[MyAppleMenu] Nov 29, 2008
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Nov 29 13:15:01 EST 2008
**** Two UI "Features" I Just Don't Understand <http://blog.stevex.net/index.php/2008/11/28/two-ui-features-i-just-dont-understand/>
by SteveX Compiled
Why do some lists in the Mac work this way?
**** Why We Develop For The iPhone Or "Fish Where The Fish Are." <http://blog.cosential.com/?p=166>
by Connected Data
Apple has innovated a new way to market software to the world. Thank you Steve Jobs for hanging in!
**** Apple And The Digital Rights Management Debate <http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/features/apple-and-the-digital-rights-management-debate-1039564.html>
by Mark Webster, The Independent
It's all about whether a database's content change signifies an authorship change or not. And it's an issue likely to take years to resolve in the US legal system.
**** What Might End Apple's Open Source Pass <http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=3130>
by Dana Blankenhorn, ZDNet.com
It does not surprise me that those in the open source movement, or the free internet movement, would protest Apple's actions. What surprises me is the silence of the music industry.
**** Ten Of The Best Mac Apps For Bloggers <http://mashable.com/2008/11/28/blogger-mac-apps/>
by Paul Glazowski, Mashable
**** Organize Your Workflow With Spaces <http://theweeklyreview.ca/2008/11/28/organize-your-workflow-with-spaces/>
by Chris Bowler, The Weekly Review
You only see the windows that you are directly working with. The list is considerably shorter than cycling through a long list of applications. Brilliant.
**** Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones <http://www.maclife.com/article/reviews/prince_persia_two_thrones>
by Zack Stem, MacLife
The physicality in Two Thrones excels, but we were still disappointed by bugs and technical issues.
**** Update: The Paperless Office <http://www.macworld.com/article/137091/2008/11/paperlessoffice.html?lsrc=rss_main>
by Joe Kissell, Macworld
New AppleScripts work with the latest versions of Adobe Acrobat.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Google's Gatekeepers? <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/30/magazine/30google-t.html?_r=1>
by Jeffrey Rosen, New York Times
Nicole Wong and her colleagues decide what the world can see on YouTube. Are they also determiing the limits of free speech?
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Exit Wounds <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/30/books/review/Bissell-t.html?_r=1>
by Tom Bissell, New York Times
Suicide is an exploded bridge that can never be repaired. All its secondary victims can do is stare across the chasm and hope the other side is more peaceful than this one.
**** Holes In Our Socks <http://www.slate.com/id/2205562/?from=rss>
by Tim Harford, Slate
Why it's so hard to predict how bad the recession will be.
**** For The Naughty <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/artsandliving/features/2008/holiday-guide/gifts/for-the-naughty/gallery.html>
by Dave Barry, Washington Post
Why do we give gifts during the holiday season? We do it for a reason that is as timeless as humanity itself: women.
**** The State Of Solitude <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122792160204165843.html?mod=rss_Books>
by Andrew Stark, Wall Street Journal
Pondering what it means to be alone in the modern world.
**** An Epic Journey In Which Science And Reason Rule <http://www.boston.com/ae/books/articles/2008/11/29/an_epic_journey_in_which_science_and_reason_rule/?rss_id=Boston+Globe+--+Book+reviews>
by Peter Bebergal, Boston Globe
Yes, "Anathem," Neal Stephenson's new novel is very long, coming in at more than 900 pages. Yes, it tackles philosophy, physics, religion, and mathematics. Yes, it's a daring feat of speculative fiction, playing with all the classic science-fiction tropes: futurism, first contact, high tech versus low tech, and speculations on the nature of the cosmos. And yes, it's pretty good, almost great, despite the work involved in reading it.
**** Leading Rights Lawyer Faces Jail Term <http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=44847>
by Baradan Kuppsuamy, IPS
Singapore's embattled human rights lawyer and leading anti-death penalty campaigner, Ravi Madasamy, intends to defend his reputation "all the way" to the highest courts after being released on bail for allegedly causing a disturbance at a mosque.
**** Tranquil Singapore Shaken By Mumbai Killing <http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/asia_file/blog/2008/11/29/tranquil_singapore_shaken_by_mumbai_killing>
by Ben Bland, Telegraph
Although it has a population of nearly 5m, Singapore often feels like it's a small market town and the death of Ms Lo has hit the city as if she was known to everyone here.
**** Mumbai Killing Jolts Peaceful Singapore <http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hfrf-eGm1BUvozNwynnQTfjmZJQg>
by AFP
Lo Hwei Yen came from a country that prides itself on rigorous anti-terrorism measures. But all the security in the city-state of Singapore meant nothing when Islamic militants stormed the Indian hotel where Lo was staying and took her hostage.
**** FOTF: Promoting The Devaluation Of Women <http://www.glass-castle.org/blog/2008/11/fotf-promoting-devaluation-of-women.html>
by Glass Castle Blog
It's not something DBS shareholders and customers would necessarily feel comfortable supporting financially. DBS should be upfront about this.
**** Singapore Licenses Are Online! <http://creativecommonssingapore.wordpress.com/2008/11/29/singapore-licenses-are-online/>
by Creative Commons Singapore
**** Fremont Attorney Released From Singapore Jail <http://www.insidebayarea.com/argus/localnews/ci_11098813>
by Linh Tat, The Argus
Gopalan Nair, a San Jose resident who practices law in Fremont maintained his innocence Friday and continued to lash out at the Singapore government as being corrupt. He said he plans to repost the two previous entries and that he will continue to write critical pieces of the government, reliazing he'll never be able to step foot in Singapore again.
**** Singapore Strikes Again <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122791989311765753.html>
by Wall Street Journal
As for this week's contempt ruling, the first line of Justice tay's decision is revealing as a standard for Singapore justice. "Words sometimes mean more than what they appear to say on the surface," he writes, going on to interpret the words as contemptuous because they had an "inherent tendency" to scandalise the court."
We'll pay the fine. We'll also continue to express our views about politics, the courts and other subjects that we think our readers should know about. And we'll let readers decide what to make of the judiciary in Singapore.
**** MRT Seat Removal: More Space = More Crowded <http://mollymeek.livejournal.com/202149.html>
by Mollymeek
**** How Top Schools Stay At The Top <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2008/11/how-top-schools-stay-at-top.html>
by Mr Wang Says So
Why gather hard information about things that are best kept a secret.
**** No Change In Political Equation <http://thestar.com.my/columnists/story.asp?col=insightdownsouth&file=/2008/11/29/columnists/insightdownsouth/2668075&sec=Insight%20Down%20South>
by Seah Chiang Nee, The Star
Few analysts expect the PAP to lose an election anytime soon. Its record as a stable, capable government remains in many people's minds despite the crop of unpopular policies it has pushed through.
The younger set of leaders is, however, undergoing a baptism of fire and not exactly coming out with flying colours.
/As noted elsewhere, the younger 'leaders' today did not really go through the ritual of an election and having to go out and earn people's votes. All they know, in a sense, is to lead by command-and-order a.k.a. SAF-management-style, and to throw money at problems and hope for the best./
/Many people will be willing to die for Lee Kuan Yew. How many of the younger generation will even want to ride a bicycle with the younger generation of MPs?/
**** Women And Older Residents Raise Singapore's Labour Rate <http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v3/news_lite.php?id=375049>
by Bernama
Singapore's employment rate grew by 2.7 percent last June compared to a year ago after more local women and older residents joined the workforce.
**** The Secret Makan Ghettos Of Singapore <http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/opinion/kf-seetoh/13425-the-secret-makan-ghettos-of-singapore>
by The Malaysian Insider
**** PM Lee Prescribes Bitter Medicine - Again <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2008/11/pm-lee-prescribes-bitter-medicine-again/>
by Andrew Loh, The Online Citizen
Under your leadership, all that Singaporeans seem to be doing these past years is swallowing bitter stuff - while at the same time, being told by you and your government how exceptional a government you are and how Singapore is in a 'golden period'.
**** MFA Press Statement: Acting Prime Minister Professor S Jayakumar's Condolence Message To The Family Of Ms Lo Hoei Yen <http://app.mfa.gov.sg/2006/press/view_press_email.asp?post_id=4566>
by Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, Singapore Government
My Cabinet colleagues and I are painfully saddened by the news of the death of a Singaporean among the hostages in the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. Our condolences go out to her family and her loved ones for their tragic loss.
The loss of any life to terrorism is sad but the loss of a fellow Singaporean is a pain more keenly and more closely felt by every Singaporean. I know that all Singaporeans feel deeply for the family and our hearts go out to them in their time of sorrow and grief.
**** MRT Seats Removed After Public Feedback <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_308067.html>
by Geoffrey Lim, Land Transport Authority, Bernadette Low, SMRT Corporation, Straits Times
In a survey of over 700 commuters conducted after deployment of the modified trains on Oct 31, nine in 10 commuters on platforms and seven in 10 in trains preferred being able to board a train quickly to having a seat. Most commuters also felt it was important to have more standing space in the cabins. And six in 10 felt that LTA and SMRT have modified the correct proportion of trains.
**** Real Pain <http://singaporelifetimes.blogspot.com/2008/11/terrorism-is-truly-scourge-of-this.html>
by Singapore Life And Times
**** Terrorists Have Killed One Of Our Own <http://geraldgiam.wordpress.com/2008/11/28/terrorists-have-killed-one-of-our-own/>
by Gerald Giam
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