[MyAppleMenu] Feb 1, 2010
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Feb 1 18:59:00 EST 2010
**** Citrix To Run Win7 On Your iPad, Virtually <http://appadvice.com/appnn/2010/01/citrix-to-run-win7-on-your-ipad-virtually/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AppAdvice+%28AppAdvice%29>
Alexander Vaughn, App Advice
**** Why The iPad Web Demo Was Full Of Holes <http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=734e75b9d912de96f8b6825083a338d7>
Nick Bilton, New York Times
With over 60 million iPhones and iPod Touches in the marketplace today, content providers have been given two choices: either stand with Adobe and stick with Flash, or make the switch to non-Flash technologies and reach this huge audience, most of whom donât really care about a format war â they just want to get the content.
**** Colbert Starts iPad Campaign At The Grammys <http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-10444898-71.html>
Chris Matyszczyk, CNET News
In case you were wondering how Apple intended to advertise the iPad, the answer might just be "very well."
**** Apple's Own Approach To iPad E-books Could Confuse <http://www.detnews.com/article/20100201/BIZ04/2010333/1013/Apple-s-own-approach-to-iPad-e-books-could-confuse>
Peter Svensson, Associated Press
The slim, 1.5-pound "tablet" computer unveiled last week will be linked to Apple Inc.'s first e-book store when it goes on sale in a few months. The books, however, will not be compatible with Amazon.com Inc.'s Kindle or with the major alternative e-book system.
**** In Their Words: Experts Weigh In On Mac Vs. PC Security <http://news.cnet.com/8301-27080_3-10444561-245.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=News-Apple>
Elinor Mills, CNET News
**** Apple iPad Will Choke Innovation, Say Open Internet Advocates <http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/feb/01/apple-ipad-choke-innovation>
Bobbie Johnson, The Guardian
Apple's new iPad tablet computer could hamper innovation and cause long-term damage if it becomes a hit, according to experts.
**** Why Apple Chose The iPadâs Screen Format <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=dfc6004c2634f73bccc94466b4b96c6b>
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld
It looks like Appleâs choice of the 4:3 format is designed to fit certain types of usage, such as reading books and magazines, browsing the Web and using productivity applications. While many people will probably watch movies on the iPad, Apple seems to be betting that the iPad will be used very differently from laptops.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Is The Day Of Tiny Ads Finally Here? <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/01/technology/01cache.html>
Eric Pfanner, New York Times
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** If Truth Is The Lure, Humans Are Fishes <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2010/02/08/100208po_poem_hirshfield>
Jane Hirshfield, New Yorker
**** Pescadero <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2010/02/08/100208po_poem_doty>
Mark Doty, New Yorker
**** William Burns <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2010/02/08/100208fi_fiction_bolano>
Roberto Bolaño, New Yorker
**** Star-Crossed <http://www.walrusmagazine.com/articles/2010.03-essay-starcrossed/>
Troy Jollimore, The Walrus
Science fiction contains worlds of wonder, but without love itâs lonely in space.
**** Poem Of The Week: What The Mountain Saw By Philip Gross <http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/booksblog/2010/feb/01/poem-of-the-week-philip-gross?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fbooks%2Frss+%28Books%29>
Carol Rumens, The Guardian
**** Press Muse â Moving News And Pushing Pills <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2010/01/press-muse-%e2%80%93-moving-news-and-pushing-pills/>
The Online Citizen
**** An Indoctrination Process During NS <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2010/01/an-indoctrination-process-during-ns/>
Alvin Phoon, The Online Citizen
**** Put Tamil Back On Public Signboards <http://miyagi.sg/2010/02/put-tamil-back-on-public-signboards/>
My Very Own Glob {Curiosa Felicitas}
I want to see all four of my nationâs official languages back on signboards.
**** Affordable Flats Still Available? Are You Sure? <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=3798>
Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net
The PAP Government started off providing truly affordable housing to citizens, but in the past twenty years this has been abandoned in favour of quick gains and a clear desire to milk the Singapore demographic for what it is worth, never mind the long term future.
**** Pulling A Fast One (PAP Style) <http://www.insanepoly.com/blog/?p=938>
Insane Polygons
Just because you plan to treat foreigners like shit doesnât mean youâre not treating singaporeans like shit too. Its just that now, you are giving foreigners an even shittier treatment. Citizens are still going to paying the same rate regardless of whether you are cutting subsidies or not. Its not like whatever money you save from cutting them are channelled back into the pockets of singaporeans.
**** SDP's Alternative Economic Programme <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/3348-sdps-alternative-economic-programme>
Singapore Democrat News
Singaporeans must break out of the mindset that only the PAP has the ideas that work for Singapore. We must believe that opposition parties like the SDP have solutions and alternative programmes that are not just workable for Singapore but crucial for our future economic well-being - solutions that, as we have stated, even the PAP has adopted.
**** Mah Bow Tan Misses The Point, Gets Caught Red-handed By NSP <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=3802>
Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net
I urge opposition parties to unite on this matter and conduct a vigorous campaign to put political pressure on the PAP to take urgent and drastic measures to correct the housing malaise that has infected Singapore.
**** NSP Sec-gen: 'It's Not About Mr Mah Or Me' <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC100201-0000063/NSP-sec-gen--Its-not-about-Mr-Mah-or-me>
Teo Xuanwei, Today
A day after national development minister Mah Bow Tan responded to one of the opposition's election strategies - and that is to target him on housing policy issues - the National Solidarity Party has clarified that the fight was over his policy decisions, and not over personalities.
**** No Auto Ban On Ex-offenders <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_484662.html>
Vivian Heng, Casino Regulatory Authority of Singapore, Straits Times
When CRA receives the SEL applications from the casino operators, it will verify the information disclosed by the applicant and conduct its own investigation. A false declaration or misleading information is not only material to the assessment of suitability by CRA, but is also an offence.
CRA received nearly 5,000 SEL applications. It rejected only 121 or 2.5 per cent. Of the 121 rejected, 104 were found to have not fully declared their crime or crime-related antecedents.
**** Singapore Aims To Ease Fears Over Immigration <http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/7996cf3e-0e84-11df-bd79-00144feabdc0.html>
Kevin Brown, Financial Times
Singapore will seek on Monday to reassure multinational companies that plans to tighten immigration curbs will not affect the city stateâs openness to relocation by white-collar expatriates.
In a report to be presented on Monday, the review committee will say that the focus of reductions in the flow of foreigners must be on relatively unskilled blue-collar immigrants, who work mainly in the service, construction and transport industries, rather than on workers concentrated in the financial sector and professions such as law and accountancy.
**** The Behaviour Of Little Lee Kuan Yews <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2010/02/the-behaviour-of-little-lee-kuan-yews/>
Andrew Loh, The Online Citizen
It would seem that the authority given to Nparks officers on the ground are either extensive â to the point where they can issue arbitrary and ridiculous orders â or that the officers on the ground are abusing their authority and powers, along with their blatant and rude behavior bordering on contempt for the poor and homeless.
Nparks officers, and indeed all public servants, including those from MCYS, must keep in mind that they are public servants and not âlittle Lee Kuan Yewsâ in charge of their own little domains â issuing orders and rules and regulations according to their own fancies. Public parks in Singapore belong to Singaporeans. Nparks officers are merely custodians of these parks.
**** Leave No Man Behind? - Homeless Campers, The Inconvenient Truth <http://singaporealternatives.blogspot.com/2010/02/leave-no-man-behind-homeless-campers.html>
Goh Meng Seng, Singapore Alternatives
I would now call upon the ministers of these relevant authorities to search their soul deeply on what they really believe in. Minister Khaw has said it right, they must do the right things instead of just trying to do things right.
**** Singapore Mulls Nuclear Power, Fewer Foreigners, Minister Says <http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-02-01/singapore-mulls-nuclear-power-fewer-foreigners-minister-says.html>
Shamim Adam, Bloomberg
Singapore should consider using nuclear power and depend less on foreign workers in its efforts to transform the economy in the next decade, a government- appointed panel said.
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