[MyAppleMenu] Apr 9, 2009

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Apr 9 18:59:00 EDT 2009


**** I Switched To Mac After A Lifetime Of Windows, And It Doesn't Matter <http://i.gizmodo.com/5202748/i-switched-to-mac-after-a-lifetime-of-windows-and-it-doesnt-matter>
by Adam Frucci, Gizmodo

**** Dictionary.com Comes To The iPhone <http://mashable.com/2009/04/08/dictionarycom-iphone/>
by Stan Schroeder, Mashable

**** Bloom For iPhone <http://www.macworld.com/article/139484/2009/04/bloom.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Beau Colburn, Macworld

Make beautiful music—or let Bloom do the work—with this gorgeous app.

**** Gift Card Scammers Soliciting iPhone Devs <http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=3646>
by Jason D. O'Grady, ZDNet

**** Locating A Lost Cursor <http://www.macworld.com/article/139911/2009/04/findlostcursor.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Christopher Breen, Macworld

There are a couple of things you could try. The first is to simply make the cursor larger.

**** Oregon Trail For iPhone <http://www.macworld.com/article/139910/2009/04/oregon.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Chris Holt, Macworld

Gameloft does a lot of things brilliantly in this latest edition of Oregon Trail. The visual style is fun, the controls are intuitive, there’s plenty of new content and it’s genuinely funny. If players can get beyond the long load times and the drain on their iPhone’s battery, this is a rich and rewarding experience.

**** The Importance Of Color Management <http://www.macworld.com/article/139908/2009/04/colormanagement.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by James Dempsey, Macworld

I recently had a conversation with Andy Hatkoff, Vice President of OEM and technology licensing, at Pantone. Andy is in charge of making sure that hardware and software companies can successfully integrate the Pantone Color System into their digital color workflow. This encompasses graphic design, print, publishing, fashion design and product lifecycle management solution providers such as Adobe, Microsoft, Quark, HP, Xerox, Ricoh, and many other companies where color plays a critical role.

**** Apple Addressing Cracks On White MacBook Casings <http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/09/04/08/apple_addressing_cracks_on_white_macbooks_casings.html>
by Slash Lane, AppleInsider

Apple is privately acknowledging an issue with the enclosure on some of its white 13-inch MacBooks, which in some cases have seen the formation of hairline cracks during normal usage patterns.

**** iPhone Skype May Be Tip Of The Iceberg For Carriers <http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9131327>
by Stephen Lawson, Computerworld

Though mobile operators say they want more open phone platforms and are moving toward packet-based 4G networks, they are stuck between a future of being "dumb pipes" like DSL or cable operators and a present in which the bulk of their revenue still comes from the sale of voice minutes.

**** Read It Later's New iPhone App Works Offline <http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10215826-2.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20>
by Josh Lowensohn, CNET

**** Apple Sued Over Touch-Screen Rights <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/09/technology/companies/09apple.html?_r=3&partner=rss&emc=rss>
by Jonathan Adams, New York Times

The Taiwanese company Elan Microelectronics has sued Apple, alleging infringement of two of its touch screen patents, an Elan spokesman said Wednesday.

**** iPhone's Wi-Fi Problems Cause Heated Speculation <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/04/08/iphone_wifi_again/>
by Bill Ray, The Register

iPhone users who found their Wi-Fi failing after the last firmware upgrade are starting to identify what went wrong, while some have managed to get Apple to replace iPhones with handsets that have never seen 2.2.1.

**** Revolution 3.5 Adds New Data Grids, Behaviors <http://www.macnn.com/articles/09/04/08/revolution.35.update/>
by MacNN

Runtime Revolution has released an update to its programming tool for professional data presentation on the Mac OS X, Revolution 3.5.

**** No iTunes Tax For New York <http://www.fmqb.com/article.asp?id=1263548>

The proposed "iTunes tax" in the budget for New York state has been dropped by Governor David Patterson. The sales tax would have been imposed on digital downloads as a way to raise funds in and close a budget gap. However, the tax was left out of the state budget that passed last week.

**** Benchmarks: 2.93GHz Xeon-Based Mac Pros <http://www.macworld.com/article/139919/2009/04/cto_macpro.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by James Galbraith, Macworld

Customized Mac Pro sets Speedmark benchmark record.

**** AT&T And Apple Needlessly Shackle Skype Users <http://www.infoworld.com/d/mobilize/att-and-apple-needlessly-shackle-skype-users-826>
by Bill Snyder, InfoWorld

I think Ma iPhone is way off base in its treatment of Skype, and I urge you to defend the principle of Net neutrality, whether it be wired or wireless. But don't do so in a knee-jerk way: The destruction of business models by new technology is of great importance to those of us who make our living in media and information technology, and I'd urge you to give it real thought.

**** Sweaty Workouts Killing iPhones? <http://asia.cnet.com/crave/2009/04/09/sweaty-workouts-killing-iphones-/>
by David Martin, CNET

Apple's sensor (at the bottom of the iPhone) could easily be set off by sweat from your hands.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Your Bra Size: The Truth May (Pleasantly) Surprise You <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/09/fashion/09bra.html?_r=1>
by Laura M. Holson, New York Times

First there was economic inflation. Then there was grade inflation. Now comes cup inflation.


**** Top Dollar For Top Talent: Why Not? <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_361187.html>
by Ng Zi Yun, Straits Times

Surely, the size of a leader's salary is justifiable if he attracts a lot more revenue than if he were not part of the organisation.

I'm very distrubed with our obsession of using money as the only way to measure performance and rewards.

**** Burned By Banks, Temasek Digs For Resources <http://www.reuters.com/article/innovationNews/idUSSP13377820090408>
by Saeed Azhar and Joseph Chaney, Reuters

Singapore's Temasek, like other Asian and Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds, is digging for deals in mining and oil, as it licks its wounds from financial sector investments that have soured in a global crisis.

**** Library Deposits A Must To Preserve National Heritage <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Online%2BStory/STIStory_361155.html>
by Ngian Lek Choh, National Library, Straits Times

The National Library Board (NLB) Act 1995 requires Singapore publishers to deposit two copies of every print publication with the National Library, under the Legal Deposit requirement. The purpose is to preserve Singapore's published national literary heritage and make it accessible to present and future generations.

**** Authorities Took 2 Days TO Shut Down Killer Rojak Stall? <http://geraldgiam.sg/2009/04/authorities-took-2-days-to-shut-down-killer-rojak-stall/>
by Gerald Giam

**** Road Closures For F1 Race Cut To 7 Days This Year <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/421093/1/.html>
by Asha Popatlal, Channel NewsAsia

While speed demons were on a high during last year's inaugural night race, some businesses within the F1 circuit found themselves left out of the party as extensive road closures before and after the race put the brakes on spending.

With more experience this time round, government agencies - Singapore Tourism Board and Land Transport Authority - and race organiser Singapore GP said they will shorten the road closure period to improve the situation.

**** Ships Being Laid Up As Trade Slows <http://www.odt.co.nz/news/business/50799/ships-being-laid-trade-slows>
by Simon Hartley, Otago Daily Times

The viability of some shipping lines is being questioned with hundreds of ships laid up across the globe and at anchor as trade and cargo volumes dwindle.

**** The Futility Of Speaking Up In A Totalitarian One-Party State <http://wayangparty.com/?p=7552>
by Eugene Yeo, The Wayang Party Club

Active citizenry is a myth in a totalitarian one-party state like Singapore where the rubber-stamp Parliament passes legislation according to the wimps and fancies of a tinpot dictator with scant regards for public opinion.

**** Dr Allan Ooi's Case: MINDEF's Second Letter Still Did Not Answer Key Questions <http://wayangparty.com/?p=7543>
by Eugene Yeo, The Wayang Party Club

An unbreakable bond is tantamount to modern slavery. If there were no such clause initially, why should Allan be refused his basic human right to leave his current employment in search of a better one?

**** En Bloc Sales Should Be Unanimous <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/312788.asp>
by Letty Aw Siew Hua, Today

The concept of en bloc sales should be reviewed. En bloc should mean “all agree to sell”. The premise that you can sell away another’s right to live in peace, provided 80 per cent give support: This is the crux of the issue. It’s an unsound premise.

**** F1's Closing The Road For 7 Days, Shops Around There Will Be Hit Badly For A Week <http://harogenki.blogspot.com/2009/04/f1s-closing-road-for-7-days-shops.html>
by Haro Genki

**** 因“虎虾事件”执照吊销三个月 纽顿海鲜摊上诉期间照常营业 <http://www.zaobao.com/sp/sp090409_510.shtml>
by 胡洁梅, 联合早报

纽顿熟食中心“虎虾事件”中因收费过高而从本月1日起被吊销执照三个月的“东陵第一站海鲜馆”(Tanglin Best BBQ Seafood)摊位,到目前为止还是照常营业,让一些食客大感不解。

**** 一星期捕捉41只老鼠 芽笼士乃临时巴刹大扫除 <http://www.zaobao.com/sp/sp090409_508.shtml>
by 陆彩霞 冯剑斌 王珏琪, 联合早报


**** Moral Vs Legal Obligations - Allan Ooi <http://iwicked.blogspot.com/2009/04/moral-vs-legal-obligations-allan-ooi.html>
by Wicked

In other words. they are using the guilt card.

**** Food Poisoning And Hygiene Standards <http://xiamenloh.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!1026D0ACABC2F139!8428.entry>
by Xiamenloh

**** Nude Couple Charged <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_361429.html>
by Elena Chong, Straits Times

A couple, who caused a stir by strolling down naked along Lorong Mambong earlier this year were charged in court on Thursday.

**** Singapore Faces Lower Growth <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_361453.html>
by Aaron Low, Straits Times

Singapore's growth forecast for this year will have to be be revised downwards from the current -2 to -5 per cent as exports continue to be hit by the global economic slowdown, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Thursday. But he does not think it will go into double-digits.

**** Singapore's Born-Again Christians Thrive <http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jsGMK60zJNRGV6WEvEhc3gNCSJHA>
by AFP

Singapore, a predominantly ethnic-Chinese Buddhist society of 4.6 million, has seen a boom in recent years in born-again Christian movements, which experts said people perceive as modern institutions reflecting their personal aspirations.

**** How Many Ministers Does Singapore Have? <http://harishpillay.livejournal.com/152123.html>
by Harish Pillay, Alas, a blog!

I continue to be amazed by the utter waste of tax-payer monies that goes to pay the ministers who, on the face of it, do nothing.

**** Eating Food At Hawker Centre <http://katak.kapoosh.net/rollercoaster/eating-food-at-hawker-centre/>
by The Blog Of A Certified Geek

**** The Fundamentals Of Singapore's Foreign Policy: Then And Now <http://www.news.gov.sg/public/sgpc/en/media_releases/agencies/pmo/speech/S-20090409-1.html>
by Singapore Government

So long as the succeeding generations of Singaporeans do not forget the fundamentals of our vulnerabilities, and not delude themselves that we can behave as if our neighbours are Europeans or North Americans, and remain alert, cohesive and realistic, Singapore will survive and prosper.

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