[MyAppleMenu] Dec 28, 2010

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Dec 28 18:59:00 EST 2010


**** Apple Doesn’t Want Coders Messing With iPhone Buttons — Sometimes <http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/12/camera-plus-volume-snap/>
Brian X. Chen, Wired

The company recently approved an iPhone camera app that carries a special feature: the ability to snap a photo by pressing the physical Volume button rather than tapping the touchscreen. Oddly enough, about four months ago Apple banned a top-selling iPhone app for including the same “volume-snap” functionality.

**** GadgetTrak For iOS Adds Background Location Updates <http://db.tidbits.com/article/11853?rss>
Glenn Fleishman, TidBITS

**** Migrating To A New Mac <http://www.macworld.com/article/155845/2010/11/migrate_new_mac.html>
Christopher Breen, Macworld

**** Review: Airfoil 4, A Flexible Audio Streaming Solution <http://isource.com/2010/12/26/review-airfoil-4-a-flexible-audio-streaming-solution/>

Airfoil is a great solution for using Apple’s AirPlay technology to its fullest. The tech needs a fairly solid wireless network to work seamlessly, but provided you’ve got one, Airfoil is an amazingly simple way to sling audio around your house to AirPlay-capable speakers and iOS devices.

**** Podcaster For iPhone Review <http://www.macworld.co.uk/ipod-itunes/reviews/index.cfm?reviewid=3253785&olo=rss>
Joel Mathis, Macworld UK

**** Apple, App Makers Sued Over User Tracking <http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/12/apple-user-tracking-suit/>
Ryan Singel, Wired

Apple and a number of iPhone app makers including Pandora and Dictionary.com were sued Monday for allegedly helping advertisers secretly create profiles of iPhone users, including their location, without their consent.

**** How Does The Reeder iPhone App Swipe Up And Down Between Articles? <http://idevrecipes.com/2010/12/28/how-does-the-reeder-iphone-app-swipe-up-and-down-between-articles/>
iDev Recipes

**** Mac 101: Backup Basics With Time Machine And More <http://www.tuaw.com/2010/12/28/mac-101-backup-basics-with-time-machine-and-more/>
Steven Sande, TUAW

In this edition of Mac 101, I'll take you through the basics of setting up your Time Machine backup to a local hard drive, explain the power of cloning apps, and tell you why off-site backups are a good idea.

**** 4 Ways To Have Multiple iPhoto Photo Libraries <http://mac360.com/index.php/mac360/comments/4-easy-ways-to-have-multiple-iphoto-photo-libraries-on-a-mac>
Alexis Kayhil, Mac360

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** The A.I. Revolution Is On <http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/12/ff_ai_essay_airevolution/>
Steven Levy, Wired

Today’s AI doesn’t try to re-create the brain. Instead, it uses machine learning, massive data sets, sophisticated sensors, and clever algorithms to master discrete tasks. Examples can be found everywhere.

**** Disney Tackles Major Theme Park Problem: Lines <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/28/business/media/28disney.html?_r=1&src=tptw>
Brooks Barnes, New York Times

Deep in the bowels of Walt Disney World, inside an underground bunker called the Disney Operational Command Center, technicians know that you are standing in line and that you are most likely annoyed about it. Their clandestine mission: to get you to the fun faster.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Exploring Our Relationship With The Lonely Moon <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/28/science/28scibks.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss>
Cornelia Dean, New York Times

The book, and its wide variety of illustrations from classical texts, science fiction and other sources, describes not just the history of the celestial body but the ways it inspired the human imagination to take flight, fueled, as Proust put it, by “the ancient unalterable splendor of a Moon cruelly and mysteriously serene.”

**** In Pursuit Of A Mind Map, Slice By Slice <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/28/science/28brain.html?ref=science>
Ashlee Vance, New York Times

Dr. Lichtman and his team of researchers at Harvard have built some unusual contraptions that carve off slivers of mouse brains as part of a quest to understand how the mind works. Their goal is to run slice after minuscule slice under a powerful electron microscope, develop detailed pictures of the brain’s complex wiring and then stitch the images back together. In short, they want to build a full map of the mind.


**** Disturbed By 'Discrimination' Ad <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/OnlineStory/STIStory_617907.html>
Choo Ai Zhia, Straits Times

**** Will You Pay $17 For A Bowl Of Laksa? <http://sg.yfittopostblog.com/2010/12/28/will-you-pay-17-for-a-bowl-of-laksa/>
Kai Fong, Yahoo!

It seems to be getting harder these days for one to enjoy a decently priced meal of hawker food. From $13 for a plate of nasi padang to $17 for a bowl of laksa, food courts in shopping malls have seen an invasion of hawker food at restaurant prices.

**** 费南迪反驳内政部说法 否认是共产党统一阵线成员 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp101228_009.shtml>
韩宝镇, 联合早报

刚在上星期五入禀高庭起诉政府的迈克·费南迪(Michael Fernandez),昨天召开记者会反驳内政部致函《海峡时报》指他是共产党统一阵线成员的说法。



**** Chinese Herb Prices Surge In Singapore <http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2010-12/28/content_11766310.htm>

Local herbs wholesalers contribute the price increase to the stronger Chinese currency and herbus supply shortages, local English daily the Straits Times reported on Tuesday.

**** 本地首个 白沙湿巴刹 将安装冷气 <http://realtime.zaobao.com.sg/2010/12/101228_42.shtml>



**** Discrimination Hoo Hah <http://singaporegirl.wordpress.com/2010/12/28/discrimination-hoo-hah/>
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