[MyAppleMenu] Jun 22, 2008
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Sun Jun 22 13:15:00 EDT 2008
**** Did AT&T Make The Right Call With Apple's iPhone? <http://www.brandweek.com/bw/content_display/news-and-features/technology-finance/e3i76a689103c1b2ad6591b1b41a69bc3bb>
by Betsy Cummings, Brandweek
The real stroke of genius, analysts said, was the new iPhone's potential for corporate users.
**** iPhone's False Bargain <http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/editorials/articles/2008/06/22/iphones_false_bargain/>
by Boston Globe
The Federal Communications Commission should insist that the wireless telephone companies allow their customers to shop freely for their phones and let manufacturers compete for their business.
/On the other hand, would such a system give us visual voicemail?/
**** BK On Safari, Hunting Firefox... <http://xs-sniper.com/blog/2008/06/20/bk-on-safari-hunting-firefox/>
by Billy (BK) Rios
These types of vulnerabilities are a perfect example of how all the software and systems we use are part of a giant ecosystem. Whether we like it or not, the various parts of the ecosystem are intrtwined with each other.
**** The iPhone's Shocking Cost Of Internationl Downloads <http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/money/consumer_affairs/article4187006.ece>
by Jessica Bown, The Times
The thousands of consumers planning to snap up a 3G iPhone when they go on sale next month could be hit with bills of thousands of pounds if they download music or programmes overseas, industry insiders warned last week.
/Roaming charges are really really expensive./
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** Will Ozzie Era At Microsoft Signal A Revolution? <http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/147230/will_ozzie_era_at_microsoft_signal_a_revolution.html>
by John Fontana, Network World
**** Microsoft After Gates. (And Bill After Microsoft.) <http://www.newsweek.com/id/142672>
by Steven Levy, Newsweek
The icon of the tech world will focus on philanthropy as the company he founded faces turbulent seas.
**** 'There's No Year That I Didn't Love My Job' <http://www.newsweek.com/id/142537>
by Steven Levy, Newsweek
Bill Gates looks back at the road he and Microsoft have traveled, and at what's ahead for his foundation.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** How Darwin Won The Evolution Race <http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/jun/22/darwinbicentenary.evolution?gusrc=rss&feed=10>
by Robin McKie, The Guardian
It's 150 years since Darwin made one of the most significant breakthroughs in scientific history - the theory of natural selection. But if it hadn't been for a young ornithologist on the other side of the world, his seminal work might never have appeared.
**** Campaign For All Singaporean SAF, Police Force <http://chiatilik.wordpress.com/2008/06/22/campaign-for-all-singaporean-saf-police-force/>
by Chia Ti Lik
No one need to look too far into history to know the dangers of having a foreign armed mercenary unit in Singapore.
**** Political Films And The Ruling Party <http://singaporepatriot.blogspot.com/2008/06/political-films-and-ruling-party.html>
by Gerald Giam, Singapore Patriot
Laws like this only serve to deter law-abiding citizens.
**** What's Going To Become Of Our Children? <http://leelilian.blogspot.com/2008/06/whats-going-to-become-of-our-children.html>
by Lee Lilian, The Itch To Write
**** Singapore, HK Covet Malaysia's Islamic Finance Crown <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/feedarticle/7601701>
by Saeed Azhar and Umesh Desai, Reuters
Malaysia, Asia's biggest Islamic finance market, can expect growing competition from Singapore and Hong Kong, which are raising their game to tap Middle East funds keen on investing int he region's economies.
**** Singapore: Asia's Switzerland For Millionaires <http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5hYpq-fktB1oK3ufP20FZGgebAc3w>
by AFP
Got at least five million US dollars? A private banker is at your service in Singapore, which is fast gaining a reputation as the Switzerland of Asia for the world's growing ranks of multi-millionaires. The tiny, tropical island-state, Southeast Asia's most advanced economy, has emerged as a centre for the wealth management industry which caters to an elite breed called high net worth individuals.
**** Why We Need A Bottom-Up Internet Content Consultative Committee <http://journalism.sg/2008/06/22/why-we-need-a-bottom-up-internet-content-consultative-committee/>
by Cherian George, Journalism.sg
The objective over time is to subject more and more so-called "sensitive" areas to public reason, replacing intervention by the state with people's own capacities for discernment and judgement. The only viable long term response to the impracticality of internet censorship is to help Singapore mature as a society, online as well as offline.
**** Let People Form Body To Oversee Net Content: Panel <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_250436.html>
by Goh Chin Lian, Straits Times
The issue of who should set up a consultative body of citizens to moderate internet content - as proposed by a group of 13 bloggers - came under scrutiny at a forum yesterday.
**** Meet Singapore's Nomad Families <http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_250444.html>
by Braema Mathi, Straits Times
For four years, the newly-weds lived on the beach.
/Nomad? In almost any other countries, the term to use is "homeless"./
**** A Nation Of Gamblers - Or Investors? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2008/06/a-nation-of-gamblers-or-investors/>
by Lim Chih-Yang, The Online Citizen
The government can eduate and encourage gamblers to channel their hard-earned money towards investments suitable for their risk profile.
**** Key Concerns About Internet Deregulation Emerge At Forum <http://www.yawningbread.org/arch_2008/yax-899.htm>
by Au Waipang, Yawning Bread
I thought it was disturbing to get the sense that AIMS seemed to be going out of its way to find justifications for retaining the present law banning political films. I hope I am wrong, but it would be interesting to see what recommendations they intend to make to the government later this year.
/Everything can be political, so everything can be banned./
**** Internet Content Consultative Committee <http://singaporepatriot.blogspot.com/2008/06/internet-content-consultative-committee.html>
by Gerald Giam, Singapore Patriot
In any community, there are bound to be those who contravine generally accepted rules and codes of conduct. At stake also is the racial and religious harmony of our state, and the protection of minors from undesirable content on the internet.
/The natural question to follow is of course: why should I be responsible for your intolerance of different religious beliefs? Why should I be responsible for your inability to protect your own children against what you decide is undesirable?/
**** Is Subsidy A Panacea For The Rising Inflation? <http://www.p65.sg/2008/06/21/is-subsidy-a-panacea-for-the-rising-inflation/>
by Lam Pin Min, P65
Giving subsidies alone is not a problem, provided it can be sustainable and the country is able to afford it for a long, long time.
**** Government May Refine Workfare Income Supplement Top-Ups <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/355550/1/.html>
by May Wong, Channel NewsAsia
Mr Goh Chok Tong said income inquality will be an increasing challenge for Singapore.
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