[MyAppleMenu] Nov 20, 2011
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
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Sun Nov 20 18:59:00 EST 2011
**** Five Ways To Create And Send Holiday Photo Cards <http://www.macworld.com/article/163687/2011/11/five_ways_to_create_and_send_holiday_photo_cards.html>
Lauren Crabbe, Macworld
Starting with the Apple programs you already have on your Mac or iOS device, and ending with sites you may not be familiar with, here's a walk through a veritable winter wonderland of photo card-making options.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Entire Computer Built Into USB Thumb Drive <http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/11/20/entire-computer-built-into-usb-thumb-drive/>
Avram Piltch, Laptop Magazine
Packed in its tiny body is a dual-core 1.2-GHz Samsung Exynos ARM CPU (the same processor as in the Galaxy S II), 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, HDMI-out and even a microSD card slot for memory.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** The Problem With Film Criticism <http://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/?article=4059>
Charles Taylor, Dissent
My experience tells me that not only was film criticism in better shape in the print era, but good work stood a greater chance of making an impact. Only a fool would say that thereâs not good work being done on the Internet. But the nature of the medium, the way it has reshaped journalism and public discourse, makes it harder for that work to matter. In its contribution to the ongoing disposability of our cultural, political, and social life, in encouraging the cultural segregation that currently disfigures democracy, the Internet has to bear a great deal of responsibility for the present derangement of American life.
**** Amid Ill And Dying Inmates, A Search For Redemption <http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-1120-prison-hospice-m,0,1028213,full.story>
Kurt Streeter, Los Angeles Times
Tending to the men in a prison hospice helped John Paul Madrona do penance for a terrible deed in his youth. But perhaps the work was not enough.
**** In Power In The Real World, Out Of Favour In The Virtual One: Why The PAP Has Few Friends In Cyberspace <http://kementah.blogspot.com/2011/11/in-power-in-real-world-out-of-favour-in.html>
David Boey, Senang Diri
In recent days, we're starting to hear that the MIW's youth wing may introduce more stringent checks on its members. This is a move to get to know prospective members better so as to avoid getting sucked into PR gaffes when inappropriate material posted online goes viral.
Now, tie this in with the censored Q&As and screened guest list during townhalls, steps taken to ban Facebook members or sanitise their comments after their remarks strike a nerve, and the system's legendary intolerance for people who speak up and you get a better idea why the party that won the popular vote is not so popular in cyberspace.
**** Smarter Online Government-people Engagement <http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/11/20/smarter-online-government-people-engagement/>
Alex Au, Yawning Bread
Engagement must be visible to the digital public.
**** Why Do PAP Activists Say The Dumbest Things? <http://atans1.wordpress.com/2011/11/20/why-do-pap-activists-say-the-dumbest-things/>
Thoughts Of A Cynical Investor
The PAP needs MPs and other activists who can hold âtwo contradictory beliefs in oneâs mind simultaneously, and accepting both of themâ. Examples: believing that one can be compassionate to the poor by stripping them first of their dignity, or that public service entitles one to high pay.
**** Bukit Brown Road Project 'Can't Wait', Says LTA <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_736000.html>
Christopher Tan, Straits Times
Although this future estate that spans more than 200ha - bigger than Serangoon and slated to have a mix of private and public housing - will be developed only in 30 to 40 years, the new road is necessary today to bring relief to the increasingly congested Lornie Road.
**** YPAP Bombed Themselves <http://chemgen.wordpress.com/2011/11/20/ypap-bombed-themselves/>
Chemical Generation Singapore
**** Study Being Done On Undersea Tunnel To Link JB And Singapore <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/11/20/nation/9942723&sec=nation>
The Star
Iskandar Regional Development Authority chief executive officer Ismail Ibrahim said the tunnel was likely to be about 1km long, slightly shorter than the Causeway.
**** Racist â Or Just A Symptom Of Wider Malaise? <http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/racist-just-symptom-wider-malaise-014706108.html>
Andrew Loh, Yahoo!
**** NTUC Tracking Potential Layoffs <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1166578/1/.html>
Monica Kotwani, Channel NewsAsia
Labour chief Lim Swee Say has said the NTUC is keeping track on a weekly basis the number of workers who may be affected by potential retrenchments ahead of any slowdown in the economy.
"We're working with them to send their workers - those on shorter work-weeks and some of their potential excess workers - to go on training before they take any action on retrenchment."
**** Youth Parliament? Keep It Non-partisan, Say Young People <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_735995.html>
Andrea Ong, Straits Times
Young people are keen on having a Youth Parliament but do not want it to be partisan, according to an informal audience poll at a forum held by the Workers' Party Youth Wing on Saturday.
**** NCMP Yee Jenn Jong: No-one Wants To Be The Best Loser <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/11/nmp-yee-jenn-jong-no-one-wants-to-be-the-best-loser/>
Kieren James, The Online Citizen
**** Excerpts From The Book <http://trulysingapore.wordpress.com/2011/11/20/excerpts-from-the-book/>
Yours Truly Singapore
Looking at the history of events, Lee hardly did anything to fight colonialism, let alone become the leader of our countryâs revolutionary struggle.
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