[MyAppleMenu] Aug 22, 2009

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Aug 22 18:59:01 EDT 2009


**** Choice Nuggets From Apple’s Response To The FCC’s Inquiry Regarding The Rejection And Removal Of Google Voice Apps From The App Store <http://daringfireball.net/2009/08/apples_fcc_response>
John Gruber, Daring Fireball

Apple’s response is worth reading in its entirety; it is written in clear, plain language, and gives straight answers to nearly all questions.

**** Apple Answers The FCC’s Questions <http://www.apple.com/hotnews/apple-answers-fcc-questions/?sr=hotnews.rss>

Contrary to published reports, Apple has not rejected the Google Voice application, and continues to study it. The application has not been approved because, as submitted for review, it appears to alter the iPhone’s distinctive user experience by replacing the iPhone’s core mobile telephone functionality and Apple user interface with its own user interface for telephone calls, text messaging and voicemail. Apple spent a lot of time and effort developing this distinct and innovative way to seamlessly deliver core functionality of the iPhone.

**** AT&T Denies Squelching Google Voice For iPhone <http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-10315309-37.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20>
Tom Krazit, CNET News.com

AT&T told federal regulators on Friday that it played no part in Apple's decision to keep the Google Voice application from the App Store, while Apple said it never actually rejected the application.

**** Reading Between The Lines Of Apple’s FCC Reply <http://www.rogueamoeba.com/utm/2009/08/21/reading-between-the-lines-of-apples-fcc-reply/>
Mike Ash, Under The Microscope

**** Apple, Google And AT&T Letters To FCC: The Reactions, And Why Google's Letter Is Redacted <http://www.businessweek.com/technology/ByteOfTheApple/blog/archives/2009/08/apple_google_an.html>
Arik Hesseldahl, BusinessWeek

**** Apple Retail Deconstructed: Reports & Figures <http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/gigaom/big-tech/2009_08_21_apple_retail_deconstructed_reports_figures.html?FORM=ZZNR6>
Chris Ryan, GigaOM

It seems like Apple’s retail initiatives are always shrouded in a dark veil of secrecy. Though we often hear how well they’re doing financially, what do those numbers look like on the inside? What figures does a typical Apple store track? Straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s a breakdown of a typical financial report that shows what metrics are important in Cupertino.

**** Apple Sued For Infringing '1000 TVs' Copyright <http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Apple-sued-for-infringing-1000-TVs-copyright/articleshow/4918460.cms>

Apple Inc was sued by a Colorado resident who accused it of misappropriating an "iconic" photo he possesses for the company's popular iPhone.

**** A Steve Jobs Confession, A Fanboy Shock <http://gawker.com/5343046/a-steve-jobs-confession-a-fanboy-shock>
Ryan Tate, Gizmodo

Now matter how Apple's defenders were rallied this time around — we suspect, as a rule, that it had more to do with anti-AT&T bias than some pro-Apple whisper campaign — one can only hope this incident will further erode the myth that Apple is fundamentally any less inclined toward spiteful self-defeating authoritarianism than any other corporation of its size, be it AT&T, Google or, only slightly larger these days, Microsoft.

**** AT&T Statement On Letter To The FCC Regarding Apple App Store <http://www.att.com/gen/press-room?pid=13963>

To that end, let me state unequivocally, AT&T had no role in any decision by Apple to not accept the Google Voice application for inclusion in the Apple App Store. AT&T was not asked about the matter by Apple at any time, nor did we offer any view one way or the other.

**** Google’s Response To The FCC <http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/08/21/googles-response-to-the-fcc/>

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Antivirus Protection Gets Social <http://www.technologyreview.com/web/23293/?a=f>
Robert Lemos, Technology Review

Can cloud computing and social networking improve security software?

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Dream of a Common Language. Sueño de un Idioma Común. <http://www.texasmonthly.com/2009-09-01/feature3.php>
Nate Blakeslee, Texas Monthly

The graduates of a radical bilingual education program at Alicia R. Chacón International, in El Paso, would have no trouble reading either of these headlines. What can they teach the rest of us about the future of Texas?


**** Stop Nannying Malay-Muslims And Discard Old Suspicions <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/08/stop-nannying-malay-muslims-and-discard-old-suspicions/>
Abdul Gafoor, The Online Citizen

**** Adopt Swiss Model For NS Exemption <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Online%2BStory/STIStory_419723.html>
Tan Kin Lian, Straits Times

After 44 years of independence and prosperity, it is time to review the role of NS. Perhaps we should have a professional army to defend our nation.

**** Town Councils To Be Judged On Five KPIs <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC090822-0000116/Town-Councils-to-be-judged-on-five-KPIs>
Esther Ng, Today

Indicators may include amount of litter, number of lift breakdowns and defects.

**** Swiss Banking Secrecy Crackdown: Singapore Next <http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/francis/archive/2009/08/21/dirty-money-sloshes-to-singapore-from-switzerland.aspx>
Diane Francis, National Post

The Swiss have been targeted for some time and now Singapore plus others must become the focus. Ending bank secrecy will reap many benefits for the world such as finding out if public officials and politicans are on the take.

**** PAP Pondering How Best To Fight To Stay In Power <http://www.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/8/22/columnists/insightdownsouth/4567745&sec=insightdownsouth&FORM=ZZNR7>
Seah Chiang Nee, The Star

The government appears to be telling young Singaporeans that if they want debate, the government will give it to them and if the youngsters want parliamentary democracy, they can have it too – but not necessarily through elections or a two-party system.

**** Letter From Singapore <http://www.asiasentinel.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2018&Itemid=195>
Boon Kiat Yeow, Asia Sentinel

Singapore's prosperity and economic progress could not change my feeling that it was a city without a mother tongue or a cultural soul. Perhaps this was the reason why many talented expatriates both from the East and the West come and go, for there is no position that suits them best in terms of cultural soul in Singapore, which belongs neither to East nor West.

**** Singapore: A Model Of Judgment For The United States? <http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http%3A%2F%2Fblogs.harvardbusiness.org%2Fdavenport%2F2009%2F08%2Fsingapore_a_model_of_judgment.html&usg=AFQjCNE5r3HIa0Ddi-cnKu4wCZLSifN2Pg>
Tom Davenport, Harvard Business

Singapore is tiny compared to the United States (and most other countries, for that matter), but that doesn't mean it can't be a model. Barack Obama keeps saying that we need to buckle down and work hard to build an economy based on real production, not hollow financial chicanery. We need a little more social order, and a little less individualism. Singapore has already pulled off both objectives, and continues to provide a good example of good judgment for the United States and the rest of the world.

**** A New Cuisine Style Is Transforming Singapore <http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/ec5bc4ee-8de1-11de-93df-00144feabdc0.html?FORM=ZZNR>
Shoba Narayan, Financial Times

Quietly and without much fanfare, Singapore has experienced a culinary renaissance of sorts. Gifted Singaporean chefs – such as Galvin Lim at Au Jardin, Christina Ee at Broth, Yong Bing Ngen of The Majestic, Jusman So at Sage, Sebastian Ng at Ember, Michael Han of 53, or Devagi Sanmugam at Spice Queen — have blossomed on their own turf.

**** Regulator Did Not Overpay For MRT Doors <http://motoring.asiaone.com/Motoring/Motorworld/Story/A1Story20090821-162548.html>
Straits Times

Recent online gripes that the Land Transport Authority (LTA) overspent on new platform screen doors for its MRT stations have proven to be far off track. Checks by The Straits Times show that the prices of similar doors overseas are comparable with what the LTA has paid.

**** Urban Agriculture And Singapore's Unexpected Activist <http://www.celsias.com/article/urban-agriculture-and-singapores-unexpected-activi/>

Nestled in this green corner of the country is a place known as Bollywood Veggies . If you’ve heard of the place, you know of its owner Ivy Singh-Lim. And if you’ve heard of Ivy, you know she’s a firecracker-- a local legend.

**** The Cost Of The Gift Of Life <http://meginsing.blogspot.com/2009/08/cost-of-gift-of-life.html>
An American girl in Singapore

Having to get the government involved so that your children will take care of you just seems to be a giant red flag on his or her parenting skills.

**** Minibond Rally: ‘Justice For Hong Kong, Wayang For Singapore’ <http://temasekreview.com/?p=12212>
The Temasek Review

**** Seeking A Fair Settlement <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/08/seeking-a-fair-settlement/>
Andrew Loh, The Online Citizen

Led by the former chief executive of NTUC Income, Mr Tan Kin Lian, the investors were upset that the Singapore authorities were not as effective as the regulators in Hong Kong. “Justice in Hong Kong. Wayang in Singapore”, one of the placards read. “Protect Singaporeans, not banks”, said another.

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