[MyAppleMenu] Jun 16, 2006

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Jun 16 13:15:01 EDT 2006

Mac news for Mac people


*** Anti-Trust Officials Cautious About iTunes Attack
David Lawsky, Reuters

European competition officials are wary about proposals to crack open Apple's iTunes web store to other music players, despite concerns shown by consumer advocates.

*** Apple Seen Delivering "Ultra-Portable" At Macworld
Kasper Jade, AppleInsider

Apple could introduce an "ultra-portable PC" that employs NAND-based flash memory in time for the January Macworld trade show in San Francisco, one Wall Street analyst says.

*** Apple Gets Green Light On Boston Store Plan
Jenn Abelson, Boston Globe

Giving Apple a conditional blessing, the Back Bay Architectural Commission approved the demolition of the existing building as long as the computer maker presents an appropriate building design. But the commission, while complimenting the design changes, denied for now last night's proposal, an expected move for a project of this scope, according to commission chairman Anthony Casendino.

*** Meetro Social Messenger Comes To The Mac
Jim Dalrymple, Macworld


*** Dear .Mac Team: Stop The Sex Pill Offers!
Matthew Russell, O'Reilly Network

*** Thanks (Or No Thanks) To Apple: Where We Stand Now With Digital Music
Chris Uriarte

*** Advice To Students: Pack A Mac
Stephen H. Wildstrom, BusinessWeek

Mac software, both the OS X operating system and the applications such as iPhoto and GarageBand bundled with it, have gotten steadily better, while Windows seems stuck in a rut.


*** Promising Prospect: Letterbox
Dan Frakes, Macworld

*** Call Of Duty 2
Peter Cohen, Macworld

Call of Duty 2 sets a new high water mark for World War II-era shooters on the Mac. Just plan to have the horsepower to run it.


*** Gates Stepping Down From Full-Time Microsoft Role
Ina Fried and Scott Ard, CNET News.com

Bill Gates, the man who started Microsoft and has been its public face throughout its three decades of existence, plans to step away from daily work at the company.

*** Why Microsoft Won't Miss Gates
Charles Cooper, CNET News.com

The reality is this planned transition is part of the normal generational shift in any great coporation.

*** Microsoft's Mixed Scorecard
Michael Kanellos and Ina Fried, CNET News.com

Microsoft remains the largest software company in the world and one of the two or three most influential in the technology market. Still, with success has come size, and the giant has not moved as rapidly into search or music a smaller competitors.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** Government Increasingly Turning To Data Mining
Arshad Mohammad and Sara Kehaulani Goo, Washington Post

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The other things in life


*** A Grand Old Flag And Very Modern Art
Blake Gopnik, Washington Post

Today, Flag Day, seems a f ine time to look at Old Glory -- to just plain look, for a minute without thinking at all about its history or what is represents -- and admire its strangeness.

Life in the city


*** At The Johor State Assembly Yesterday: Proposal To Build An Alternative Bridge
Siti Nurbaiyah Nadzmi, New Straits Times

An alternative bridge should be build now that the "scenic bridge" has been scrapped, State Assemblyman Dr Abdul Rashid Abdul Mokti has proposed.

*** Correction

There was a trial in open cour tbefore the High Court awarded damages of $500,000.


*** PAP Using STOMP To Bypass Blogs & Forums
Singapore Election Watch

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