[MyAppleMenu] Sep 8, 2010

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Sep 8 18:59:00 EDT 2010


**** How Ping Might Grow <http://daringfireball.net/2010/09/how_ping_might_grow>
John Gruber, Daring Fireball

**** Why Ping Matters <http://www.appleoutsider.com/2010/09/07/ping/>
Matt Drance, Apple Outsider

I suspect Ping has already more than paid for itself through new music that people were not going to buy last week, and now have.

**** Review: iTunes 10 <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=718ca1a0ecc23461b6abc3b2bab7382f>
David Chartier, Macworld

Though less ambitious than previous years in terms of sheer new features, iTunes 10 is a solid update that will need to age like a fine wine to be truly appreciated. Once Ping gets a round or two of updates, the Apple TV 2.0 ships, and AirPlay appears in accessories, iTunes 10 may prove to be quite a useful update for those who want to use these features.

**** Safari Updated To 5.0.2 <http://www.tuaw.com/2010/09/07/safari-updated-to-5-0-2/>
Michael Rose, TUAW

The good news is, the Safari 5.0.2 update fixes a passel of bugs and outstanding security issues. The bad news: like all Safari updates, which replace the underlying Webkit framework used by many Mac OS X apps to render HTML, this 39 MB update requires a restart.

**** FileMaker Offers Bento 3 Project Manager <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=0b4ca5cbe97a1587d4cea5fd9cc61587>
Nick Spence, Macworld UK

Apple-owned FileMaker has announced the availability of Bento 3 Project Manager, a new set of templates that aim to make it easy for Mac users to track their personal projects and manage their time within the Bento database application.

**** Review: iPod Nano (sixth Generation, Late 2010) <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=7e758aa48c6b38b1aa9048d01551b413>
Dan Frakes, Macworld

The new iPod nano is a bit of an enigma. On the one hand, its size and touchscreen interface are sure to generate oohs and aahs, and in many cases provide genuine—and substantial—benefits. On the other hand, the new interface suffers a bit from being confined to a tiny screen, features found on previous models are missing, and the lack of physical playback controls (or at least Apple’s inline-remote earbuds, standard on last year’s model) means the device is less usable than it could be, especially in precisely the environments where it should excel: at the gym and on the go. A slightly larger screen and either basic physical playback controls or Apple’s remote-equipped earbuds would have made for a stellar music player, despite the "lost" features.

**** Review: iPod Touch (fourth Generation, Late 2010) <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=187fe1f33a2c11f587fc8ccdf320eeea>
Christopher Breen, Macworld

The iPod touch is wildly popular for good reason. It’s an extremely versatile device—media player; pocket gaming machine; productivity tool; Internet communication device; and, with this latest update, pocket camcorder, still camera, handheld recorder, and FaceTime video phone. While its cameras fail to produce results as good as the iPhone 4, they make FaceTime possible, which allows us to more easily forgive their less-than-pristine images and movies.

**** Review: iPod Shuffle (fourth Generation, Late 2010) <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=0bede150b502e5f230fe302100b872a4>
Jason Snell, Macworld

With the redesign of the fourth-generation iPod shuffle, Apple has brought back a classic design that works well with any set of headphones. At $49 for 2GB of storage, it’s not only the perfect entry-level iPod, it’s also a solid second device for iPhone users who want to keep it simple while exercising.

**** The New iPod Order: Click Wheel Dethroned, Touch Screen Crowned <http://techcrunch.com/2010/09/07/new-ipod-shuffle-nano-touch/>
MG Siegler, TechCrunch

The transition is taking place before our eyes. The click wheel, once the signature of the iPod line, is all but extinct now. Instead, Apple is continuing their march forward into touch.

**** Apple Music: The Good, The Bad And The So So <http://solution.allthingsd.com/20100907/apple-ipod-lineup-2010-and-ping-review/?mod=ATD_rss>
Katherine Boehret, Wall Street Journal

**** Do People Want ‘Amateur Hour’ On Their TVs? <http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=5bd5439506e12557f60cd27d72273195>
NICK Bilton, New York Times

**** Apple's Autumn iPod Harvest: Hands-on (photo Gallery) <http://feeds.boingboing.net/~r/boingboing/iBag/~3/xtC3nKb_qvs/apples-autumn-ipod-h.html>
Xeni Jardin, Boing Boing

**** Apple iPod Nano: Review <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/reviews/7987591/Apple-iPod-nano-Review.html>
Claudine Beaumont, Telegraph

For some, the nano's emphasis on simple music playback, rather than gimmicks such as recording or watching films, will be a huge plus point. Moreover, its excellent battery life and compact size make it an indispensable exercise companion for runners and keep-fit fanatics, particularly with Nike Plus and a pedometer built in to the device.

But the fundamental problem, for me at least, is that it doesn’t feel like an iPod. It lacks the cheap and cheerful charm of the shuffle, and the premium lustre of the touch. It feels as though you are paying extra money just for the privilege of tapping a touch-screen rather than clicking a button.

**** Apple's Stab At Social Media Is Little More Than A Sales Tool <http://www.marketingweek.co.uk/sectors/media/digital-media/apple’s-stab-at-social-media-is-little-more-than-a-sales-tool/3017901.article>
Ruth Mortimer, Marketing Week

Well, excuse me, Mr Jobs. Apple may be a fantastically clever company with many beautiful products, but Ping is not a social network. It is a standard sales tool dressed up in the most fashionable clothing of our time – social media.

**** Patience Tested Among Apple Fans In New Zealand <http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2010/09/08/patience-tested-among-apple-fans-in-new-zealand/>
Lucy Craymer, Wall Street Journal

Five weeks since Apple began offering the iPhone 4 in New Zealand, customers in the country are still waiting to get their hands on the popular smartphone, with no indication on when the long-running supply problems might be sorted.

**** Review: MacSpeech Scribe 1.1 <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=482f79a4b5ce6c3198c944b0a427d3b7>
Jeffery Battersby, Macworld

Small foibles aside, MacSpeech scribe is a powerful and intelligent tool for transcribing your recorded speech. A simple training process and access to a wide variety of standard audio formats mean that you’ll be moving your spoken text to the printed page in a matter of minutes and with a minimum of hassle. Scribe is the best, simplest way for you to get your spoken word to the printed page.

**** Apple iPhone 4 Gets China Network Access License - Certification Center <http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20100908-703167.html>
Dow Jones

Apple Inc. has been given a China network access license for its iPhone 4 smartphone, according to the website of China's Telecommunication Equipment Certification Center, indicating the new version of the popular device could soon make its debut in China.

**** Apple's Ping Has Major Label Bias <http://blogs.computerworld.com/16909/apples_ping_is_major_label_friendly?source=rss_blogs>
Jonny Evans, Computerworld

**** Piper Jaffray: Antennagate Cost Apple 20% In Sales <http://www.informationweek.com/news/hardware/handheld/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=227300336&cid=RSSfeed_IWK_All>
Eric Zeman, InformationWeek

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** A Unified Theory Of New York Biking <http://blogs.reuters.com/felix-salmon/2010/09/03/a-unified-theory-of-new-york-biking/>
Felix Salmon, Reuters

Bicyclists aren’t like pedestrians: we’re much faster, we can’t stop quickly, we can’t navigate as adroitly, and it takes a lot of effort to slow down and speed up again, compared to the effort expended in just moving at a constant velocity. We’re a danger to pedestrians, but they’re a danger to us, too. And cars, of course, are a danger to both of us.

**** Books Of The Times: Many Kinds Of Universes, And None Require God <http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=6f1ed8896c7d4bb55b453d58c23b68ae>
Dwight Garner, New York Times

Mr. Hawking’s new book, “The Grand Design,” published on Tuesday, has already made headlines and been a trending topic on Twitter, thanks to a different sort of Godmongering. This time Mr. Hawking has, we’re told, declared God pretty much dead.

**** Bare-Naked Lady <http://www.slate.com/id/2266049/?from=rss>
Emily Yoffe, Slate Magazine

My vacation at a nudist camp.


**** “In The Old Days” Arguments Don’t Fly Any More <http://singaporegirl.wordpress.com/2010/09/07/in-the-old-days-arguments-dont-fly-any-more/>
Food fuels me to talk...

**** iPhone Order Delayed Due To Retailer's Oversight <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/OnlineStory/STIStory_575864.html>
Cheam Tze Hui, SingTel, Straits Times

**** Why Ban Kayakers From Reservoir? <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_575984.html>
Sim Cher Huey, Straits Times

When Marina Reservoir was announced, it was presented as an exciting venue for water sports, especially non-polluting paddling sports like kayaking. After it was opened, paddlers who had long enjoyed its waters on their private kayaks were banned from it.

**** Citizenship Can't Be Forced On Someone <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC100908-0000035/Citizenship-cant-be-forced-on-someone>
Eunice Goh, Today

PRs who earn more than $150,000 a year contribute to the economy, so why not let them remain as PRs and we benefit from their tax contributions? If we force them to choose, they will probably move to Hong Kong or Taiwan and commute to Singapore.

**** 6.5 Million - Part 2 <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/4091-65-million-part-2>
Singapore Democrat Party

Make no mistake, the PAP is doing this for its own sake, not Singapore's. Here's why. The party can cling to power only by ensuring that the GDP continues to grow. A decline in our economy would not allow the autocrats to continue peddling the propaganda that Singaporeans must sacrifice their political rights for economic grwoth.

**** “受邀PR若拒当公民将失永久居留权” 吴资政建议受学者与PR反对 <http://www.zaobao.com/sp/sp100908_001.shtml>
郭丽娟, 联合早报



**** Chinatown's Old Shops: Singapore Businesses That Endure <http://www.cnngo.com/singapore/visit/old-shops-chinatown-748077>
Eddie Tee, CNNGo

For some, Singapore's Chinatown is seen as nothing more than a tourist attraction. But for others it is where they have come to shop and eat for decades.

**** Speak Singlish Can? Cannot. Singapore Fears Local Patois Will Crowd Out Proper English <http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5gtlZtWINmE8DKEB2RX6qMRgBFzUQ>
Associated Press

As Singapore cements its position as a financial services hub and top regional tourist destination, the government is redoubling efforts to persuade locals to speak standard English. The government insists mastery of English is imperative to raise living standards as the economy shifts to services from manufacturing.

Some worry, however, that the island's unique patois known as Singlish could be lost, and with it an important cultural glue unifying the multiethnic, multi-religious city-state of 5.1 million people.

**** Floods At Shenton Way Today <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=4273>

Clearly the Marina Barrage has not been effective at all in preventing flooding. If anything, flooding has actually increased dramatically after it was put in operation.

**** A Sociology (and Textual Anlysis) Of Singaporean Complaining <http://thinkingbetterthinkingmeta.blogspot.com/2010/09/sociology-and-textual-anlysis-of.html>
Sam Ho, Sam's thoughts

It is ironic that a government that is trying to appear compassionate and promote citizen interaction/dialogue, is itself afraid of feedback. In fact, it trivialises most feedback as complaints and refers to it as a social process, rather than a social reaction to its political shortcomings.

**** Get A Bigger Can <http://callantham.org/blog/2010/9/7/get-a-bigger-can.html>
Trapper's Swamp

Because if our leaders believe in NS, then it cannot be quantified in such a repulsive and random manner. They have just opened a can of worms, and there is precious little that can be done to reverse it.

**** Who Else Is Sick Of Blatant Racism In Singapore? <http://chinesemedicinejournal.com/who-else-is-sick-of-blatant-racism-in-singapore/>
Chinese Medicine Journal

**** CNA: Immigration Issues Dominate Discussions On Reach. <http://just-my-observation.blogspot.com/2010/09/cna-immigration-issues-dominate.html>
Just My Observation

If the PM finds it so difficult to work with other equally well intentioned politicians, albeit those with differing or neither partisan memberships, to the extent that he very publically declared (in GE2006), smack in the heart of town about his predisposition to : "spend all my time thinking what's the right way to fix them, to buy my supporters votes, how can I solve this week's problem and forget about next year's challenges..", how then, can it be logically expected that the electorate- the citizens of the republic whom are (quote: "concerned about competition from foreigners for jobs and housing.- ..worried about over-crowding and the cost of living") be expected to accept foreigners wholeheartedly.

**** Students Asked To Register Their Blogs With University <http://irreligiously.blogspot.com/2010/09/students-required-to-register-their.html>

What is even more interesting is that the University wants all its political and religious student bloggers to seek approval from the administration. This is a demand that will be largely dismissed by yours truly, and a handful of other bloggers who are studying on campus. Just like its rules on attire.

**** 新加坡永久居民受邀若拒将丧失永久居留权引争议 <http://gb.cri.cn/27824/2010/09/08/3365s2984326.htm>
胡星, 国际在线


**** Heavy Rainfall Causes Flooding In CBD, Little India <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1079914/1/.html>
Milton Sau, Channel NewsAsia

Boon Tat Road, near Shenton Way, was affected at around 10.30am. But the waters subsided within 15 minutes. Low-lying areas in Little India were also affected by the heavy rain which started pouring around 11am. It subsided some two hours later.

**** SM Clarifies On PR Renewal <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_576289.html>
Rachel Chang & Rachel Lin, Straits Times

In his statement on Wednesday, Mr Goh's press secretary said 'the figure of 10 per cent which SM gave was only for illustrative purposes. It is not a target, nor is it the case that all PRs who turned down the offer of Singapore citizenship would not have their PR status renewed.'

**** Were SM Goh’s Comments Justified? <http://sg.yfittopostblog.com/2010/09/08/were-sm-gohs-comments-justified>
Faris, Yahoo!

I don’t envy the huge task facing the government because it is nigh impossible to please all people all the time. But having said that, I urge them to listen to the people and hear what they have to say because, gripe or not, they could be but mere symptoms of a deeper malaise.

**** Be Responsible And Accoutable Please! <http://singaporealternatives.blogspot.com/2010/09/be-responsible-and-accoutable-please.html>
Goh Meng Seng, Singapore Alternatives

The NSP calls on the government to urgently revise the 6.5 million person population target downwards, and commission an inter-Ministry study with the purpose of accounting to Singaporeans regarding how housing, transport, and social infrastructure can continue to be assured.

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