[MyAppleMenu] Jul 19, 2006

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Jul 19 13:15:01 EDT 2006

Mac news for Mac people


*** iPod Accessories Gone Wild
Ian Sager, BusinessWeek

The desire to personalize the Apple music player experience -- and make a fast buck -- has resulted in some downright odd products.

*** Analyst Sees WWDC As Mac Only Event

"Keep in mind WWDC is a Mac event and has not been used in the past for major iPod announcements."

*** Missing Sync Adds Windows Mobile 5 Support
Peter Cohen, Macworld


*** My Tunes Pre iTunes
Cliff Biggers, Not Much'a Nothin'

As much as I enjoy my iPod, I realize that it's not the ultimate format for music. There's something to be said for the unified format of an album.

*** Beg, Buy Or Steal Video Content - The iTunes Flawed Rental Model
Virtual Economics

*** I Will Not Buy Or Rent Movies From Apple!
Geek News Central

I just hope people wake up, and say no to the madness of digital downloads that continue to be highly restrictive when wrapped in DRM.

*** Mac OS X 'Leopard': Which Machines Will Make The Cut?
David Morgenstern, eWeek

The feature set of the new Mac operating system will be revealed soon, but there's no way that all currently supported machines will run it. Which ones will make the cut and which will be left running "Tiger"?


*** For Mac Users, Many Feed Reader Choices
Om Malik, GigaOM

*** Apple Offers One Hot Portable
Mark Kellner, Washington Times

If you want a stylish, great, capable portable, buy this one. You won't be disappointed.

*** Final Draft 7 And Final Draft AV

*** Final Cut Express HD
Jan Ozer, Publish

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** Audio Software For The Mody Listener
Susan Nasr, MIT Technology Review

Have a big music collection? Try organizing it by feeling.

*** Google Exec Challenges Berners-Lee
Candace Lombardi, CNET News.com

A Google executive challenged internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee on his ideas for a Semantic Web during a conference in Boston on artificial intelligence.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life

[Tech & Science]

*** Weird Science
K.C. Cole, Columbia Journalism Review

Editors are too accustomed to being smart, and thus can't deal with the fact that they don't understand science. And because they're uncomfortable feeling confused, readers are left in the dark about a universe of research that eludes easy explanation.

*** Super Storms
Thomas Hayden, National Geographic Magazine

Scientists are urgently trying to forecast the next killer hurricanes.


*** Vinyl-Sided Epiphany
Erika Meitner, Slate

Life in the city


*** Char's Case Dismissed

*** 3 Cabbies Caught Avoiding Passengers
Goh Chin Lian, Straits Times

*** U-Turn By Singapore Eateary


*** Bak Chor Mee Versus Bak Kut Teh Episode
My Singapore News

The negative feedback may chase away all his foreign dignitaries for good.

*** Wearing Same Clothes In Singapore Is Illegal

Singapore's ambigous laws are like sharp knives on top of citizen's head, which cannot be avoided. Whoever the government does not like can be easily dealt with.

*** Pupils At Stadium Waited 4 Hours To Be Dismissed
Tan Lay Tuan, Straits Times

*** How CPF Board Can Pay Higher Interest Rates
Cheah Khuan Yew, Straits Times

Would the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board consider placing members' funds with the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) to improve the interest rates?

*** Why Happiness Must Matter To Governments
Adrian Tan, Today

Sound government policies based ont he 'science of happiness' can make one happy village.

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