[MyAppleMenu] Dec 26, 2010

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Dec 26 18:59:00 EST 2010


**** New Device Opens Up Therapeutic Horizon <http://gulfnews.com/news/world/usa/new-device-opens-up-therapeutic-horizon-1.735823>
Associated Press

Victor has a rare genetic disorder that delays development of a number of skills, including speech. To help him and others with disabilities, his father, Paul, and some of his students at Wake Forest University have created an application for the iPhone and iPad that turns their touch screens into communications tools.

**** My Mom's Experience With An iPad <http://alexknight.net/blog/2010/12/25/my-moms-experience-with-an-ipad.html>
Alex Knight

One other interesting thing that I find is she no longer calls software “programs” or “applications”. She just calls them “apps” which clearly shows the power of Apple’s marketing influence. iOS devices and the process of installing “apps” has become so ubiquitous now that I think people are starting to forget what we used to call software.

**** Let's All Stand And Clap For My Word Of 2010, 'App'! <http://www.lvrj.com/business/let-s-all-stand-and-clap-for-my-word-of-2010-app-112467904.html>
Al Gibes, Las Vegas Review-Journal

Apple has perfected simple.

**** Help File: Wiping Data From An Old PC Or Mac <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/23/AR2010122305060.html>
Washington Post

**** 5 Best Uses For OS X Smart Folders <http://www.techradar.com/news/software/applications/5-best-uses-for-os-x-smart-folders-914782>
Craig Grannell, TechRadar

**** The Special Relationship <http://www.macworld.com/article/156721/2010/12/ihnatko_relationship.html?lsrc=rss_main>
Andy Ihnatko, Macworld

As users of Apple's hardware and software, we do have a weird relationship with that company, don’t we?

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Fancy Dress <http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2010/dec/26/kate-horsley-fancy-dress?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fbooks%2Frss+%28Books%29>
Kate Horsley, Guardian

**** Who Killed The Disneyland Dream? <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/26/opinion/26rich.html?_r=1&ref=opinion>
Frank Rich, New York Times

America can’t move forward until we once again believe that everyone can enter Frontierland if they try hard enough, and that no one will be denied a dream because a private party has rented out Tomorrowland.

**** My Blessed Budget Christmas <http://www.salon.com/life/christmas/index.html?story=/mwt/pinched/2010/12/25/broke_at_christmas_gift>
Josh Max, Salon

If I don't let the sadness and the defeat get to me, I feel a strange detachment from all this consumer frenzy.


**** Did HDB Pay Market Prices For Land To URA? <http://mortgagefaq.us/did-hdb-pay-market-prices-for-land-to-ura/>
Mortgage FAQ

HDB really did lose money subsidizing the citizens. But the government on a whole made from selling land.

**** No Family Will Be Left Behind: Really? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2010/12/no-family-will-be-left-behind-really/>
Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen

Statistics that are narrated by describing one family, may be quite misleading. Because, clearly, there can’t be many getting the entire list of benefits.

**** Scottish Minister Resigns Over Snowstorm, In Contrast To Singapore Ministers <http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/12/26/scottish-minister-resigns-over-snowstorm-in-contrast-to-singapore-ministers/>
Temasek Review

In contrast, Singapore ministers are never expected to take responsibility for their mistakes, let alone apologize to Singaporeans.

**** Lim Wee Keat Slammed By Netizens For Callous Remarks On $300,000 ‘Cry Hoo-ha’ <http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/12/26/lim-wee-keat-slammed-by-netizens-for-callous-remarks-on-300000-cry-hoo-ha/>
Temasek Review

Dr Lim’s remarks sparked a massive outcry in cyberspace with netizens from both TR and its Facebook criticizing him for his cavalier attitude towards public monies.

**** The Mystery Behind Commuter's Three Failed Ez-link Top-ups <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC101227-0000077/The-mystery-behind-commuters-three-failed-ez-link-top-ups>
Neo Chai Chin, Today

Thrice he topped up his card with $20 each time. And thrice the money was deducted from his bank account but was not transferred to his ez-link card. This despite the Add Value Machine showing the transactions to be successful.

It is not known how prevalent this problem is as Transitlink, which maintains the machines, declined to reveal figures on such failed transactions.

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