[MyAppleMenu] Mar 2, 2006

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Mar 2 13:15:01 EST 2006

Mac news for Mac people


*** Apple Fixes Serious OS X Flaws
Joris Evers, ZDNet UK

Applications such as Safari and Apple iChat have been patched, after a fortnight when Apple's security has come under renewed scrutiny.

*** Apple's Latest Audio Offensive
Peter Burrows, BusinessWeek

Purists can sniff that the new Hi-Fi speaker system is a glorified boom box, but for Microsoft and others the message is clear: Jobs & Co. are coming on strong.

*** Downloading Empathy To Your iPod
Howard Parnell, Washington Post

In searching for a way to cope with her loss and create awareness of neuroblastoma, the pediatric cancer that claimed her son, Justine Saylors became part of a phenomenon that some researchers predict wil dramatically change the online music business before the decade is out.

*** Opening Up The Intel Mac Mini
Jason Snell, Macworld

The easily-accessible RAM slot on the left side is gone. Or to be more accurate, they've been turned on their side and hidden from view.

*** iPod Technology In The Home
Neil Farrow, Monitor Audio

It is hard to see where Apple can go wrong in the future of the home entertainment industry.

*** Apple Updates Front Row, iTunes, iPhoto
Peter Cohen, Macworld

*** Intel Mac Mini: What You Need To Know
Jonathan Seff, Macworld

What's changed with the mini -- and how it affects you.


*** MacBook Pro's Crazy New LEDs
Jason D. O'Grady, ZDNet

Apple has cranked up the keyboard backlight on the new notebok to several times the brightness of hte backlight on my PowerBook G4.

*** Apple Eats Its 'Companions'
Rex Hammock, Rexblog.com

Apple certainly has the right to compete with the companies that make or sell Apple comptaible or peripheral products. I'm merely saying that consumers also have a choice.

*** Mac Mini Musings
Giles Turnbull, O'Reilly Network

That PVR software you're missing? It's Front Row. Or at least, that's what Front Row is evolving towards.

*** Jobs iPod Hi-Fi: Home Stereo Reinvented? Or Load of HorseCRAP?
David Berlind, ZDNet

Apple is going after the home entertainment market and it will use its DRM to keep the competition at bay.

*** In Defense Of Apple's Announcements
Scott McNulty, Unofficial Apple Weblog

If you look at the story that the products tell, then things begin to make a little more sense.


*** MacBook Pro
Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica

Because of some of the oddball behavior I experienced with this machine, I'm hesitant to be as glowing about the MacBook Pro as I could potentially be.

*** Apple Laptop Has Looks And Brains
David Pogue, New York Times

Over all, the MacBook Pro is a beautifully engineered machine. If it's not the world's finest, it's darned close.

*** The Intel Mac Mini Value Equation
Dan Knight, Low End Mac

*** First Look: iPod Hi-Fi
Dan Frakes, Playlist

Perhaps a more accurate tag line would be Compact stereo system. Refined.


*** Chinese Walls In Apple?
Heng-Cheong Leong

Does the part of Apple that made the iPod Hi-Fi has additional knowledge -- hidden APIs and so on -- that other manufactuers don't? If so, it's time to pull another anti-trust trial. And this may just have merits.

*** Rumor Today: Movies? Yeah, You Do Want To Rent Them
Heng-Cheong Leong

Apple -- or, perhaps, Steve Jobs himself -- has always stayed away from music subscription services, claiming that customers want to own music, not rent. This, to me, makes sense both on an emotional level and business level.

Yeah, the music that I love, I want to own them. And it makes business sense for Apple to lock in users by selling and not renting. (If iTunes' business model is subscription, customers can easily switch from iPods to other MP3 players, as there are other subscription services out there.)

But the latest rumor indicates that Apple "thinks different" with regards to movie downloads: it's iTunes Movie Subscription Store <http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=1567> that is in the works, according to AppleInsider.

*** Apple Mail Say Wha?
Heng-Cheong Leong

Apple Mail say wha? <http://corfield.org/blog/index.cfm/do/blog.entry/entry/Apple_Mail_say_wha>

Or as a reader commented... ERROR: Everything is OK.


*** Origami To Be Vole's iPod Killer
Nick Farrell, The Inquirier

The software giant known as Microsoft has confirmed that its origami project is to be the hardware it will use to try and bruise Apple's iPod.

*** Origami Is As Exciting As Paper
Chris Pirillo, GnomeREPORT

I've seen what Origami is supposed to be and (without spilling too many details per the NDA that I willingly signed) it's not going to live up to the hype.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** You've Got Good Mail
Farhad Manjoo, Salon

Businesses are fuming over AOL's plan to charge for sending e-mail to its users. But if it cuts spams and guarantees delivery, what's the problem?

*** TV May Be Free But Not That Free
Dawn C. Chmielewski and Meg James, Los Angeles Times

As downloads increase, executives have to figure out how to convince people it's stealing.

*** Microsoft Researching Ways To Help Illiterate Use Computers
Associated Press

Microsoft has developed a prototype of a system that would connect illiterate domestic workers in India with families seeking their services. The system uses pictures, video and voice commands to tell women what jobs are available, how much the jobs pay and where they are.

*** China Creates Own Internet Domains
Tom Espiner, CNET News.com

China has announced it is creating a new set of domain names based on Chinese characters.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Clinton's Guantanamo
Brandt Goldstein, Slate

How the Democratic president set the stage for a land without law.


*** The Joke Is On Katrina
P.J. Huffsutter, Los Angeles Times

Many in New Orleans lost everything but their sense of humor. Have you heard the one about the evacuee who was out on a date?

*** 'Social Order' Takes The Life Out Of Night Life
Jennifer Gampell, New York Times

Increasingly, going out on the town in Bangkok has become more of a hassle than checking in for an international flight.

*** Breaking The Rules
Bill Daley, Chicago Tribune

Red wine can go swimmingly with fish.

*** The Vocabulary Of e-English Doesn't Bust Grammar Mold
Nathan Bierma, Chicago Tribune

Computer-speak is not just a dialet or vocabulary -- it has grammatical principles all its own.

Life in the city


*** Government Amending Laws To Deter Child Sex Tourism
S. Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia

The government is amending its laws to extend extra-territorial jurisdiction over its nationals who sexually exploit minors overseas.

*** No Need To Dip Into Reserves To Pay For Deficit
Lydia Lim, Straits Times

*** Train Delays Not Related, Says SMRT
Loh Chee Kong, Today

For two consecutive days, commuters rushing to get to work were left frustrated as train services were disrupted along the North-South MRT line.


*** Household Allowance
mr brown

"So this is not an erection budget?"

The Shuffle by MyAppleMenu
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.


*** Ole
The Old Ceremony

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