[MyAppleMenu] Mar 18, 2008

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Mar 18 13:15:00 EDT 2008


**** Apple Releases Safari 3.1 <http://www.macworld.com/article/132569/2008/03/safari.html>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
Apple on Tuesday released a new version of its Safari web browser for Mac and Windows operating systems.
/Safari for Windows is finally out of beta. Now, can Apple finally tell us why it decided to port Safari onto Windows? And will we get an easy way &mdash; preferably one that doesn't require .Mac &mdash; to sync up the bookmarks and such?/

**** Why Apple Fans Hate Tech Reporters <http://machinist.salon.com/feature/2008/03/18/true_enough_excerpt_2/>
by Farhad Manjoo, Salon
On hot-button issues &mdash; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the Mac-PC divide &mdash; we're quick to see bias in even the most objective news.

**** Are We Seeing A More Enterprise Apple (For Real This Time)? <http://advice.cio.com/c_g_lynch/are_we_seeing_a_more_enterprise_apple_for_real_this_time>
by C. G. Lynch, CIO

**** iMovie Lets Students Focus On Content, Not Videography <http://education.zdnet.com/?p=1582>
by Christopher Dawson, ZDNet.com
Because the interface was so straight-forward, the actual editing process became far less important than the creative process of stringing the scenes together in a cohesive production.

**** Wired On Apple: "Pray" To "Evil Genius" In 11 Years <http://gizmodo.com/368903/wired-on-apple-pray-to-evil-genius-in-11-years>
by Gizmodo
Wired's April cover has Apple on it, and longtime readers and Macheads will notice the similarities between this and the June 1997 issue's art.
/I'm just wondering maybe I should go out and buy a copy of Wired &mdash; something that I haven't done for a long time &mdash; so as to complement my June 97 copy of Wired sitting on my book shelf./

**** Make iMovie '08 Work Your Way <http://www.macworld.com/article/132477/2008/03/digitalvideo2504.html>
by Jeff Carlson, Macworld

**** Apple And Microsoft's Flash Dance <http://apple20.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2008/03/17/apple-and-microsofts-flash-dance/?source=yahoo_quote>
by Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune
Apple is no stranger to proprietary platforms. It just prefers them to be its own.

**** Apple Snags 14 Percent Of US-Based PC Retail Sales In February <http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/08/03/17/apple_snags_14_percent_of_us_based_pc_retail_sales_in_february.html>
by Katie Marsal, AppleInsider
"Macbook Air sales appear to be additive to total sales, rather than replacing Macbook Pro sales," Pacific Crest Securities anallyst Andy Hargreaves said.

**** Sound Ideas For Home Audio <http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/16745896.html>
by Randy Salas, Star Tribune
Wireless technology and other innovatios allow home music fans to have audio that meets their modern needs.

**** Apple Analyst: Sales Data Sitll Showing An iPod Miss <http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/3/apple_analyst_sales_data_still_showing_an_ipod_miss>
by Dan Formmer, Silicon Alley Insider

**** Interarchy 9: Smooth, Fast, And Reliable <http://lowendmac.com/misc/08mr/interarchy-9-review.html>
by Charles Moore, Low End Mac

**** Adobe Pulls Lightroom, Camera Raw Updates <http://www.macworld.com/article/132554/2008/03/lightroom.html>
by Peter Cohen, Macworld

**** First Look: AirPort Express 802.11N Wi-Fi Base Station <http://www.macworld.com/article/132566/2008/03/airportexpress.html>
by Christopher Breen and Dan Frakes, Macworld
Other than the existence of the faster 802.11n networking and thetrickling down of a few minor features from the latest AirPort Extreme Base Station, there's not a lot to see here. Regardless, the AirPort Express wasa good bet to begin with and adding greater range and speed hardly diminishes its advantages.

**** X.5 Time Machine <http://earthlingsoft.net/ssp/blog/2008/03/x5_time_machine>
by Sven-S. Prost, Quarter Life Crisis
I look at backups in general, a number of details of how Time Machine works and their ramifications as I can make them out today, after a few months of usage.

**** Flash Not Ready For The iPhone, But Not Hurting Apple <http://www.macworld.com/article/132568/2008/03/flashiphone.html>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
Although many users want Flash support, analysts don't see the missing feature as harmin Apple's position.
/The question is: what are porn web sites using? Isn't the technologies they are using a good indication on what technologies is going to win &mdash; and, as such, a good indication what a mass-market platform should include?/

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Steve Jobs Was Only Half-Right: People Do Read - Even Kids - They Just Do It Online <http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/people_do_read_they_just_do_it_online.php>
by Sarah Perez, ReadWriteWeb
Succeses like those of the Harry Potter books show that even now, kids will read print media if it's good enough and captures their interest. And in the meantime, whether they read online or off, isn't it just good enough that they are, in fact, reading?

**** Martian Headsets <http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2008/03/17.html>
by Joel Spolsky, Joel On Software
DOCTYPE is a myth.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Midi <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2008/03/24/080324po_poem_murray>
by Les Murray, New Yorker

**** The Region Of Unlikeness <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2008/03/24/080324fi_fiction_galchen>
by Rivka Galchen, New Yorker


**** Singapore Police Behaviour Away From Public Eye <http://singabloodypore.rsfblog.org/archive/2008/03/18/singapore-police-behaviour-away-from-public-eye.html>
by Singapore Democrats, Singabloodypore
The officer who arrested Ms Chee Siok Chin got ahold of her finger and bend it. Ms Chee cried out "You're breaking my finger! You're breaking my finger!" which was recorded on video.

**** Manifesto II: WP's Housing Agenda <http://hammersphere.wordpress.com/2008/03/18/manifesto-ii-wps-housing-agenda/>
by The Hammersphere
Young middle-class or low-incomes buyers might feel exasperated by Mah Bow Tan's total omission of mention of this one aspect - the cash-over-valuation portion.

**** Singaore Is Still Not Ready To Be A Democracy <http://kelvintan73.livejournal.com/98297.html>
by kelvintan73
Through his actions, we are reminded that all of us are so willing to give up basic freedoms all because we fear the unknown.

**** Making Fun In Singapore <http://blog.ksaugustin.com/2008/03/17/making-fun-in-singapore/>
by Fusion Dispatches
The first parent-teacher meeting came up recently, and we attended it, and might I say right here that I get immense amusement and enjoyment out of interacting with the school prefects.

**** Singapore Air - Still In Talks To Buy China Eastern <http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssIndustryMaterialsUtilitiesNews/idUSSGC00184020080317>
by Daryl Loo, Reuters

**** The LTA CBD Taxi Stand Fiasco <http://www.mrbrown.com/blog/2008/03/the-lta-cbd-tax.html>
by mrbrown
The news report called it "LTA Fine-tuning". I think most people would call it "LTA tires to fix f**k-up".

**** Stricter Checks At Border Points Till Fugitive Is Nabbed <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_217850.html>
by Carolyn Quek, Straits Times
Security at Singapore's checkpoints will be further tightened, with all travellers leaving the country - except children - subject to fingerprint scans from now on.
The checks, which will also include full inspections of all vehicles entering and leaving the country, will go on until escaped terrorist Mas Selamat Kastari is caught, the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) announced yesterday.
/ICA should tell us what it is going to do with the collected fingerprint data. And I sure hope we will not take another step closer to being a police state, especially if this alleged terrorist is never going to be caught. (What if he drowned in the sea, and the body is never found?)/
See Also:<br/>Act To Ease Traffic Jams At Causeway <http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_217859.html>, by Gan Techiong, Straits Times.

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