[MyAppleMenu] Jul 11, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Jul 11 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** How To Maximize Battery-life When You Travel ****
Leah Yamshon, Macworld

**** Confirmed: Mountain Lion Sends Some 64-Bit Macs Gently Into That Good Night ****
Chris Foresman, Ars Technica

> Apple has now confirmed via its Mountain Lion upgrade page that previously published limitations on some 64-bit Macs will extend to the final release. This means that several otherwise 64-bit capable MacBook Pros, iMacs, and Mac Pros will indeed be restricted from upgrading to OS X 10.8 when it goes public later this month. And according to information found in the recently released golden master (GM), the limitation appears to be related to graphics, as we originally suspected.

**** Apple Responds To EPEAT Concerns ****
Jim Dalrymple, The Loop

> “Apple takes a comprehensive approach to measuring our environmental impact and all of our products meet the strictest energy efficiency standards backed by the US government, Energy Star 5.2,” Apple representative Kristin Huguet, told The Loop. “We also lead the industry by reporting each product’s greenhouse gas emissions on our website, and Apple products are superior in other important environmental areas not measured by EPEAT, such as removal of toxic materials.”

**** Twitter, Twitter 4.3, And The Mixed Message ****
Cody Fink, MacStories

**** The Problem With iCloud ****
Kyle Baxter, TightWind

> While Apple’s public description of iCloud makes it sound trivial to implement iCloud syncing, without getting too technical, there are a very large number of serious pitfalls in the service that developers have to address themselves. If they don’t, the application could crash due to the user turning iCloud off, or syncing could stop working altogether, silently. Not good.

**** City Of San Francisco Stops Buying Macs Without EPEAT Certification ****
Steven Sande, TUAW

• <a href="http://blogs.wsj.com/cio/2012/07/06/apple-removes-green-electronics-certification-from-products/">Apple Removes Green Electronics Certification From Products</a> (Joel Schectman, Wall Street Journal, July 6, 2012)

**** FTC Set To Hand Google Record $22.5M Fine Over Safari Privacy Breach ****
Jon Russell, The Next Web

> Google is reportedly set to pay a $22.5 million fine in relation to the scandal that broke out when the company was found to have overridden Safari’s privacy settings, with the potential to track Internet browsing sessions.

**** The iPhone Era Is Already Longer Than The iPod Era Before It ****
Dan Frommer, SplatF

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** The Internet Of Things, Soon Accessible By Smartphone ****
David Talbot, Technology Review

> A forthcoming packaging chip could let your phone talk to the plastic wrap on your cheese.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Does Infinity Exist? ****
John D. Barrow, Plus

> This is a surprisingly ancient question.

**** Reading Each Other ****
Sarah Skwire, The Freeman

> It is tragic. I wasn’t wrong at 15. And it is hilarious. I wasn’t wrong at 20. But it took time and life experience for me to realize that Alice’s dinner party could be both of those things at once—and that when it was, it was a better, richer, more realistic piece of fiction than my earlier readings had indicated.

**** True Crime ****
Caspar Melville, New Humanist

> Campaigning death row lawyer Clive Stafford Smith’s latest book is a gripping real-life thriller, but the ending remains a mystery.

**** Desert Sounds ****
Howard Altmann, Slate

**** The Lost Art Of Losing By Gregory Norminton – Review ****
Nicholas Lezard, The Guardian

> Ah well. You can't get this kind of thing spot on every time. But Norminton should be saluted for trying, and he hits the nail on the head much more often than he hits his thumb. After all, human beings – I forget who said this – will do almost anything to avoid thinking; and aphorisms, more than any branch of literature, force us to do just that. No wonder they are out of fashion.

**** My Living, Yet Lost, Father ****
Kyanh Tonnu, Zócalo Public Square

> In the spring of 1975, when I was eight years old, my family, which included my parents and younger sister, moved from Vietnam, our native home, to Singapore. My father was a war correspondent covering Southeast Asia for Reuters, and he believed Saigon was no longer safe. He was right. In the last days of April, as Saigon fell to communist rule, he would lose his job, his country, and his father. And I would lose the father I’d known.

**** Tanjong Pagar: A Promise That We Now Know Would Never Be Fulfilled ****
The Long And Winding Road

**** Delay ****
Words Of The Cze

> The death penalty serves at least one crucially useful purpose – it permanently rids society of convicts at minimal expense. A form of containment, if you will.

I do not agree.

**** Teacher Cannot Shave Head One! Unprofessional! Parents Will Make Noise! ****
Visakan Veerasamy

**** Blogger Alex Au Apologises For Woffles Wu Post ****

> Blogger Alex Au has posted a letter of apology on his blog over a post he wrote, titled "Woffles Wu case hits a nerve".

> In the letter, Mr Au said he accepts that the June 18 post had "scandalised the Courts of the Republic of Singapore".

**** HDB Steps Up Enforcement Against Unauthorised Subletting, Revises Rules For PRs ****
Channel NewsAsia

> With immediate effect, the Housing and Development Board (HDB) has cut the flat subletting approved period for Permanent Residents (PR) from the current three years to just one year.

> When the one-year period expires, the application to extend the approval will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and HDB said approval will be granted only if there are extenuating reasons.

**** Singapore Restricts Foreigners ****
Shibani Mahtani And Gaurav Raghuvanshi, Wall Street Journal

> Singapore's government is trying to strike a delicate balance—keeping the city-state a top destination for foreign workers while also keeping anti-foreigner sentiments under control.

**** One Baby Step ****
Lianain Films

> And yet, an obvious truth remains – as long as the death penalty exists, mistakes will inevitably happen. Human beings are fallible. Judges can err. Worse, the Mandatory Death Penalty makes it even more possible that innocent people will be killed in our names.

> So there’s more work to be done. The battle isn’t over.

**** Singapore Needs A More Mature Perspective To Sex Education ****
Cheryl Marie Cordeiro

**** Can Google Save Gay Rights? ****
Tracy Clark-Flory, Salon

> All of which is to say: Google has a lot of work to do. Not that the company is naive about what it’s signed up for.

**** Timely Call By PM Lee ****
Andrew Loh, Publichouse.sg

> Everyone has a part to play in how our country turns out, going forward – Singaporeans have to realise that the fault lies not in the individual non-Singaporean or new citizen, but on the policies which have facilitated the large influx of them. The government too must continue to regulate, or bring down, the number of foreigners in our midst.

> New citizens and non-Singaporeans certainly also have the responsibility to recognise and realise that Singapore is what it is today because Singaporeans at all levels have worked very hard to make the country what it is – and they should respect this and do their part to not divide and fracture what Singaporeans have built.

**** Inflict Corporal Punishment On Mentally Disabled? ****
Chia Huai Yuan, Today

> I find the need to inflict corporal punishment on persons with mental disabilities, and to incarcerate them for life, troubling. The courts should be accorded greater discretion in imposing more appropriate forms of punishment.

**** Casinos - Controlling The Harm After Damage Is Done... ****
Diary Of A Singaporean Mind

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