[MyAppleMenu] Aug 6, 2012

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Aug 6 18:59:00 EDT 2012

**** Mountain Lion Is Apple’s New Middle Ground ****
And Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times

> With 10.8, iOS sends its roots deeply into the Mac experience. The end result isn’t a Mac that feels like an iPad. It’s a PC in which your data and your user experience flow between desktop and mobile devices freely and easily.

**** Aussie Exposes iCloud Flaw But Apple Stays silent ****
Asher Moses, Sydney Morning Herald

> But it appears that if you erase the data from your Apple device or remove the iCloud account when the device is not connected to the internet, it doesn't de-link the device from your account on Apple's servers.

> When the new owner logs in to the device with their own Apple ID and switches on iCloud / Find My Device, the previous owner is still able to track the device and wipe the data using their own iCloud account, without knowing the Apple ID details of the new owner.

**** Adobe Creative Suite Compatibility With OS X Mountain Lion ****
David Morgenstern, ZDNet

> According to Adobe, the company worked closely together to test Creative Suite with Mountain Lion. An Adobe technical note says that there are no CS updates needed for the system upgrade.

> However, reading down the compatibility list, I note potential caveats with security and plug-ins. For example, Creative Suite 5 and 5.5 aren't signed by the new Developer ID authentication and require a Digital Signature verification method.

**** MacBook Pro Retina SMC Update 1.0 ****
Agen G. N. Schmitz, TidBITS

The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Is Stack Overflow “Secure”? Kind Of… ****
Troy Hunt's Blog

**** Startups Worry That Twitter And Facebook Are Blocking Their Way ****
Jessica Leber, Technology Review

> Hundreds of thousands of developers know that building apps that rely on the Facebook or Twitter platforms comes at a risk—at any time, the companies can change their access rules or launch a competing feature.

MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Why Doesn't Fiction Deliver Birth Scenes? ****
Alison Mercer, The Guardian

> Sex scenes have blossomed since the distant era of the Lady Chatterley obscenity trial, creating a whole new set of problems for the writers who attempt them: what, if anything, do you call the relevant body parts? How do you describe pleasure without sounding breathlessly trite? But birth is more often gracefully elided, occurring between the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, or even between one paragraph and the next. We might have overcome our inhibitions about following characters into the bedroom, but we want a birth over with in a neat-and-tidy jump cut.

**** S'pore Should 'Accelerate' Online Citizen Engagement ****
Liau Yun Qing, ZDNet

> The ground work for engaging citizens online is set for Singapore but there's still room for government to reach out to wider group of citizens more aggressively, says an IBM scientist.

**** The Constitution And The Need For Straightforward Simplicity ****
Grace Hui, The Online Citizen

> I am certainly no expert on Constitutional law but it would appear to me that the reasoning behind that decision was based more on semantics and word play than an actual analysis on the intention behind the Constitution.

If you really want to figure out the intention, you can always go ask Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who was the prime minister when this was written. And he will tell you, no, the PM does not need to call for a by-election within three months.

**** Chee At Book Launch: Untie My Hands ****
Singaore Democratic Party

> He warned Singaporeans that this was an "insane position" to be in, that is, having all our wealth tied up in the two wealth funds but with no say in either one of them.

> He warned that Singaporeans were being reckless by continuing to allow the Government to handle our national reserves in the manner that they do - without transparency.

**** A Matter Of Cost ****
Singapore Notes

**** Tan Cheng Han: I Do Not Think The Government Intends To Regulate The Internet By An Internet Code Of Conduct ****
Choo Zheng Xi, The Online Citizen

**** Executive Condos Are Getting Smaller ****
Singapore Business Review

**** ComfortDelgro To Benefit From Taxi Supply Cut ****
Singapore Business Review

**** Tutoring Spreads Beyond Asia's Wealthy ****
Liz Gooch, New York Times

> Once the domain of the elite, private tutoring has become widespread across Asia, according to a report released in July by the Asian Development Bank and the Comparative Education Research Center at the University of Hong Kong.

> The report quoted studies, polls and other sources as saying that 97 percent of all Singaporean students, nearly 90 percent of South Korean primary students and about 85 percent of Hong Kong senior secondary students receive tutoring.

**** 局部关闭地铁线来维修 七成乘客能接受 ****

> 陆交局和SMRT正探讨日后局部关闭某些路段的地铁线来进行重大维修工程,有多达七成的乘客认为此举是合理且可以接受的,但他们也同时担心地铁暂停运作会带来不便。

• <a href="http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp120806_015.shtml">约一半乘客会考虑搭“平行巴士”</a> (联合早报):考虑改搭“平行巴士”的乘客中,有四成认为巴士较不拥挤。近两成的人则担心地铁会发生故障,另有约6%是因为车资较低,才考虑搭巴士。
• <a href="http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp120806_014.shtml">75%乘客不为五角钱提早出门</a> (陈紫筠,黄顺杰,孙伟伦,司徒晓昕,联合早报)

**** How Policy-Makers Can Expand Their Spheres Of Influence Through Quality Dialogue Sessions ****
Guanyinmao's Musings

**** Town Councils Have Cost-saving Measures In Place ****
Albert Teng, 14 PAP Town Councils, Today

> We always emphasise the importance of exercising diligence and prudence in the use of these resources. The PAP town councils also have cost-saving measures in place to keep our utilities expenditure low.

**** S&CC Hike Not Linked To Investment Returns ****
Albert Teng, 14 PAP Town Councils, Today

> All People's Action Party (PAP) town councils yielded a positive return despite some town councils being affected in 2008 by products related to Lehman Brothers.

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