[MyAppleMenu] Aug 10, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Aug 10 18:59:01 EDT 2012

**** The 10 Features Removed From Mountain Lion That We Miss The Most ****
Iljitsch Van Beijnum, Ars Technica

> Apple's ruthless simplification left Mountain Lion skinnier than we'd like.

Apple is definitely bringing OS X to a new direction. It will not be iOS, but it will not be the same OS X.

**** Ask The iTunes Guy: Converting Music Files ****
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld

**** Mac 101: Use Spotlight For Quick Review Of Calendar Events ****
Dave Caolo, TUAW

**** Apple Retail Stores Begin Price Matching iPhone Discounts From Carriers And Major Retailers ****
Eric Slivka, MacRumors

> With a number of retailers and carriers beginning to drop prices on the iPhone as the introduction of Apple's next-generation hardware approaches, Apple has officially continued to maintain standard on-contract pricing of $199/$299/$399 for the iPhone 4S, $99 for the iPhone 4, and free for the iPhone 3GS.

**** How To Use Notification Center In OS X Mountain Lion ****
Gene Steinberg, Laptop Magazine

**** Apple “Genius” Ads, Though Panned, May Have Special Target ****
Ian Sherr, Wall Street Journal

> The increased popularity among older consumers could have influenced Apple’s decision to put out the “Genius” ads, BrandIndex said.

> “It appears that the 35+ demographic, which includes Boomers 50 and over, may need more product hand-holding than the younger group–hence the Genius,” BrandIndex said, adding that Apple’s decision to run the ads during prime-time Olympics coverage, where the audience is easily over 35 years old, made sense as well.

Never assume older = less capable of using a computing device.

**** Task-management App Things Updated With Cloud Sync, New Features ****
Dan Frakes, Macworld

> The flagship feature of Things 2 is cloud syncing, called Things Cloud.

**** Encrypt Any Disk In Mountain Lion ****
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld

> OS X has long offered the ability to encrypt your startup disk using Apple’s FileVault, but Mountain Lion extends this feature to other disks, even to simple USB flash drives. Here is an overview of how this feature works, how you can encrypt and decrypt a disk, and what options you have when doing so.

**** Google To Pay $22.5 Million Fine Over Safari Privacy Violations ****
Jual Carlos Perez, IDG News Service

**** TextMate 2 Goes Open Source ****
Kelly Guimont, TUAW

> I had a chance to briefly chat with Allan today, and he told me that he will continue to be an active developer on TextMate; it was not a lack of personal time that pushed him to this decision. He is <i>not</i> abandoning TextMate to an open source wasteland -- he truly hopes and believes this approach will be better for everyone.

• <a href="http://blog.macromates.com/2012/textmate-2-at-github/">TextMate 2 at GitHub</a> (Allan Odgaard)• <a href="http://www.marco.org/2012/08/09/textmate-2-open-sourced">TextMate 2 Open-sourced</a> (Marco Arment)

**** Pixelmator Adds Retina, Mountain Lion Support ****
Joel Mathis, Macworld

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** With Spindle, Ex-Microsoft Engineers Rethink The Social Discovery App ****
Mike Isaac, All Things D

> Spindle pitches itself as “tacit search” tech, an engine to sift through the torrent of data that streams through the social Web on a minute-by-minute basis. Rather than focus on what our friends may be opining on, Spindle wants to take that social data and make it actionable, something we can use, visit or interact with.

**** The Campaign To Digitize Your Wallet Is Intensifying ****
Brian X. Chen, New York Times

> Businesses of all kinds, including big companies like Google, Microsoft and Sprint and small start-ups like GoPago and Scvngr, are hoping to profit from mobile payments — if only they can figure out what kind of system appeals to consumers and merchants.

**** Augmented Reality, Wrapped Around Your Finger ****
Rachel Metz, Technology Review

> Normally, we point at things to specify, or to emphasize, what we're talking about. But a project from several MIT researchers aims to make pointing a way to learn more about the world around you—with a special ring on your index finger and a smartphone in your pocket.

**** The End Of The Road For OEMs ****
Sebastian Anthony, ExtremeTech

> In the last few months, two massive switch-ups have called the future of OEMs into question: First, Google bought Motorola — and second, come October 26, Microsoft will sell its first ever home-grown computer: The Surface tablet.

A profitable business in separating hardware and software is an exception to the rule.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** When The Olympics Gave Out Medals For Art ****
Joseph Stromberg, Smithsonian Magazine

> For the first four decades of competition, the Olympics awarded official medals for painting, sculpture, architecture, literature and music, alongside those for the athletic competitions. From 1912 to 1952, juries awarded a total of 151 medals to original works in the fine arts inspired by athletic endeavors. Now, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the first artistic competition, even Olympics fanatics are unaware that arts, along with athletics, were a part of the modern Games nearly from the start.

**** Code Of Conduct ‘Within The Realm Of Possibilities’: MLC Chief ****
Andrew Loh, Yahoo!

> The chairman of the Media Literacy Council (MLC) says its members have not had any discussion on the merits or otherwise of a code of conduct (COC) for the Internet.

> However, he says that such a code "is within the realm of possibilities" when asked if the MLC might eventually recommend such a code to the government.

**** The Tweets Of His Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated ****
Aaron Koh, Small Steps For Social PR

> However, as the generation look at Tweets and social networks for news, it is more than important now that the related government agency should look at how to counter such rumours in future.

I don't think the government need to respond to every rumour. Especially since the rumour of Mr Lee Kuan Yew's death seems to come up every few months.

**** Singapore Average Annual Per Capita Income And Median Gross Weekly Earnings ****

> One possible reason: The proliferation of millionaires in Singapore pulls up the average per capita annual income.

**** Rethink Committee Or Another NUS-Yale Or Feedback Unit? ****
否极泰来 Piji Tailai

> Is there any national committee that the government set up in the past does not have the meaning of “a shared understanding of the challenges and aspirations for the country.”?

**** Singapore And The Strange Tale Of Population Control Policies ****
Frank Weathers, Patheos

> I’d prefer the government just stay out of these decisions altogether, wouldn’t you? Wishful thinking, I know.

**** Bloggers Resent Lee Government’s Attempts To Create An Internet Code ****
Stephanie Garcia, The New Asia Media

> It is obvious that the formation of the MLC is an attempt by the overmatched government to secure its slipping grip of new media in the Internet age, But only time will tell how successful a government can be at restricting a developing media force. Harnessing the wind just might be easier.

**** Dying Dialects ****
The Kohmmunist Manifesto

**** Singapore’s Economy Contracts Less Than Initially Estimated ****
Shamim Adam And Sharon Chen, Bloomberg

> Singapore’s economy shrank less than initially estimated last quarter as pharmaceutical output countered declining electronics manufacturing, even as the faltering outlook led the government to cut growth forecasts.

**** Singapore To Struggle With One Of The Highest Inflation Rates In Southeast Asia ****
Singapore Business Review

> "In contrast to past years, Singapore will be home to the weakest growth and one of the highest inflation rates in Southeast Asia. More specifically, Singapore is struggling with stagflation."

**** Yet Another Committee To Review Policies ****
Blogging For Myself

> If these young ministers wear the old lenses to reevaluate policies, everything looks good even perfect.

**** Remembering Why We Celebrate National Day.... ****
Diary Of A Singaporean Mind

**** 新加坡國慶典禮 李光耀出席 ****

> 李光耀曾任總理逾30年,利用新加坡位居東南亞金融貿易轉運點的優勢,一手將新加坡拉拔成亞洲四小龍之一。但他強悍、威權的領導風格,不允許反對黨坐大,甚至箝制媒體言論自由,同樣招致國際人權組織的抨擊。

**** Let's Make A Baby: Mentos Takes On Singapore's Population Crisis ****
Chris Paine and Sarah Michael, News.com.au

**** 从翻译错误事件谈开来 ****
李枚玲, 联合早报

> 提升国人的华文程度,身为大众媒体,新传媒任重道远,要是我们重视正确的语文使用,坚持不懈,这将等于给所有新加坡人每天上免费的语文课,以其最亲民最大众化的方式,带动新加坡迈向成为一个真正的双语国家。

**** “你们要把我挤出新加坡吗?” ****
包津梁, 联合早报

**** Community Service And Volunteerism: Creatives For Causes Singapore ****
Guanyinmao's Musings

**** We, The 'People' Of Singapore - Mid-Life Identity Crisis? ****

> I'm wondering, is it possible to hold 'allegiance' to more than one country? More over, is it acceptable to 'pledge allegiance' to more than one country?

**** Like A Broken Record: PM Lee’s National Day Message ****

> PM Lee seems to take a perverse delight in confounding his critics with lip service declarations and promises.

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