[MyAppleMenu] Mar 21, 2009

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Mar 21 18:59:00 EDT 2009


**** $500 More For A Logo, Huh? <http://www.businessweek.com/technology/ByteOfTheApple/blog/archives/2009/03/500_more_for_a.html>
by Arik Hesseldahl, BusinessWeek

You don’t think it’s okay to pay more for a computer because of its logo, Mr. Ballmer? Fine. Then how about paying more for one that works?

**** Context Menus And Sub-Menus <http://ignorethecode.net/blog/2009/03/21/context-menus-sub-menus/>
by Lukas Mathis, Ignore The Code

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** The Surprising Dark Side Of The Very Hungry Caterpillar <http://www.newsweek.com/id/189230>
by Ramin Setoodeh, Newsweek

Once upon a time, Eric Carle wrote a children's book that was so comfy, it came with its own cocoon. Turns out that cute little bug went through a very big metamorphosis.

**** Just Another Word <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/22/books/review/Hart-t.html?_r=1>
by Gary Hart, New York Times

Alan Wolfe’s rescue of liberalism from the jaws of latter-day know-nothings and Jedediah Purdy’s reconciliation of radical individualism with community obligation have a common theme: freedom is self-realization.

**** Neo-Neo Realism <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/22/magazine/22neorealism-t.html?_r=1>
by A.O. Scott, New York Times

What kind of movies do we need now? It’s a question that seems to arise almost automatically in times of crisis.

**** The Truth About Forgiveness <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/13/AR2009031302412.html?wprss=rss_print/washpostmagazine>
by Karen Houppert, Washington Post

After his son was murdered, Bernard Williams became consumed by anger and depression. There was, he came to realize, only one way to save himself.

**** A State Of Embarrassment <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/13/AR2009031302415.html?wprss=rss_print/washpostmagazine>
by Gene Weingarten, Washington Post

Perhaps you have heard that the state legislature in Maryland is considering changing the state's official song. Or perhaps you haven't. The issue has been handled without huge fanfare because there's a certain embarrassment behind it.


**** Defense, Extradition Pacts With Singapore Frozen: Juwono <http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2009/03/20/defense-extradition-pacts-with-singapore-frozen-juwono.html>
by Abdul Khalik and Lilian Budlanto, Jakarta Post

Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono accused Singapore on Thursday of not signing an extradition pact with Indonesia out of fear it would be obliged to return money stashed away by corrupt fugitives who fled to the city state during the 1998-2001 financial crisis.

The Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA), also negotiated along with the extradition agreement, seems to have collapsed as well.

**** Dismayed At NLB's Focus On 'Bean-Counting' <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_352718.html>
by Yew-Kong Tham, Straits Times

It gives me the impression that NLB is focused on 'bean-counting' instead of its broader vision of giving access to books and media to the masses. I have always admired our libraries, but this new policy is difficult to understand.

**** Re: Congress' Reaction To AIG Bonuses - Am I The Only One Concerned? <http://www.listbox.com/member/archive/247/2009/03/sort/time_rev/page/1/entry/1:143/20090320135705:82321AB4-1578-11DE-87D7-DA255660EBC4/>
by Rich Kulawiec

There is a larger and more long-term issue here.

Is anybody actually worth a million dollars (to pick an arbitrary and round number) a year -- to society-at-large?

**** If Only Teo Ho Pin Had Learnt The Art Of "Wayang" <http://wayangparty.com/?p=6606>
by Jeremy Koh, The Wayang Party Club

It’s time MM Lee send his ‘A team’ of ministers and MPs including his son to learn some basic communication skills so that they will stop stepping on the toes of the people.

I think the problem is deeper than "communication skills." There is a serious lack of leadership skills among our ministers and MPs and senior civil servants. It seems they can only lead by dangling money (and priorities in primary school admissions) in front of their followers.

**** South East Asia: A Feast For The Senses <http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/travel/specials/expedition_cruising/article5947146.ece>
by Samantha Lewis, The Times

**** 总理公署:公务员减薪是预料中事 <http://www.zaobao.com/sp/sp090321_514.shtml>
by 联合早报



**** Home Affairs Minister To Table Public Order Bill In Parliament <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/03/home-affairs-minister-to-table-public-order-bill-in-parliament/>
by The Online Citizen

The law could give the police powers to prevent protesters from gathering at places like Parliament House and the Istana, and to compel them to ‘move on’.

**** MM Lee's "Mandarinate" System Is The Real Scourge Of Multi-Party Politics In Singapore <http://wayangparty.com/?p=6746>
by Fang Zhi Yuan, The Wayang Party Club

The selfish ambitions of one man has stymized the emergence of a real, vibrant and rigorous parliamentary democracy in Singapore for decades because he doesn’t like dissenting voices to challenge him. He wants to rule as he pleases without any questioning or resistance. All his colleagues and subordinates are merely musicians in an orchestra to play the tune according to his wishes.

**** JB Or Singapore? Amazing Flip-Flop By Khaw Boon Wan!!! <http://wayangparty.com/?p=6766>
by The Wayang Party Club

No, Mr Khaw - “doing your best” is not enough. You should be bold enough to proclaim that no Singaporean will be allowed to retire in JB due to cost reasons to reassure every Singapore citizen that they will not be discarded like a used piece of cardboard when their productive shelf-life has expired!

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