public trust in the law and that’s why they leapt into action, but neither of them can truly tackle the real reasons for such mistrust. Only some massive overturning of past judgements and political decisions will do. And that is not within their power.

**** When Words Fail Me ****
Feed Me To The Fish

**** National Service In Singapore: Dividing The Society It Was Meant To Unite ****
Joel Yip, The Temasek Times

**** The Next Chapter ****
Mayo Martin, Today

> It seems like Singapore's ready to embrace the digital publishing universe out there - finally.

**** The Rise Of Slacktivism In Singapore ****
Teh. Sets You Thinking

> For a nation that prides itself on its academic smarts, it is perhaps strange to see that, save for a few balanced minded individuals, the ignorance on issues spreading online do not go beyond anything that turns into a one-sided argument that attaches the blame to any individual or Governmental organization without any prior understanding of the other side of the story.

**** Singapore Isn't About Growth Or Slowing Down. We've Not Looked At The Other Side Of The Issue ****
Tales Of A Small Fry = 福星の故事s

> Why aren't our stable-country citizens hungry enough to build a local brand big enough?

**** Singaporeans’ Rising Social Activism Reported In New York Times ****
Jentrified Citizen

> I felt pride when I read this nice positive piece in NYT about Singaporeans’ growing passion in speaking up for their country and for causes they care about. This bodes well for us and I hope we will continue to gain even more respect and show our people and the world that we are no apathetic pushovers who will meekly accept whatever the government dishes out to us.

**** 公众:新加坡应对艺术创作采更开放态度 ****

> “我阿公的路”引起破坏公物定义的议论,一些公众认为新加坡应该与时并进,对艺术创作采取更开放态度。

> 一些网民认为,涂鸦和贴纸颇具艺术性和设计感,感叹当局将女子逮捕是扼杀创意,也有人认为逮捕她是“小题大作”,因为她的行为并没有让任何人“受害”。

<li><a href="http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp120618_010.shtml">怎样才算破坏公物?</a>(刘丽仪,联合早报)</li>

**** Haze Fears Grow As Sumatra Hot Spots Double ****
Zakir Hussain, Straits Times

> In Singapore, the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) - a measure of air quality - crept up into the moderate range for the first time this month, hitting 51.

**** Punishment Must Fit The Crime ****
Article 14

**** Immigration And Singapore: On National Service And University Scholarships ****
Guanyinmao's Musings

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