[MyAppleMenu] Jun 8, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Jun 8 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** Script Debugger 5.0 ****
Agen G. N. Schmitz, TidBITS

> Late Night Software has updated Script Debugger to version 5.0, a major new release for the AppleScript authoring environment. Script Debugger 5.0 introduces more than 30 new features, including script templates that can help you create new script documents more quickly, a tabbed document interface for viewing multiple scripts in a single window, and a new bundle editor that enables you to open resource files or drag new resources directly into a bundle.

**** Lawsuits Highlight Tech’s Fine Line ****
Harriet Torry, Wall Street Journal

> Does a consumer buy a non-iPad tablet model to give the impression of being an iPad user? Or does the customer buy it for the different operating system or some other reason? Is every non-iPad tablet an iPad wannabe, or singularly unique in its own way? Those are just some of questions the Apple vs. Motorola and Apple vs. Samsung cases have raised.

<li><a href="http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/07/apple-macbook-air-design-patent/">Apple snags broader design patent for the MacBook Air's wedge shape</a> (Donald Melanson, Engadget)</li>

**** Can Phil Schiller Keep Apple Cool? ****
Peter Burrows and Adam Satariano, BusinessWeek

> “Because Phil’s title is marketing, people believe he’s focused on what’s on the billboards,” says Gene Munster, an analyst with Piper Jaffray (PJC). “He’s much more important than people give him credit for.”

> Schiller shares many of Jobs’s passions and impulses. The big question is how well he can channel them into new ideas and products. Four former Apple managers say many consider him overly controlling and worry that he lacks the bold creative instincts needed to maintain Apple’s edge. Particularly in his expanded marketing role, some fear he will be a more conventional leader, prone to hyping products in ways that tarnish Apple’s hard-won brand loyalty.

**** Apple Agrees It Misled Consumers With “WiFi + 4G” And Accepts AU$2.25M Penalty, Judge Yet To Approve Settlement ****
Graham Spencer, MacStories

**** Apple’s Biggest (Unknown) Supplier Of E-Books ****

**** How Many Jobs Has Apple Created In The U.S.? ****
Mark Thoma, MarketWatch

> When we think of technological development, we tend to think only about the jobs within the company's walls. But for many companies such as Apple, that's only the beginning of the story. There is also a multiplier process that can create many additional jobs in other areas of the economy.

**** Printing Tips And Tricks In OS X ****
Topher Kessler, CNET

**** ‘Frankenstein’ Comes Alive In The App Store ****
Jennifer Schuessler, New York Times

**** VGA Ports, Projectors, And Progress ****
John Gruber, Daring Fireball

> If PC makers wait until there are no VGA projectors in use before they stop putting VGA ports on laptops, they’ve waited too long. Just copy Apple: get rid of the antiquated port, make thinner computers, and sell $20 adaptors for those who need them.

That's not the PC business, where you are in the mercy of Microsoft. You win not because you at in the first place, but rather you win because you are <i>not</i> in the last place. That's the idea of a commodity business.
And you maintain a VGA port not because that will propel you to the first place, but, by forcing everyone else to have a VGA port, you are trying to make sure you are not in the last place.

**** Marcosoft ****
And Now It's All This

> I suspect Microsoft is split internally between the traditionalists who want to make Office for iOS (and who may well have already made it on a contingency basis) because that’s where the market is and the Windows 8 people who want to keep Office for themselves. If a decision is being held up as this fight plays out, that favors the Windows 8 faction.

What if Office -- not just Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access and OneNote, but also SharePoint, Exchange, SourceSafe, etc -- is an Operating System?

**** What Jobs Left Untouched ****
Dave Winer, Scripting News

> If you can visualize that hierarchy, and provide interactions that make sense to edit and view that hierarchy, there's no reason the same browser shouldn't be used for all types of data. It does not have to be a "wall." All your stuff ends up inter-relating anyway. Do you use the emailer to send music files? Yes of course. Do you use a text editor to write about the podcast you just recorded? Yes. So why have 20 mediocre tools when what you need is one really great one. Why not focus your investment on each type so that investment can be re-used in any context?

There may be a single browser, but the current idea of a file system, the current idea of Finder or Explorer is not it.
For example, in iTunes, there is not only the idea of different properties associated to a single 'file', there is also an idea of sequence (as in Playlists).
For example, in (Classic) Finder, each file and folder have a spatial relationship with respect to each another.
A single browser need to handle all these various idiosyncrasies from all these different apps, including apps that haven't been invented yet. That's a very difficult thing to do, I imagine.

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** How Google And Microsoft Taught Search To "Understand" The Web ****
Sean Gallagher, Ars Technica

> Inside the architecture of Google's Knowledge Graph and Microsoft's Satori.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Why Too Many Es Is Bad For Us But Great For Amazon ****
Anna Baddeley, The Guardian

> You say E-book, I say eBook. The technology might be approaching maturity, but the language we use to describe it refuses to settle down. Surely the only acceptable spelling is ebook. As in email. But still people stubbornly cling on to hyphens and random capital letters, with an infuriating lack of consistency.

**** Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape The Universe By Martin Rees ****
Tim Radford, The Guardian

> Forget those 1,000 things you need to do before you die, the 10 commandments and seven deadly sins. Concentrate instead on six impossible things that, as the White Queen advised Alice, you must try to believe before breakfast.

**** A Book Lover’s Guide To Reading And Walking At The Same Time ****
Lev Grossman, Time

> I’m in the privacy of my own home. I know the terrain. Why should I put down George R.R. Martin during the short trek from couch to bathroom? What would happen if I just <i>kept on reading</i>?

**** Poetry And Utopia ****
Charles Simic, The New York Review Of Books

> What worked yesterday in poetry won’t work today, so a poet has no choice but to find means to confront the times he lives in. What doesn’t change, however, is that we are still what we were centuries ago, minds reading themselves for clues to the meaning of their existence, astonished now and then to be alive, while being acutely aware of their own mortality.

**** Economic Growth Key To Improving Singaporean Way Of Life: PM Lee ****
Leslie Koh, Straits Times

> Without growth, he stressed at a speech to the Economic Society of Singapore, the country had 'no chance of improving the collective well-being'.

**** MHA To Consider Greater Centralisation Of Procurement Functions ****
Monica Kotwani, Channel NewsAsia

> Among other things, it will look into whether there is a need for greater centralisation of procurement and project management functions. This could mean that the ministry may oversee the procurement process of its agencies.

**** DPM Teo Accepts Student's Apology For Blog Post ****
Channel NewsAsia

> Mr Teo said he is glad that Reuben has taken the time to reflect, and recognizes that what he said as well as the way he said it were wrong.

<li><a href="http://sg.news.yahoo.com/jc-student-apologises-to-dpm-teo-for-offensive-blog-post.html"> JC Student Apologises To DPM Teo For Offensive Blog Post</a> (Kai Fong, Yahoo!)</li>

**** YD Writes To Balakrishnan About Lim Hock Siew And ISA ****
Singaore Democratic Party

> Agreeing to disagree is gracious behaviour expected in a democracy. Yet, one thing we must all defend in a democracy is another person’s entitlement to his or her rights, even if we strongly disagreed with them.

> We, as sons of this country, all have a part to play in reconciling these detainees and removing the ISA, so that we may yet dream again of a more caring and just society which respects the dignity and rights of every person for future generations to come.

**** Street Vs Art: The SKL0 Episode ****
Ho Rui An, New Asia Republic

> What is more important in the current debate is not how we need to “set art free”, but the more critical issue of how we need to set our streets free. The street is in way the physical counterpart to the Internet, and if the Internet in Singapore has been so hailed as the bastion of democratic expression, the same can be said also of our streets, for they are not just spaces for the traffic of branded cars and Chingay floats, but also nexuses where ideas, opinions, sentiments and memories of the everyday Singaporean converge and are exchanged.

<li><a href="http://www.raviphilemon.net/2012/06/sticker-lady-wouldnt-be-in-trouble-if.html">The Sticker Lady wouldn't be in trouble if she got approval</a> (Ravi Philemon)</li>

**** 战略也疯狂—惩罚新加坡 ****

> 新加坡一个弹丸小国在国际舞台上左右逢源,在南海问题上对中国展现的却是另一副面孔,虽然新加坡是华人的世界,但是新加坡队中国却没有什么迷恋于尊重,在南海新加坡支持美国在亚洲的存在,并且支持美国在亚洲的军事行动,支持美国干涉中国的南海政策,力邀美国驻军,部署新型战斗舰遏制中国,封堵中国的海上航道与原料安全。新加坡在南海和其他问题上,在南海对中国展开全面的战略遏制,并且配积极合美国的行动插手南海。

> 在南海风云中,我们始终忽视了新加坡的隐密性,破坏性,两面性。针对南海问题,新加坡的副作用我们要正视,在南海问题上要对新加坡有个清晰的认知。

> 新加坡在南海问题上的多重性,对中国产生了意想不到的阻力与巨大的掣肘。对此,中国要严正以对。以其惩罚。并以示效尤。

Singapore need to handle its relationship with China carefully; we don't want a repeat of the relationship with Mahathir's Malaysia.

**** 禾园套餐提供价廉物美的熟食 ****
Juliana Salleh,职总富食客合作社, 联合早报

> 禾园是职总富食客合作社在2009年金融危机时推出的一项社会计划,目的是为公众,尤其是贫穷和低收入家庭,提供经济和营养的本地熟食。它的1.99元套餐帮助了许多贫困家庭节省在饮食上的开销及应对日益提高的生活费。

NTUC Foodfare totally did not address the conflict-of-interest issue raised in the <a href="http://www.zaobao.com.sg/yl/jl120605_002.shtml">previous article</a>. The stall holders not only have to pay rentals and service fees, and agree to conditions being imposed by NTUC Foodfare, they have also have to compete <i>directly</i> with NTUC Foodfare for customers too?

**** What Political Will Achieves ****
Singapore Notes

> Mr Chua Cher Yak, the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau's (CPIB) chief who retired on 1 July 2005 after more than 11 years on the job, made this parting remark: "Our job is driven by political will. We can only be as effective as the government wants us to be."

As many have noted, perhaps it would be a good idea to move quite a few departments out of the Prime Minister's Office, so that they can operated and be funded independently from the administration?

**** Where Creators Are Welcome ****
The Economist

**** Let's Not Be Obsessed With Economic Growth, Competitiveness ****
James Oh, Today

> We could strive to compete on factors mentioned above other than cost. Let us not lose sight of our goal as a country and as individuals.

> We must remain competitive, but not to the point that quality of life drops drastically and people suffer.

In this global race, we run as a team, not as individuals.

**** Demonising Cabbies Again? ****
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor

> Instead of inceasing rentals to increase supply, why not insist that each taxi must have mutiple operators working in shifts? Incentives, disincentives could be introduced to force cabbies into sharing?

Actually, I would think a higher taxi rental rate will be precisely the correct incentive (or disincentive, depending on how you look at it) to make sure the taxis are utilized to the full potential, be it to encourage multiple shifts for each taxi, or to encourage taxi drivers to be not picky about customers, or to discourage drivers from using the taxi more as a private vehicle rather than a business?

**** Sticky Show Of Support For SAM... The Museum ****
Bryna Sim, Straits Times

> So when images of them began circulating online on Thursday, several Internet users assumed that they were a gesture of support for Ms Samantha Lo, the artist arrested last Sunday for vandalising public property.

> In fact, the slogan referred to a different SAM altogether - the Singapore Art Museum.

<li><a href="http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=7683">Sticker Lady teaches us to step out of our comfort zones, to think and to laugh</a> (Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net)</li>: Letting Sticker Lady off lightly will not encourage acts of vandalism if the authorities explain clearly why they are treating her case with a light touch, and that this does not in any way change their tough stance against genuine acts of destruction.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC120608-0000064/Arrest-of-Sticker-Lady-does-not-stifle-creativity">Arrest of 'Sticker Lady' does not stifle creativity</a> (Yang Yahui, Today): Her tongue-in-cheek art expressions and humour appealed to me and other young Singaporeans, but there should be some boundaries.</li>

**** Two Contracts Signed By SCDF Under Review: MHA ****
Channel NewsAsia

> In a statement issued just past midnight, MHA said it took "immediate action to suspend all outstanding tenders" involving Lim and the "persons implicated in the case" once it knew Lim was under Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) investigation.

<li><a href="http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_808561.html">PSC suspends disciplinary proceedings against former SCDF chief</a> (Tham Yuen-C, Straits Times)</li>

**** CPF Minimum Sum Should Reflect 'True' Inflation ****
Young Pak Nang, Straits Times

> When trade and industry minister Lim Hng Kiang addressed the concerns over rising inflation in Parliament, he cited big-ticket items like housing rentals and car prices as being responsible for the bulk of inflation. As most Singaporeans own their homes, the issue of rents is irrelevant to citizens, he explained. As for private cars, only a small part of the population buy cars, so the majority of people are also not affected by the high inflation.

> If these are the reasons for rising inflation, why is the government applying the full annual inflation rate when adjusting for the increase in the Minimum Sum?

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