[MyAppleMenu] May 22, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun May 22 18:59:00 EDT 2011


**** DUI Checkpoint Apps And The App Store Don't Mix <http://www.macworld.com/article/159850/2011/01/dui_checkpoint_apps_apple.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Lex Friedman, Macworld

Why would Apple, which has rejected apps for all sorts of reasons, tacitly defend programs that let people avoid drunk driving checkpoints? I was certainly ready to jump up on my soapbox and toss around words like “complicit” and “turpitude.” But as I looked more closely at the apps under discussion, I discovered, to my surprise, that the situation was more complex than I’d originally thought.

**** Apple Store 2.0 Launches In Australia <http://www.macpricesaustralia.com.au/2011/05/22/apple-store-2-0-launches-in-australia/>
Mac Prices Australia

**** Apps Deliver Radio Options To Smart Phones <http://www.ohio.com/business/122407379.html>
Reid Kanaley, Philadelphia Inquirer

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** The Girl In The Polka Dot Dress By Beryl Bainbridge – Review <http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/may/22/beryl-bainbridge-polka-dot-dress?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fbooks%2Frss+%28Books%29>
Melvyn Bragg, The Guardian

What we have is an unfinished novel that blazes with Beryl's unique talent.

**** How Cooking Gave Me Purpose <http://www.salon.com/food/feature/2011/05/21/mark_bittman_cooking_excerpt/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+salon-food+%28Salon%3A+Food%29>
Mark Bittman, Salon

It took a few more years until I realized that there was something about cooking that appealed to me. I didn't know what it was then, but I do know now: along with child rearing, it gave me a sense of competence that I'd never had before.

**** Fillet Or Filet? <http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2011/05/22/fillet_or_filet/?rss_id=Boston+Globe+--+Ideas+section>
Jan Freeman, Boston Globe

For copy editors, though, the food beat is more than recipes; it’s a stew of language leftovers, dense with foreign words, obscure traditions, and quirky stylings.

**** Kicking Up A Stink <http://www.slate.com/id/2295196/?from=rss>
Fuchsia Dunlop, Financial Times

I opened the plastic boxes that I'd carried, sealed, all the way from London, and the stench of farmhouse cheeses began to waft across the room. The Chinese chefs and waiting staff seated around the table eyed them warily. Only two of the younger chefs had any cheese-related experience. None of the others, including the manager and executive chef of the Xianheng, Mao Tianyao, had tasted it in any form.


**** Civil Disobedience — Bridging The Gap Between SDP And Its Newfound Supporters <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=6868>
Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net

When people tell Dr Chee to abandon civil disobedience, they are speaking from the vantage point of the current political situation, which they feel does not warrant civil disobedience for the foreseeable future. When they convey their message to Dr Chee, perhaps they don’t emphasize this well enough, and that’s why Ms Teo might have felt they have been brainwashed by the PAP. And that’s why she missed out half the story — the crucial half if I may stress.

**** Youths At Risk <http://yeejj.wordpress.com/2011/05/22/youths-at-risk/>
Yee Jenn Jong

**** The Naked Truth <http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com/2011/05/naked-truth.html>
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News

Let the past go. Start with a new slate, with new people and new mindset, for a new nation, more agreeable, more listening and more consultation, when everyone with a different view is not necessary an enemy.

**** More Empty Promises <http://singaporedesk.blogspot.com/2011/05/more-empty-promises.html>
Singapore Notes

It is no comfort that Gerard Ee is named to head the committee for the review of ministerial salaries. He is also the chairman of the despised Public Transport Council (PTC), the implementation tool of the transport minister.

Ee himself has already set the tone for his task, "Whatever we work out, the final answer must include a substantial discount on comprable salaries in the private sector". These guys are still adamant private sector pay without private sector accountability.

**** Rail Interchange Upgraded; Transportation Issue Much Wider Than That <http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/05/22/rail-interchange-upgraded-transportation-issue-much-wider-than-that/>
Au Waipang, Yawning Bread

I find the latest news about improvements puzzling. Nor does it even make sense when you think a little harder. If indeed they could squeeze an extra run or two within the limitations of the signalling system, why did they have to wait until the red line modification was complete? Being a matter restricted to green line capacity, couldn’t they have initiated it earlier?

**** Singapore To Review Million-dollar Cabinet Salaries <http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hc3YSNTwyq0WfepCH9Pk_QBajwtg?docId=CNG.f668c1fb8957b79be4affa075893f4ac.611>

**** Woodlands Residents Demand Stepping Down Of Town Council Management <http://www.temasekreview.com/2011/05/22/woodlands-residents-demand-stepping-down-of-town-council-management/>
The Temasek Review

The outcry led to Sembawang Town Council general manager Soon Min Sin apologize for the mistake, but this still does not stop some 80 residents from signing a petition calling for the entire management to step down.

**** Public Partnerships <http://blog.lucianteo.com/post/5657762750/public-partnerships>
Lucian Teo

Help others help you help others. It’s how public service in the 21st century should function.

**** Ministerial Salaries Review Committee To Adopt Very Different Model: Gerard Ee <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1130404/1/.html>
Hetty Musfirah, Channel NewsAsia

Speaking to Channel NewsAsia, Mr Ee said there should also be other points of reference, such as a general wage level. This means when the economy goes up or down, the salaries should also have a mechanism to reflect this.

"You can expect, that in all probability it would be a cut," added Mr Ee.

**** I'm Grateful To All Who Voted For Singapore! <http://feedmetothefish.blogspot.com/2011/05/im-grateful-to-all-who-voted-for.html>
Feed Me To The Fish

**** Review Singapore Ministerial Pay : A PR Exercise? <http://rogerpoh.wordpress.com/2011/05/22/review-singapore-ministerial-pay-a-pr-exercise/>
Spotlight On Singapore

With due respect to Gerard Ee, he is seen as an establishment figure so he won’t be seen as independent. What we need is someone who is seen as truly independent not someone who shares the same bandwidth.

**** A Good Start <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/a-good-start/>
Andrew Loh, The Online Citizen

**** Is PM Lee Hsien Loong An Agent Of Change? <http://nofearsingapore.blogspot.com/2011/05/is-pm-lee-hsien-loong-agent-of-change.html>
Huang Shoou Chyuan, NoFearSingapore

In my eyes, he has earned much goodwill and many will be willing to give him a chance to see if these changes work and whether they go far enough.

**** Controversy Hits Nicole Seah Over Election Donations <http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/controversy-hits-nicole-seah-over-election-donations-084712826.html>

**** Older Voters Want Needs Addressed Too <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110523-0000219/Older-voters-want-needs-addressed-too>
Esther Ng, Today

**** PM Lee : Nothing's Sacrosanct In Government Review Of Policies.... <http://singaporemind.blogspot.com/2011/05/pm-lee-nothings-sacrosanct-in.html>
Diary Of A Singapore Mind

PAP's change is off to a powerful symbolic start with the revision of ministers' pay and I strongly believe they are sincere. There is, however, plenty to undo or redo and 20 years of going in the wrong direction cannot be reformed overnight. Still, I'm encouraged because they look more enlightened this time round to do a real remake of Singapore.

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