[MyAppleMenu] Dec 14, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Dec 14 18:59:00 EST 2012

**** Stroustrup On Next-gen C++: I Didn't Want To Let Go Of My Baby ****
Tim Anderson, The Register

> C++ 11 is “far better than previous versions”, says the inventor of the language Bjarne Stroustrup. He was speaking at an online event marking the launch of Embarcadero's C++ Builder XE3, a rapid application tool targeting Windows and Mac OS X.

**** iTunes 11 ****
Lukas Mathis, Ignore The Code

> You can’t make a complex application simple by adding a veneer of simplicity on top of it. in fact, that will just add to the confusion, because now you’re sending the user misleading signals about what’s really going on.

**** iTunes 11 Update Fixes Search Speed ****
Kirk McElhearn, Kirkville

**** Apple Names 'Action Movie FX' And 'Paper' As Apps Of The Year ****
Salvador Rodriguez, Los Angeles Times

> Apple has announced its iTunes Best of 2012 winners, and its two top apps include a movie special effects editor for the iPhone and a sketching app for the iPad.

**** Sitegeist: Mobile App Mines Public Data To Tell You About The Spot You're Standing In ****
Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing

**** Mailbox For iPhone: A Next-generation Email App Inspired By Sparrow And Clear ****
Ellis Hamburger, The Verge

> The app feels like a combination of Sparrow and Clear — a beautifully designed messaging client meshed with a swipe-able productivity app.

**** Facebook For iOS Now Supports Uploading Photos To Albums ****
Emily Price, Mashable

**** The Internet As Ecosystem ****
Dave Winer, Scripting News

> It was strange reading Gruber's account of the evolution of system scripting on the Mac, because all the diversity that was present as it was evolving is gone from his story. As if it never happened.

**** The Web We Lost ****
Anil Dash

> The tech industry and its press have treated the rise of billion-scale social networks and ubiquitous smartphone apps as an unadulterated win for regular people, a triumph of usability and empowerment. They seldom talk about what we've lost along the way in this transition, and I find that younger folks may not even know how the web used to be.

**** Hands On With Flickr For iOS, Instagram For Photographers With self-respect ****
Andrew Couts, Digital Trends

> For the first time in a year, Yahoo has updated the Flickr app for iOS, just as CEO Marissa Mayer promised she would. And you know what? It's good – as in better-than-Instagram good. Really. See why in this hands on with Flickr for iOS.

**** Google Maps Is Back On iPhone, Thank Goodness ****
Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times

**** Apple Updates Its Malware Blacklist To Protect Mac OS X Users From SMSSend Trojan ****
Kimber Streams, The Verge

**** Apple Launches New Status Page For iCloud, iMessages, Siri, And Other Services ****
Joseph Keller, IMore

> This is a much more comprehensive and status page compared to the previous version, and it shows that Apple takes communication about service issues seriously.

**** Apple Restores App Gifting To iOS App Store, Shows They Can Update Share Sheets Dynamically ****
Rene Ritchie, IMore

**** Mac Gems: CustomMenu Provides Quick Access To Your Favorite Apps, Files, And Folders ****
Dan Frakes, Macworld

> Launch CustomMenu, and its systemwide menu icon appears on the right-hand side of your menu bar. Click this icon and choose Customize Menu, and you can choose the items you want to appear in the menu.

**** Good (And Not So Good) Old Games Now On The Mac ****
Jeff Porten, TidBITS

> Like the Mac App Store and Steam, GOG provides a place where you can download Mac games, although what’s available for the Mac is still just a subset of their entire library. But unlike the other two, a fairly large percentage of GOG’s games are old enough to vote in Chicago. As a side effect, this means that many games that were Windows-only the first time around are now arriving on Macs for the first time.

**** Apple, Publishers Settle EU E-book Investigation With No Fines ****
Chris Foresman, Ars Technica

> The European Commission announced on Thursday that it reached an agreement with Apple and four major book publishers that addresses concerns over possible e-book price-fixing. Simon & Schuster, Harper Collins, Hachette Livre, Macmillan, and Apple all agreed to modify existing agreements to allow retailers to discount e-books for two years and to eliminate "most-favored nation" clauses for five years. The Commission is satisfied that the changes address anti-competition issues and has suspended its investigation without levying fines or other sanctions.

• <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/14/technology/in-europe-publishers-dealt-a-setback-over-e-book-pricing.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0">In Europe, Publishers Dealt a Setback Over e-Book Pricing</a> (Kevin J. O'Brien, New York Times): The regulator’s decision will not help the fragile situation of many publishers, said Françoise Dubruille, director of the European and International Booksellers Federation, a Brussels group representing the 27 E.U. national bookselling organizations, which in turn have many small and medium-size publishers, in addition to large groups, as members. Ms. Dubruille said the settlement would effectively further Amazon’s ability to set the purchase price of e-books in Europe, which would not help a struggling publishing industry.

**** Give A Mac Game This Holiday Season ****
Peter Cohen, Macworld

**** Hands On With Google Maps For iPhone ****
Dan Moren, Macworld

**** Apple Restores Duplicate Song Detecting Feature To iTunes 11 ****
Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica

> The 11.0.1 update, available for both Mac and Windows, also fixes a bug that causes the AirPlay button to disappear.

**** Tweetbot 1.1 For Mac ****
Federico Viticci, MacStories

> For Mountain Lion users, there’s an “All Notifications” option in the Settings to, literally, receive all notifications for your stream. This means you’ll see every tweet from every user you follow show up in Notification Center as soon as they tweet.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Reply To A Dead Man ****
Walter Mosley, The Atlantic

**** In Praise Of Wakefulness ****
Rick Gekoski, The Guardian

> Often I would get up and write, which is a near-perfect remedy for sleep. But I have recently come to accept what I thought of as a malady, and to embrace it as a boon. The reason for this is my Kindle.

**** Inventing The Christmas Tree By Bernd Brunner – Review ****
Philip Hoare, The Guardian

> It's always struck me as a strange, even surreal thing to do: to drag a living tree into your house once a year and set it up for worship.

**** Self-Taught Cook, Best-Selling Cookbook ****
Leslie Kaufman, New York Times

> Increasingly she turned to writing about the recipes she was trying as her interest in cooking deepened in parallel to her relationship. Nine years later Mrs. Perelman, who never trained as a chef or even worked in a restaurant, has an established cooking blog, SmittenKitchen.com, and she’s extended her franchise with “The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook,” which was published in October by Knopf.

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