[MyAppleMenu] Apr 2, 2009

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Apr 2 18:59:01 EDT 2009


**** Apple's iPhone Emerges As Gaming Platform <http://www.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idUSTRE5306WO20090401?sp=true&sr=hotnews>
by Gabriel Madway, Reuters

Apple's iPhone has emerged as a serious videogame platform, fulfilling the long-held promise of mobile phone gaming and positioning itself as a legitimate competitor to handheld consoles.

**** Seeking Enterprise Mac Support? <http://www.cio.com/article/487738/Seeking_Enterprise_Mac_Support_>
by Tom Kaneshige, CIO

CIOs regularly turn to the tight-knit Mac user community to solve their enterprise Mac problems and to stay abreast of everything Apple.

**** Steve Jobs Should Not Come Back To Apple <http://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/apple_better_off_without_jobs/>
by Shawn King, The Mac Observer

Look at it from two points of view: Does Apple need Jobs as CEO and does Jobs need to be Apple's CEO?

**** Apple Turns 33, No Fooling <http://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/apple_turns_33_no_fooling/>
by Jeff Gamet, The Mac Observer

Apple opened shop on April 1, 1976 as Apple Computer, Inc. and despite some rocky times, is still going strong 33 years later.

**** Rainbow Painter 3 Now Available For Mac <http://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/rainbow_painter_3_now_available_for_mac/>
by Bryan Fergus, The Mac Observer

Rainbow Painter 3 is an advanced image editor for retouching photos, painting and drawing.

**** iPod Shuffle Sales Surge 50% As iPod Touch Maintains Top Slot <http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/09/04/01/ipod_shuffle_sales_surge_50_as_ipod_touch_maintains_top_slot.html>
by Sam Oliver, AppleInsider

Sales of Apple's most affordable iPod shot up more than 50 percent a week after the company unveiled new, more compact models that shift the push controls from the player itself to the included pair of earphones.

**** April Fools Day: The 'Rosebud Technology' Hoa &amp; Xanthoma <http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=3582>
by David Morgenstern, ZDNet

On the day we celebrate tricks, it’s perhaps a good time to remember a major computer industry hoax: Rosebud Technology. At the April Macworld Expo in San Francisco (this is no joke), a group of Mac tricksters hoped to lure the press into covering an exciting and new networking technology for the Mac. Of course, some took the bait.

**** App Store Lessons: Dealing With Pink Uploads Of Doom <http://arstechnica.com/apple/guides/2009/04/app-store-lessons-dealing-with-pink-uploads-of-doom.ars>
by Erica Sadun, Ars Technica

Did iTunes Connect reject your application upload?

**** Complex <http://daringfireball.net/2009/04/complex>
by John Gruber, Daring Fireball

The way to build a complex device with all the features you want is not to start by trying to build a device with all those features, but rather to start with the fundamentals, and then iterate and evolve.

On the other hand, how many company have the luxury of time to evolve?

**** Withdrawing From The Addictive iPhone <http://www.macworld.com/article/139772/2009/04/addictive_iphone.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Stephen Lawson, Macworld

My true addiction was the mobile Web. I’m not talking about the useful parts, such as the application that told me when the next bus was coming, though not having that reshapes my day a bit sometimes. What keeps me reaching for my iPhone like a phantom limb is just the diversion of something new to look at during the innumerable downtimes of my day.

**** Canadians Can't Use New Skype App For iPhones <http://www.thestar.com/Business/article/612138>
by Chris Sorensen, The Star

Millions of iPhone users around the world now have the ability to make cheap or even free wireless calls using Internet calling service Skype — unless, of course, they happen to live in Canada.

**** Skype's iPhone Limits Irk Some Consmer Advocates <http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/technology/2009-04-01-att-skype-iphone_N.htm>
by Leslie Cauley, USA Today

Apple's unique treatment of the new Skype Internet calling feature on the iPhone — the free app works only on Wi-Fi, not the cellular or 3G network — is raising concern among public-policymakers and consumer advocates. They say it's a clear example of AT&T, the sole carrier of the iPhone in the U.S., trying to handicap a direct competitor.

**** Apple Mac Pro <http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2009/04/02/review_desktop_mac_apple_mac_pro/>
by Stephen Dean, Register Hardware

It’s expensive, but the Mac Pro's price is justified by the raw power of the Xeon processor.

**** Apple Offers Free Accounting And ERP Seminars Online <http://www.macworld.com/article/139786/2009/04/accountingseminars.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Peter Cohen, Macworld

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Light And Cheap, Netbooks Are Poised To Rehsape PC Industry <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/02/technology/02netbooks.html?_r=1>
by Ashlee Vance and Matt Richtel, New York Times

Get ready for the next stage in the personal computer revolution: ultrathin and dirt cheap.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Blowfish's Bad Rap Is Killing Him <http://www.latimes.com/features/food/la-fg-japan-blowfish1-2009apr01,0,2467488.story?track=rss>
by John M. Glionna, Los Angeles Times

A Japanese chef wants to convince people that the deadly fish known as fugu is perfectly safe in the right hands. His, for example.

**** Paper Money <http://www.slate.com/id/2215154/?from=rss>
by Daniel Gross, Slate

All newspapers—all print media—have been hit hard in this recession. All face an existential crisis and may ultimately face the prospect of bankruptcy. Those whose owners saw papers as assets to be flipped, leveraged, and stripped are already bankrupt.

**** The Undemocratic People's Republic Of Korea <http://www.slate.com/id/2215156/?from=rss>
by Juliet Lapidos, Slate

Why do the most totalitarian countries always have the most democratic-sounding names?


**** Childcare Cetnre Al-Amin Takes Issue With ST Report <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/419567/1/.html>
by Ong Dai Lin, Today

A childcare centre is suing newspaper company Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) for alleged defamation. Al-Amin Education is claiming that a Straits Times article last year had implied its Tampines branch was responsible for a 13-month-old boy and his five-year-old cousin contracting hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD).

**** Travel Agents Seek To End Row, Approach Uddhav Thackeray <http://www.livemint.com/2009/04/01221244/Travel-agents-seek-to-end-row.html>
by Sudha Menon and P.R. Sanjai, Wall Street Journal

In their ongoing agitation against Singapore Airlines, representatives of the Travel Agents Association of India, or Taai, and Travel Agents Federation of India, or Tafi, have decided to approach Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thackeray to mediate in the imbroglio, said Rajji Rai, president of Taai.

**** The Brothel In Singapore: Karin's True Story Of Slavery <http://humantrafficking.change.org/blog/view/the_brothel_in_singapore_karins_true_story_of_slavery>
by Amanda Kloer, Change.org

Karin's story illustrates the vast work which needs to still be done.

**** $500 Deposit To Open POSB Account Is Too High <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Online%2BStory/STIStory_357433.html>
by Azmanshah Zailamshah, Straits Times

I always thought POSB was the people's bank.

**** Singapore Airlines Implements Shorter Work Months <http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hxZKyRfddsxgTrKnMIJy9ucFNCyQ>
by AFP

Singapore Airlines (SIA) on Wednesday announced shorter work months for management and ground staff as part of cost-cutting measures to deal with the impact of the global economic crisis. A company statement said it will also implement a wage freeze for managers and warned it cannot rule out further measures to keep costs down if the worldwide downturn worsens.

**** An Onlne Petition To The Singapore PM To Investigate The Death Of Indonesian Student David Hartanto Widjaja <http://wayangparty.com/?p=7284>
by The Wayang Party Club

**** Suicides In The SAF: Family Of Deceased Doctor's Public Call For Inquiry Opens A Pandora's Box For MINDEF <http://wayangparty.com/?p=7314>
by Lim Yii Tong, The Wayang Party Club

If the allegations contained in the letter are indeed true, MINDEF will be hard pressed to account for their policy of coercing unhappy scholars to remain in service against their will.

Under Article 23 of the UN Universal Declarations of Human Right, everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. In this instance, the right of Dr Allan Ooi to “free choice of employment” overrides the MINDEF’s right to demand him to complete his bond.

**** Singapore Home Prices In Steepest Drop Since 1975 <http://uk.reuters.com/article/rbssFinancialServicesAndRealEstateNews/idUKSIN42568520090401>
by Kevin Lim, Reuters

Singapore private home prices suffered their biggest drop in more than 30 years in the first three months of 2009 as the country's worst-ever recession hammered investor sentiment in the recently booming property market.

Resale prices for government-built HDB apartments, which house over 80 percent of Singapore citizens, fell 0.6 percent in the first quarter from the last three months of last year, a separate index compiled by the Housing development Board showed.

**** Singaporean Buys 51% Stake <http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_357687.html>
by Karamjit Kaur, Straits Times

Singapore's Temasek Holdings, as well as other minority shareholders of the company that owns low-cost carriers Jetstar Asia and Valuair, are pulling out of the venture.

**** 长荣重返新加坡航运市场 <http://info.caexpo.com/zixun/jingjqj/2009-04-02/59114.html>
by 大公网

**** 到访外国旅客不断下降之时 圣淘沙四景点意外涨价 <http://www.zaobao.com/sp/sp090402_504.shtml>
by 李静仪, 联合早报


**** But Who Will Watch The Watchmen? <http://givemesometruth.wordpress.com/2009/04/01/but-who-will-watch-the-watchmen/>
by Alastair Su, Give Me Some Truth

**** Principles &amp; Pragmatism - Can Singapore Afford Both? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/04/principles-pragmatism-–-can-singapore-afford-both/>
by Khairulanwar Zaini, The Online Citizen

That is the true tragedy in the entire affair: of being Singapore and being vulnerable to the pressures of economy and trade that ideals and principles that we should stand for have to be forsaken.

**** Rise In Suicides Across Asia Feared Amid Recession <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/World/Rest-of-World/Rise-in-suicides-across-Asia-feared-amid-recession/articleshow/4348331.cms>
by AFP

As the global economy tanks and an increasing number of people get laid off in Singapore, SOS is seeking more volunteers to cope with a rise in the number of callers in need of solace from a kind voice.

**** Survey Shows Singaporeans Least Optimistic About Future <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/419658/1/.html>
by Lynlee Foo, Channel NewsAsia

Affluent Singaporeans are the most pessimistic in Asia when it comes to their future, according to a survey by life insurer AXA.

**** The 10 Highest Paid Politicians In The World <http://singaporerebel.blogspot.com/2009/04/10-highest-paid-politicians-in-world.html>
by Martyn See, Only &quot;Objective&quot; And &quot;Factual&quot; Political Films Please, We're Singaporeans

This TimesOnline article gets it all wrong.

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