[MyAppleMenu] Sep 11, 2006

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Sep 11 13:15:00 EDT 2006

Mac news for Mac people


*** At ASU, Sunshine, iPods And Razrs
Nicole Girard, CNET News.com

Earphones attached to iPods of every size were standard uniform as students walked to class with heads down, tapping text messages on their Razr phones and answering e-mails on their BlackBerrys.

*** Laptops To Help Students, Teachers
Linda Knapp, Seattle Times

All students enrolled in Shoreline's public secondary schools now can have a Macintosh laptop for use at school and at home during the school year.

*** Has Apple Cracked The TV-PC Barrier?
John Markoff, New York Times

"The 'last mile' problem of delivering broadband to the home has largely been solved. What remains is the 'last hundred feet' problem."

*** Fifth Avenue - 1 Million Visitors


*** Dell Store Employee Deny's The Mac Pro Being Cheaper
Ridge Lawrence

*** It's Leopard Vs. Vista
Michael Gartenberg, Computerworld

Once again, it appears that Apple has taken a leap over what Microsoft is offering.

*** Is Apple Going Doing An HP?
Depleted Uranium

It's possible the Apple designers have made a mess of the cooling of the Core Duo processor, at least on the Mac mini and MacBook Pro.


*** BBEdit Has A New, Foldable, Lease On Life
Francois Joseph de Kermadec, O'Reilly Network

BBEdit is here, is strong and has once again leaped ahead with I want to call a subtly groundbreaking release.


*** Big City, Small Dreams
Heng-Cheong Leong

Joel Minsky <http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/11/nyregion/11diary.html?_r=1&ref=nyregion&oref=slogin>: Observed on Riverside Drive: A young man walking on the upper promenade, iPod in hand, earbuds gently placed in the ears of his 2.5-year-old towhead, says to the child: "That's Ray Charles. Do you like Ray Charles?"

*** I See London, I See France
Heng-Cheong Leong

David Millward <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/09/11/nplanes11.xml>, Telegraph: Researchers in Britain and Europe are looking at technology that would see a comprehensive network of microphones and cameras installed through the aircraft, including the lavatory, which would be linked to a computer.

Wanna bet the first criminals to be caught in this "anti-terrorist plane" are going to be crackers trying to hack into that lavatory camera?


*** Why Vista Will Mean The End Of The Microsoft Monolith
John Naughton, The Observer

The difficulties in developing Vista stemmed from its monolithic structure and the need for 'backwards compatibility.' The trauma has convinced some Microsoft engineers that they will have to adopt a radically different approach.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** Marketing To Kids Where They Live
Rachael King, BusinessWeek

Companies hoping to attract young customers are building whole marketing campaigns around social network sites such as Facebook and MySpace.

*** Video Meetings Didn't Take Off Despite Fear Of Flying
Martin Zimmerman, Los Angeles Times

*** Living A Virtual Life
Steven Levy, Newsweek

Is World of Warcraft a game, or is it a harbinger of virtual realities that we all might inhabit? Only a Night Elf knows for sure.

*** Unconferences Are Ovrerrated
Kevin Cheng, OK/Cancel

I think it's the wrong way to achieve the desired effect.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life

[Tech & Science]

*** The Man Who Saved Geometry
Siobhan Roberts, Boston Globe

Crying 'Death to Triangles!' a generation of mathematicians tried to eliminate geometry in favor of algebra. Were it not for Donald Coxeter, they might have succeeded.


*** The Subtle Changes Since 9/11
Stephanie McCrummen, Washington Post

For Va. neighbors, lingering fears and a new worldview underlie everyday life.

*** In China, Delicately Testing The Taboo On Talking About Sex
Maureen Fan, Washington Post

Popularity of radio advice proram highlights youths' hunger for guidance.

Life in the city


*** Can We Trust Our Own Police Force?
Heng-Cheong Leong

The strawman that the Singapore government and the Singapore police had put up is whether Singapore has a right to "determine whether a foreigner would be eligible for entry into the country <http://app.sprinter.gov.sg/data/pr/20060908983.htm>". Of course Singapore must have the right to determine whether any particular individual has a right to enter Singapore.

The real issue, however, is whether the Singapore government and the Singapore police had made the correct assessment that the activists banned from entering Singapore should be banned. Where are the dangers? What is the risk assessment? Has the Singapore police erred on the side of caution too much?

We, the citizens of Singapore, will probably never get to know how the Singapore government and Singapore police made these assessments in the name of "national security." Trust us, the police seems to say. We know what we are doing.

A police force that asks for blind trust from its citizens is a dangerous police force. Where are the checks and balances to build the trust in Singapore government and police? I can't find any today.


*** Singapore Bars 28 Activists
Gillian Wong, Associated Press

The activists are members of eight civil society groups from the region and elsewhere, and have been previously involved in 'disruptive activities,' senior police officials said at a press conference.

*** Scrapping Of Bridge Doesn't Dent Malaysia-Singapore Ties - Abdullah
Abdul Muin Abdul Majid, Bernama

Relations between Malaysia and Singapore should not be affected by the recent decision to scrap a bridge project to replace the Johor Causeway that links the two neighbouring countries, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

*** Indonesia Police To Allow Anti-IMF Gathering - Report

Indonesia will allow activists to hold a gathering on Batam island to protest againast a World Bank and IMF conference in Singapore, Antara state news agency quoted the national police spokesman as saying on Monday.

*** Singapore An 'Immature State,' Activists Say
Norman Bordadora, Inquirer

Fair trade activists in the Philippines on Monday called economic tiger Singapore an "immature state" that can't stand public debate after its government banned 20 persons and five groups from entering the territory in connection with the International Monetary Fund-World Bank conference this week.

*** Singapore Barricades Roads, Plants Flowers Before IMF Meeting
Angus Whitley, Bloomberg

*** Singapore Supports Development Of Southern Johor
Lianhe Zaobao

*** World Bank Considers Meeting Activists Barred By Host Singapore At Alternative Venue
Associated Press

The World Bank said Saturday it might meet activists barred by host Singapore from its meeting next week at an alternative venue, adding that the city-state's decision would be a factor in deciding who hosts future conferences.

*** Govt Harassment Begins: Police Steal Flyers From Activists
Singapore Democrats, Singapore Election Watch

*** Healthy Lifestyle Drive To Focus On Exercise And Hawker Food
Liaw Wy-Cin, Straits Times


*** At Today's Protests, The Streets Are Getting Ugly
Bridget Johnson, World Politics Watch

Yes, the streets are getting ugly, as I've seen with my own two eyes, and protesters are speaking loudly and carrying big sticks that they're not afraid to use. What the best way to counter these rising extremist displays? Show up with a big smile, speak softly and carry a huge Israeli flag. And wear running shoes.

*** Via Singapore
Sensible Paradox

Singapore -- for me, at least -- is not a home. Singapore is not a place I could call home. In Singapore, I am in transit.

*** Colorful Singapore

*** Rethinking NS - Part 2
Mr Wang Bakes Good Karma

*** Remembering This Day Five Years Ago

*** Dreaming Of A Good Life
Salt * Wet * Fish

Possession is an ideal born out of selfishness that binds us to jealousy, hatred, anger, depression, anxiety, fear and uncertainty.

*** Face Of The Future Citizen
Seah Chiang Nee, The Star

The republic now aspires to be a global city that attracts the best talents from the world. This is a long way from the squalid past in 1965 when Lee's party began to debate what shape the country's culture should take.

*** Bicycle? No, It's A Shopping Trolley
jz88 folding bike blog

If you love cycling in Singapore, you have to accept the status of a secondary citizen.

*** If MPs Can Seek Votes Door To Door, Why Can't Insurance Agents Sell Policies The Same Way?
Eu Jin Yip, Straits Times

*** Schizophrenic Smilies
A Xeno Boy In Sg

*** The Token Rebuke
Chemical Generation Singapore

*** The Protest Against No Protest
Mr Wang Bakes Good Karma

I wonder if it would have been better for Singapore not to host this event at all.

The Shuffle by MyAppleMenu
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.


*** Coffee Providers (4-Piece Version)
The New Mastersounds

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