[MyAppleMenu] Jul 26, 2011
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Tue Jul 26 18:59:00 EDT 2011
**** How To Survive An iPhone Liquid Submersion (Hint: It's Not Rice) <http://www.zdnet.com/blog/apple/how-to-survive-an-iphone-liquid-submersion-hint-its-not-rice/10669?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zdnet%2FApple+%28ZDNet+The+Apple+Core%29>
Jason D. O'Grady, ZDNet
Itâs very possible to recover a liquid submerged iPhone and bring it back to its full glory. But first, a few things have to go exactly right. Second, timing is everything. Your iPhone is in cardiac arrest and you only have a few minutes to save her.
**** Non-standard Boot Camp Prevents Lion Recovery HD And FileVault <http://www.macwindows.com/Custom-Boot-Camp-prevents-Lion-Recovery-HD.html>
Having a non-standard Boot Camp partition will prevent the Lion installer from creating a Recovery HD hard disk partition, according to an Apple tech article. It will also prevent you from using the FileVault feature to encrypt the data on the drive. The fix that Apple suggests could take up a whole day or more.
**** Network Link Conditioner In Lion <http://mattgemmell.com/2011/07/25/network-link-conditioner-in-lion?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mattgemmell%2Frss2+%28Matt+Legend+Gemmell+-+RSS2%29>
Matt Legend Gemmell
Extremely handy for simulating less than optimal network conditions while testing an app. Just donât forget to switch it off afterwards!
**** Microsoft Spells Out Office For Mac Bugs In Lion <http://www.macworld.com/article/161333/2011/07/office_for_mac_bugs_in_lion.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Gregg Keizer, Computerworld
The most serious of the bugs crashes Communicator when Office for Mac 2011 users try to send an instant message or start an audio or video call.
âWe will fix this issue in an upcoming update to Communicator for Mac,â said Pat Fox, senior director of product development with Microsoftâs Mac group, in a company blog Friday.
**** Hereâs How Apple Is Forcing A Worse User Experience On Its Customers <http://www.splatf.com/2011/07/kindle-screenshots/>
Dan Frommer, Splatf
Appleâs devices are now slightly harder and clumsier to use. And itâs Appleâs fault.
**** Why IT Won't Like Mac OS X Lion Server <http://news.idg.no/cw/art.cfm?id=CFE369D2-1A64-67EA-E404A992BF62CAD3>
John Rizzo, InfoWorld
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Server adds innovative features and a new low price tag, but cuts in services and the elimination of advanced GUI administration tools may force some enterprise departments to think twice about the role of Mac servers on their networks.
**** More Crowded Crowds: Grand Central To Welcome Apple And Shake Shack <http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/25/more-crowded-crowds-grand-central-to-welcome-apple-and-shake-shack/>
Christine Haughney, New York Times
Mr. Rosen told board members that Apple executives worked with the police to figure out how they would handle customers lining up when Apple has product releases. Mr. Rosen said that in some cases, they may set up spaces in the Northeast Passage where customers can wait. Mr. Rosen said he did not want Apple customers camping out in the middle of Grand Central as harried commuters try to get to their trains.
**** Why There's No Grown-up Quicken For OS X Lion <http://news.cnet.com/8301-19882_3-20083196-250/why-theres-no-grown-up-quicken-for-os-x-lion/>
Rafe Needleman, CNET
**** How To Use Preview In OS X Lion To Digitally Sign Documents <http://howto.cnet.com/8301-11310_39-20082711-285/how-to-use-preview-in-os-x-lion-to-digitally-sign-documents/>
Jason Cipriani, CNET
**** 1Password, Lion And That New Safari Extension <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/07/25/1password-lion-and-that-new-safari-extension/>
Dave Caolo, TUAW
**** The Best Alternative File Browser For Mac <http://lifehacker.com/5824343/the-best-alternative-file-browser-for-mac>
Adam Dachis, Lifehacker
In a lot of ways, Path Finder is the more powerful version of the Finder you always wanted. It probably has more navigation options than you could ever need, but you use the ones that work from you and ignore/disable the rest. It really shines in the places where it solves common Finder issues.
**** Do Your Time Machine Backups Really Work? <http://blog.hiraash.org/2011/07/26/do-your-time-machine-backups-really-work/>
Hiraash's Blog
Now the funny part is I had been backing up on Time Machine for 2 years without realizing that my disk was actually broken. And this came to my attention at the worst possible time! You would think that an advanced tool like Time Machine would make sure your backup disk is intact when making a backup, but clearly it doesnât. This I feel is a important feature that Apple needs to include in Time Machine.
**** Adjust The Size Of Mail Sidebar Icons <http://www.macworld.com/article/161317/2011/07/lion_mail_icons.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Lex Friedman, Macworld
It turns out that Mail's sidebar icons are (bizarrely) linked to the size of the icons in the Finder's sidebar. Really. Here's the fix.
**** iTunes, Full-Screen View And AppleScript Applets <http://www.mcelhearn.com/2011/07/26/itunes-full-screen-view-and-applescript-applets/>
Kirk McElhearn, Kirkville
Unfortunately, when using iTunes in full-screen mode, applets simply donât work well. Since they spawn their own windows, they canât display over the iTunes window, and bounce to another space.
**** Captur 2.2 <http://www.macworld.com/article/160855/2011/07/captur.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Brendan Wilhide, Macworld
If you are unable to press the appropriate keys, you can use Captur. You can take screen captures of their entire desktop, a select area of the screen or particular window or even a Dashboard widget. Shots may be taken either instantaneously or after a brief five-second countdown.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Return Of The Cheesecake <http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2011/jul/25/return-of-the-cheesecake>
Stuart Walton, The Guardian
The belatedness of its comeback might seem odd, in that it has a slightly more elevated culinary pedigree than the likes of arctic roll. It never went away from the menus of burger joints and pizza chains but it hasn't been considered high-end posh for a very long time. And now it is.
**** Itâs Fashionable To Take A Trip To Another Universe <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/26/science/26view.html?_r=1>
Dennis Overbye, New York Times
The thing about parallel universes â which may be great or terrible â is that in theory they donât collide.
**** Consider Sushi <http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2011/jul/26/consider-sushi>
Oliver Thring, The Guardian
The rise of sushi around the world is one of most interesting stories in food. It combines the meshing of cultures, the emancipation of women, groundswells in technology and rampant and conflicted globalisation.
**** Writing The City: Nurturing Singapore's Written Voice <http://www.cnngo.com/singapore/life/writing-city-nurturing-singapores-written-voice-606612>
Elaine Ee, CNNGo
**** Tony Tan Also Wants Singaporeans First? <http://www.yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/4908-tony-tan-also-wants-singaporeans-first>
Singapore Democratic Party
Why does any government need to announce that it favours its citizens over non-citizens? Are governments not elected to look after the interests of its citizens first over other nationalities? The fact that Mr Lee and Dr Tan feel compelled to mention Singaporeans First reveal the truth that underlies their immigration policy.
It's easy for the PAP to adopt the SDP's ideas and lingo. Walking the talk, however, is another matter.
**** Singapore Wealth Fund GIC Turns To China, Brazil, Korea <http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/25/gic-idUSN1E76O1YY20110725>
Saeed Azhar And Kevin Lim, Reuters
GIC's exposure to the United States fell to 33 percent at end-March 2011 from 36 percent a year earlier, while its exposure to the eurozone dropped to 12 percent from 16 percent.
**** Should Singapore Nationalize Its Transport System? <http://globalvoicesonline.org/2011/07/26/should-singapore-nationalize-its-transport-system/>
Global Voices
**** Legally Right But Morally Wrong? <http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com/2011/07/legally-right-but-morally-wrong.html>
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News
What irks the people more is that the age for CPF withdrawal and retirement age for the public at large have been pushed further back. CPF savings can now be withdrawn partially at the age of 62. And the political leaders, with their huge salaries, are getting their huge pensions at 55.
**** An Activist President Will Destroy The Office, Divide The Nation <http://blogging4myself.blogspot.com/2011/07/activist-president-will-destroy-office.html>
Blogging For Myself
**** Singapore Sour Over Assam Laksa <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/7/26/nation/9174387&sec=nation>
The Star
**** A Stronger Political Will May Solve Our Transport Woes <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/07/toc-editorial-a-stronger-political-will-may-solve-our-transport-woes/>
The Online Citizen
What the Prime Minister perhaps fails to realise is that the PTCâs track-record does not inspire confidence in the daily commuters that PTC has their best interest in heart.
Capability planning and development for public transportation, should be about the survivability of Singapore, because delayed actions can be quite costly. It seems however that there is very little political will to solve our transport problems.
The problem of public transportation has now reached such an acute level that quick decisive actions are needed from the government.
**** Statements Like These Do Not Help <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/07/statements-like-these-do-not-help/>
Ghui, The Online Citizen
The PAP has indicated post-election that it wants to rehabilitate its reputation and listen to the people. Since they have been returned to power, I would like to give PM Lee the benefit of doubt, and give him and his government a chance.
However, the PM has to know that he and the PAP have a long way to go in convincing the doubtful electorate that the PAP is truly committed to rejuvenation. He will have to overcome growing discontent which can all too easily exceed the 40 percent by GE 2016.
**** The Presidency Is Not A Feedback Channel <http://andrewlohhp.wordpress.com/2011/07/26/the-presidency-is-not-a-feedback-channel/>
Andrew Loh
To reduce the presidency to that of a feedback channel is thus, to me, thoroughly regrettable and would be an utter shame.
It would, truly, be an insult.
**** An Open Letter To Major General Chan Chun Sing <http://kirstenhan.me/2011/07/26/an-open-letter-to-major-general-chan-chun-sing/>
Kristen Han, Funny Little World
As a young anti-death penalty activist, I can only tell these stories and raise awareness. I am limited by what I can do and how far I can go. But the lives of Vui Kong, Chun Yin, Roslan and many others are in your hands, and the hands of your fellow Cabinet ministers. That is why I am writing this letter to you, and why I have written letters to other ministers in the past. You are the ones who decide whether a person lives or dies.
I donât know what process the Cabinet goes through or how it makes these decisions, but I hope that you will think long and hard about each individual case before you make your decision. I hope you will think about the impact of your decision, and think about what Singapore will really be gaining from executions. With no evidence that the death penalty even works as a deterrence, are we killing people only as a precaution? Is âjust in caseâ a good enough reason to take a life?
When we kill people, young, old, poor, desperate, underprivileged, with subnormal intellect, what message are we really sending to Singaporeans and the world?
**** Singapore Is Not So Clean, Mr Murdoch <http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jul/26/rupert-murdoch-wrong-singapore>
Chee Soon Juan, The Guardian
No one denies those in charge of government should be paid well. But when politicians start to climb on to pedestals and insist that they be rewarded with stratospheric levels of remuneration, it raises serious questions of moral leadership. Public service enriches one's sense of loyalty and mission, not one's bank account. There are other vocations if one's goal is to amass financial fortunes.
Public service and greed don't mix well. Perhaps Murdoch is just beginning to find this out himself.
**** What A Non-PAP Elected President Means <http://flaneurose.blogspot.com/2011/07/what-non-pap-elected-president-means.html>
Seen in this light, it is not difficult to understand why the President, even in a ceremonial role, has considerable power, power that has the potential to detract from the governmentâs carefully crafted policy messages.
**** More Seeking Help For Gambling Problems: SOS <http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/more-seeking-help-gambling-problems-sos-125046502.html>
Faris Mokhtar, Yahoo!
The Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) says there has been an increase in the number of calls seeking counselling assistance, specifically on loan sharks and gambling issues.
**** Why This, MOF? <http://feedmetothefish.blogspot.com/2011/07/why-this-mof.html>
Feed Me To The Fish
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