[MyAppleMenu] Jun 10, 2008

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Jun 10 13:15:01 EDT 2008


**** Why Users Should Be Scared Of Apple's New Notification System <http://www.webware.com/8301-1_109-9964040-2.html>
by Josh Lowensohn, Webware
This new tunnel for data is a veritable gold ine that's not just metrics&mdash;it's attached to user IDs and billing information too.

**** Does Apple's Steve Jobs Have Cancer Again? <http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/5/does_apple_s_steve_jobs_have_cancer_again_>
by Henry Blodget, Silicon Alley Insider
Many readers will consider this post inappropriate, and we apologize in advance for that. Afer seeing photos of Steve Jobs at WWDC yesterday, however, we weren't the only ones who wondered whether Steve Jobs is sick again.

**** Update That Wishlist - I Just Tried A MacBook Air <http://education.zdnet.com/?p=1719>
by Christopher Dawson, ZDNet.com

**** Code Execution Flaws Hit QuickTme Again <http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=1256>
by Ryan Naraine, ZDNet.com
With QuickTime 7.5, Apple corrects multiple buffer overflows, memory corruption issues and URI handling flaws that could allow malicious hackers to launch exploits with QuickTime movie or image files.

**** Dispatch From The Apple Store #2: Foreign Journalists, Tourists, And Angry Guards <http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/06/dispatch-from-t.html>
by Jose Fermoso, Wired
Judging by the excitement of the crowds, it looks like the night of July 10th will be another all-nighter for the crew.

**** Hands On With iPhone 3G <http://www.macworld.com/article/133856/2008/06/iphone_3g_hands_on.html>
by Jason Snell, Macworld
Okay, so maybe touching the iPhone 3G is not as impressive a feat as it was to touch the first iPhone when it was announced back in January 2007. But still, for the next month I've got one up on most members of the general public.
With that in mind, let me tell you what I found.

**** The 3G iPhone: First Impressions <http://mossblog.allthingsd.com/20080609/the-3g-iphone-first-impressions/>
by Walt Mossberg, AllThingsD
They haven't added a real way to cut and paste, or to save files, other than emailed photos. And there still isn't any MMS capability.

**** iPhone 3G - Apple's Reality Distortion Field Redefines The Phrase "Half The Price" <http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=2051>
by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, ZDNet.com
However, AT&amp;T has added an extra $10 a month to the unlimited 3G monthly fees compared to EDGE< so over the 24 month period of the contract, that sets you back an extra $240.

**** Recalculating... <http://www.slate.com/id/2193237/?from=rss>
by Chadwick Matlin, Slate
The 3G iPhone is coming. GPS manufacturers should be very, very scared.

**** Dialing Into The Future <http://www.newsweek.com/id/140786?from=rss>
by Steven Levy, Newsweek
The Macintosh, the computer Jobs introduced in 1984, was a technological breakthrough that never became the worldwide standard he believed it should have been. Today begins his effort to make the iPHone a mobile device not for the rest of us, but for most of us.

**** Canadian iPhone Will Only Be Sold With Three-Year Plan <http://todmaffin.com/exclusive-canadian-iphone-will-only-be-sold-with-three-year-plan>
by Tod Maffin
You will only be able to buy an iPhone if you agree to a three-year plan.

**** First 3G iPhone Hands-On Tests Are Thumbs Up <http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2008/06/09/first-3g-iphone-hands-on-tests-are-thumbs-up>
by David Chartier, Ars Technica
Both Gizmodo and Engadget have taken floor models for a spin and basically corroborate Apple's talking points about the new device.

**** MobileMe: .Mac's iPhone-Friendly Replacement <http://www.43folders.com/2008/06/09/mobileme-macs-iphone-friendly-replacement>
by Merlin Mann, 43 Folders
I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on this and reporting back to you on how it's working for me. I want it to work great, and I think it can, based on Apple's high standards and ability to control all the pieces.

**** Most Important WWDC Announcement: GPS On iPhone <http://www.macworld.com/article/133854/2008/06/iphone_gps.html>
by Ian Lamont, The Industry Standard
The game-changer in the new iPhone package is "Assisted GPS"&mdash;if the technology lives up to the hype.

**** Apple's $199 iPhone: How Can It Be So Cheap? <http://www.macworld.com/article/133855/2008/06/iphone_cost.html>
by Yardena Arar, PC World
How could a phone with more memory, more radios (3G/GPS technology), and better battery life go for, essentially, a third of what the original cost a year ago? I surveyed a handful of experts to see what they had to say.

**** iPhone 3G: In-Store Activation Only, Free Upgrades <http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/06/09/att.talks.iphone.contract/>
by MacNN
AT&amp;T on Monday said that all iPhone 3G handsets must be activated at the time of purchase in the retail store and that all first-generation phones purchased after May 27th will be eligible for a free upgrade to the 3G model.

**** From iTools To MobileMe <http://www.macworld.com/article/133826/2008/06/dotmachistory.html>
by Dan Moren, Macworld
MobileMe appears to be a significant improvement over .Mac, bringing it firmly into the era of the iPhone. Of course this isn't the first time that Apple has revamped its online offering in the service's long lifetime.

**** WWDC: Third-Party Touch App Demos <http://www.macuser.com/ipod-software/wwdc_thirdparty_touch_app_demo.php?lsrc=murss>
by Dan Pourhadi, MacUser
Today during the WWDC keynote, several developers got on stage to strut their new iPhone/Touch apps.

**** Apple Posts QuickTime 7.5, WWDC Keynote <http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/06/09/quicktime.75.fixes.bugs/>
by MacNN

**** Review: FoldersSynchronizer X 3.6 <http://www.macworld.com/article/133824/2008/06/folderssynchronizerx3.html>
by Joe Kissell, Macworld
The interface is unnecessarily obscure, and having to keep the proram running all the time fo rscheduled syncs to occur is awkward.

**** 3G iPhone In 22 Countries July 11Th, 70+ Total <http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/06/09/3g.iphone.in.22.countries/>
by MacNN
Apple on Monday announced it is bringing the much anticipated device to over 70 countries &mdash; just over one-third of countries in the world &mdash; a year after launching the first iPhone, with 22 countries to have it on July 11th.

**** iPhone 3G Already At FCC <http://www.electronista.com/articles/08/06/09/iphone.3g.at.fcc/>
by Electronista
The terse application provides few details but reveals that Apple timed its confidnetiality request to begin with the announcement of the device.

**** Analysts: Macs In 80 Percent Of Multinationals <http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/06/09/mac.enterprise.adoption/>
by MacNN
Corporate adoption of Macs is extremely high in the realm of multinationals, a new study claims.

**** Apple Confirms OS X Snow Leopard <http://www.macworld.com/article/133839/2008/06/snowleopard.html>
by Rob Griffiths, Macworld
Apple confirmed that Snow Leopard would focus on performance enhancements rather than new features. The OS X update, expected to ship in about a year, will be optmized for multi-core processors and enable "breakthrough amounts of RAM." Apple also promised a new, modern media platform with QuickTime X. The update will also offer out-of-the-box support for Microsoft Exchange 2007.

**** WWDC: Apple Slashes Prices With iPhone 3G, Shipping In July <http://www.macworld.com/article/133838/2008/06/iphone3g.html>
by Brian Chen, Macworld
The iPhone 3G will sell for $199 for the 8GB model and $299 for the 16GB modle. That's a $200 discount from the previous prices, and it's a far cry from the price tag for the iPhone when it was introduced nearly a year ago.
AT&amp;T and Apple have also discontinued their revenue sharing agreement, which provided Apple with a cut of the monthly subscription fee paid by customers.

**** MobileMe Replaces .Mac, Adds iPhone-Friendly Features <http://www.macworld.com/article/133837/2008/06/mobileme.html>
by Philip Michaels and Jonathan Seff, Macworld
Dubbed MobileMe, the new service offers push e-mail, calendars, and contacts for users, keeping that information up-to-date whether they're viewing it at a computer or an iPhone. The web-based MobileMe works with the iPhone's mail, calendar, and contacts applications in addition to working with Mail, iCal, and Address book on the Mac and Outlook on the PC.

**** WWDC: iPhone 2.0 Release Slated For Early July <http://www.macworld.com/article/133836/2008/06/iphone2.html>
by Brian Chen and Jonathan Seff, Macworld
Apple will delay the release of the iPhone 2.0 software from late June (as previously promised) until early July. But when the significant update does ship, it will offer plenty of new features for iPhone and iPod touch users.

**** Review: Daylite 3.7 <http://www.macworld.com/article/133729/2008/06/daylite3.html>
by John Brandon, Macworld
Confronted with Daylite's comparatively high price tag, you may decide to piece together a bunch of lower-cost or open source programs instead. Don't. As an organizer, Daylite 3.7.3 keeps a set of powerful tools in one convenient application.

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Looks Like A Million To Me: How I Realized That Amazon's Kindle And Sony's E-Reader Were Exceeding Sales Estimates <http://blog.oup.com/2008/06/ebooks-2/>
by Evan Schnittman, Oxford University Press

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Blue <http://www.slate.com/id/2188041/?from=rss>
by Peter Balakian, Slate

**** Battle Of The Skyscrapers <http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/06/09/skyscraper/index.html>
by Ulrike Knofel, Salon
A building frenzy is raging in Asia, Russia and the Persian Gulf. And cities like New York don't have the money to compete. Will the West soon look outdated?

**** Words, Words, Words <http://www.slate.com/id/2193216/?from=rss>
by Michael Kinsley, Slate
My first day on the copy desk at the /Royal Oak Daily Tribune/ in Royal Oak, Mich., the chief copy editor said something that has inspired me ever since. "Remember," he said, "every word that you cut saves the publisher money." But like so much else, this principle seems to have been turned upside down by the internet.

**** Buy Me Some Sushi And Baby Back Ribs <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/08/travel/08baseball.html?_r=1&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss&oref=slogin>
by Peter Meehan, New York Times
I spent a few weekends after opening day this year bopping around to 10 American cities, where I ate my way through 12 major league ballparks. My mission: to hoover down a shameful number of hot dogs and to sample the increasingly ambitious and occasionally delicious world of ballpark cuisine beyond peanuts and Cracker Jack.


**** Thinking About Critical Thinking <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2008/06/thinking-about-critical-thinking.html>
by Mr Wang Says So

**** Asia Set To Become The 'Home Of The Away Game' <http://www.dailymirror.lk/DM_BLOG/Sections/frmNewsDetailView.aspx?ARTID=17293>
by Financial Times

**** Human Rights In Everyday Life <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2008/06/human-rights-in-everyday-life/>
by Siew Kum Hong, The Online Citizen
I think we have spent more than enough years hearing abot our obligations as citizens without a corresponding discourse on our /rights/. The meergence of a rights-based discourse in Singapore is long overdue.

**** SingTel To Bring In Apple's iPhone 3G Later This Year <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporebusinessnews/view/353095/1/.html>
by Channel NewsAsia
The telco added that it will announce pricing and availability at a later date.

**** Cancellation Of Bridge To Singapore <http://www.chedet.com/2008/06/cancellation-of-bridge-to-singapore.html>
by Mahathir Mohamad
Abdullah frustrated that his scheme was blocked then punished the Johore people by cancelling the bridge project altogether. No straight bridge, no curve bridge either. The result is that more than RM1 billion have been wasted building the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities, foundation and work on a new railway station, pilings and preliminary works on the road linking the CIQ to the bridge and compensations to the contractors because of the cancellation of the projects. The CIQ building is now a white elephant, unused and yet have to be maintained costing hundreds of thousands of Ringgit a month. Clearly Dato Seri Abdullah has wasted public money. All because he was angry with the Johor people for not enabling one billion cubic metres of sand to be sold to Singapore and the profits thereof.

**** A Case Of Similar Attractions <http://thebosonicstate.blogspot.com/2008/06/case-of-similar-attractions.html>
by The Bosonic State
If we compare the same kind of attractions, like zoo to zoo, then I think it may not be quite on the mark.
/Another data point: the Smithsonian's National Zoo <http://nationalzoo.si.edu/visit/> in Washington D.C. of the Untied States is free./

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