[MyAppleMenu] Aug 19, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Aug 19 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** How Mat Honan Recovered From His Hacking ****
Marco Arment

> His password-deadlock scenario is worth noting.

**** Hands On: Mac And iOS Task Management WIth Things 2 ****
Mark Crump, GigaOM

> Things was my task management tool of choice in the pre-cloud era. When Cultured Code announced recently that, finally, after four years that cloud syncing was finally here, I was ecstatic and couldn’t wait to try it out. Here’s my take on the new software.

**** Apple Responds To iPhone Text Message Spoofing, Reminds Us How Secure iMessage Is ****
Tim Stevens, Engadget

> "Apple takes security very seriously. When using iMessage instead of SMS, addresses are verified which protects against these kinds of spoofing attacks. One of the limitations of SMS is that it allows messages to be sent with spoofed addresses to any phone, so we urge customers to be extremely careful if they're directed to an unknown website or address over SMS."

**** Hands On: Adding AirPrint To Your Home Network With xPrintServer ****
Chris Foresman, Ars Technica

> This small, power-efficient device is dead simple for home use.

**** What Is Disk Utility? The Complete Beginner’s Guide ****
Josh Johnson, Mactuts+

> Disk Utility is an application that’s built into OS X that can perform lots of useful and even scary actions. Experienced users find frequent need of this handy tool but those newer to the Mac experience are often cautioned to steer clear, for good reason. Today we’re going to take a very brief look at what Disk Utility is, when you should use it and how to avoid erasing important information while doing so.

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Mediocre Entrepreneurs ****
James Altucher, TechCrunch

> I’ve started a bunch of companies. Sold some. Failed at most. I’ve invested in a bunch of startups. Sold some. Failed at some, and the jury is still sequestered on a few others. I can tell you overall, though, everything I have done has been distinguished by its mediocrity, its lack of a grand vision, and any success I’ve had can be just as much put in the luck basket as the effort basket.

**** Take Time To Develop Fast ****
Tyler Menezes, Tapln.tv

> On the other hand, no one started coding because they liked long build processes and fights with text editors. Yet, many companies fail to realize how taxing their poor development workflows are on developers.

**** The Emerging Revolution In Game Theory ****
Technology Review

> The discovery of a winning strategy for Prisoner's Dilemma is forcing game theorists to rethink their discipline. Their conclusion? Winning isn't everything.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Umbrella By Will Self – Review ****
Sam Leith, The Observer

> Will Self's sprawling new novel is not his most accessible but it may well be his best.

**** 网络新词汇引狮城人不满 “坡县”矮化新加坡 ****

> 网络出现新词汇,把新加坡称为“坡县”,引起部分当地人不满,认为是在“矮化”新加坡,把国贬为县。

**** Singapore's Got Some Good Ideas ****
Connecticut Post

> Singapore's paternalistic government is unappealing to many Americans -- media restrictions, one-party rule, harsh penalties for gum-chewing. But Singapore's retirement system is a model of honesty and transparency compared with Medicare and Social Security.

**** Our Very Own Legalised Guantanamo ****

> Without detainees having recourse to the judiciary, it seems disingenuous for the Singapore government to assert that the ISA provides “a proper legal framework, and prescribes rules, for preventive detention”. The reality is that the secrecy with which arrests and detentions under the ISA are made make it impossible to judge whether this is the case – the very act of detention implies guilt, one that suspects often find difficult to shake off.

**** Why Dr Chee Matters ****
Andrew Loh, Publichouse.sg

> So, why does Dr Chee (and his ideas) still matter? The reason is simple: ultimately, economic growth and democracy are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, the two are different sides of the same coin. Our freedom to express ourselves, the institution and then the defence of our rights, and the freedom to associate and assemble, go to the very heart of how our economy is run – being able to hold our government accountable to economic policies, so that they do not erode our rights (as recent years have shown are increasingly being eroded) as citizens and workers, and to be able to do these by associating and grouping ourselves freely for these causes.

> These remain true wherever one lives, and whatever the economic system is.

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