[MyAppleMenu] Sep 6, 2008

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Sep 6 13:15:01 EDT 2008


**** Rage Against The iMachine <http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-ed-itunes6-2008sep06,0,3804759.story>
by Los Angeles Times
Music labels are rebelling against Apple's online dominance. Trouble is, their options are limited.

**** Is Steve Jobs Really E-Mailing Apple Customers? Grammatical Analysis Raises Doubts <http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/09/steve-jobs-e-ma.html>
by Brian X. Chen, Wired
Though this analysis is inconclusive, the e-mail containing the misuse of "which" appears to be the most suspicious.

**** Use A Command-Line AirPort Tool <http://www.macworld.com/article/135392/2008/09/airportterm.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Rob Griffiths, Macworld

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Brave New World Of Digital Intimacy <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/07/magazine/07awareness-t.html>
by Clive Thompson, New York Times
The effects of News Feed, Twitter and other forms of incessant online contact.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** I Now Pronounce You Totally Confused <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/07/books/review/Lithwick-t.html?_r=1&oref=slogin>
by Dahlia Lithwick, New York Times
It's a testament to our national confusion about the purpose of marriage that the courts can toggle this way between four or five rationales for such a union in a single judicial opinion, with little regard for any one coherent principle.

**** New Literary Art Form Discovered! <http://www.slate.com/id/2199466/?from=rss>
by Ron Rosenbaum, Slate
IN praise of the praise of poetry.

**** What Goes In The Black Hole Stays In The Black Hole. OK? <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/04/AR2008090402577.html?nav=rss_nation/science>
by James Trefil, Washington Post
/The Black Hole Wars/ is as good an introduction as you're going to find to the strange world of black hole astrophysics. Add that to the chance to ride along as real scientists resolve a fundamental issue and you have the makings of a great read.


**** Make The Public Service Productive <http://www.island.lk/2008/09/06/business4.html>
by Dinesh Weerakkody, The Island
THe Singaporean civil servants were highly skilled, dynamic people, who were forward looking, took a broad view of the development process and found the best possible way to achieve the wishes of the people.

**** Pressure Builds On Singapore's System <http://www.feer.com/essays/2008/september/pressure-builds-on-singapores-system>
by Hugo Restall, Far Eastern Economic Review
A siege mentality has been the hallmark of Singaproean politics for four decades, often with good justification given hostile neighboring governments to the north and south. Yet it is increasingly hard today to see how that anxiety can be justified and maintained. The generation now coming onto the political scene grew up in at least moderate prosperity, and may not be so easily bullied into voting for the PAP. It is eager to put down roots and create a civil society. So far the PAP has finessed this aspiration without compromising its control.
Prime minister Lee can afford to be sanguine for now, with the security apparatus, corporatist economy and civil service all at his command. Yet if this economic downturn worsens, he will be confronted with a more difficult choice of whether to accede to demands for greater pluralism. As academic Michael Haas once wrote, "Whenever the public exercises the independence of thought that better education brings, 'a danger to be nipped in the bud' or some similar cliche is articulated as the basis for repression." It bears remembering that the laws like the Internal Security Act that have been used in past such exercises remain on the books. If pushed too hard, Lee Hsien Loong still has the means to prove he is his father's son.

**** The Problem(s) With Palin <http://www.toomanythoughts.org/blog/2008/09/problems-with-palin.html>
by Tym Blogs Too
Ah, convervatives and their "small-town values" (read: Asian values?). Because everyone in the big city doesn't give a damn about "family, fidelity, honour and responsibility" (just like anyone with those damn "Western values").

**** Singapore Foreign Investor Appeal Bolsered By Government Efforts <http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/9/6/business/1965064&sec=business>
by Angie Ng, The Star
The Singapore government's pro-active efforts in formulating strategic plans to cushion the economy from unforeseen circumstances are commendable and have given a new lease of life to an otherwise listless property market.

**** Mutual Trust And Undertanding On Both Sides Needed <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/274582.asp>
by Jolovan Wham, Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics, Today
Is isloation rather than integration the answer to the problem?

**** Own Time Own Target, Carry On <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2008/09/own-time-own-target-carry-on/>
by The Online Citizen
The institution of NS clearly needs to be adjusted to take into account new realities. The main challenge is to meet questions of fairness and changing expectations.

**** Try This Little Experiment
by Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu
In P65 blog, Lim Wee Kiak <http://www.p65.sg/2008/09/06/foreign-workers-dorms-where-should-they-be-sited/> wrote: "Unfortunately, there are always some black sheeps among the foreign workers that tarnish the reputation and incite fear among residents by their unsocial actions and some may be even criminal. Ministry of National Development should study the issues further to ensure that location of such dorms will result in less distress to residential estates in proximity."
Now, try this little experiment: subsitute the phrase "foreign workers" with, say, "Malay." And, all of a sudden, you'll realise how racist this statement can be.
(Note: The Housing and Development Board is under the same ministry.)
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