[MyAppleMenu] Jan 24, 2006

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Jan 24 13:15:01 EST 2006

Mac news for Mac people


*** Disney-Pixar: It's A Wrap
Ronald Grover, BusinessWeek

The deal, which would make Steve Jobs the Mouse House's biggest shareholder, appears to be done, and it could shake up the industry.

*** Apple iTunes Users Growing Fast
BBC News

The popularity of Apple's iPod has given a huge boost to the number of people visiting the iTunes music store, research shows.

*** Apple Gets Good News, Bad News
Jennifer LeClaire, MacNewsWeek

What's in a brand?

*** Daylight Robbery At The Apple Store
Cult Of Mac

Someone purloined a PowerBook from an Apple Store by clipping the security cable.

*** Apple's iWork Emerges As Rival To Microsoft Office
Ina Fried, CNET News.com

According to market researcher NPD, Apple grabbed a 2.7 percent unit share, while Corel had a 1.6 percent share. Microsoft maintained its dominance with nearly 95 percent of unit shares.


*** Is Apple Losing Interest In The Enterprise Market?
Dennis Sellers, Macsimum

*** The "Such Great Heights" Video Versions: iTunes Vs The Postal Service
Elite Productions

The iTunes version of the video has some parts blurred out.

*** Can Video iPod Lead To DMCA Reform?
Declan McCullagh, CNET News.com

*** Conttextual Buttons
Synaptic Burn

Who else find they pause slightly in these contexts even after becoming "experts" in these systems?

*** Macworld Expo 2006 In Review
John Gruber, Daring Fireball


*** Yojimbo: A New Direction For Bare Bones?
Giles Turnbull, O'Reilly Network

The app itself is incredibly easy to get used to. Bare Bones is right to say "there's no learning curve."


*** Hypercard For The Rest Of Us?
Heng-Cheong Leong

Dave Winer <http://www.scripting.com/2006/01/24.html#When:6:36:29AM>: [Tech industry] look at publishing at "user generated content" and authors as "the long tail" (with them as the head of course). They see themselves as the makers of the money, and us as the laborers of love. That for sure is a flawed way of viewing the world, definitely a loop the tech industry is in, one that the publishing industry should not continue to support.

Now, more than five years after Apple killed Hypercard, there's really no viable alternatives out there, and no real progress in creating a programming tool for the rest of us. Why?

(And, no, Visual Basic is not it.)

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** The Year Of Living DRMishly
Ryan Singel, Wired News

This will likely be the year that people learn the meaning of DRM, an acronym the industry says stands for digital rights management, but critics say should stand for digital restrictions mongering.

*** Communications Convergence: Outstripping Wires
Glenn Fleishman, TidBITS

*** If Martha Stewart Were A Geek...
Steven Levy, Newsweek

All this is evidence of a growing movement of people eager to tinker with high-tech gadgets and Dumpster detritus -- and, I suspect, an even bigger population harboring fantasies about modding their espresso machines, building their own printed circuit boards and engaging in the brave new world of kite aerial photography.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Going Nowhere
Michael Schuman, Time

By doing business with Burma, Asian countries help its brutal mlitary regime stay in power --- while the Burmese people remain trapped in a time wrap of poverty, oppression and economic misrule.

[Tech & Science]

*** It May Look Authentic; Here's How To Tell It Isn't
Nicholas Wade, New York Times

Among the many temptations of the digital age, photo-manipulation has proved particularly troublesome for science, and scientific journals are beginninmg to respond.


*** 'Mommy, I Know You'
Carol Gilligan, Newsweek

The study of adolescent girls bears on problems boys have with school by solving a longstanding psychological puzzle.

*** Time Machine Cuba
William Gibson, The Infinite Matrix

I learned of science fiction and history in a single season.

*** Three Decades After Roe, A War We Can All Support
William Saletan, New York Times

The lesson of those decades is that you can't eliminate the moral question by ignoring it.

Life in the city


*** Singapore Press: No Plans to Sell AIS To SingTel - Temasek
Dow Jones

*** Singapore, The New Student Destination?
Neelam Sharma, Express India

India may not be open to the idea of allowing the Indian Institute Management, Bangalore, to open shop in Singapore, but Singapore' educational institutions are drawing Indian students in droves.

*** Revise Manifesto? WP Chief Says No Again
Ken Kwek and Aaron Low, Straits Times

He issues point-by-point rebuttal, calls on PAP to release manifesto.

*** Next Stop: Buangkok, But Only 1,386 Hear It
Tan Hui Leng, Today

*** Remaining NTU Students Move
Loh Chee Kong, Today

The Shuffle by MyAppleMenu
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.


*** Rude Boy
The Uptones

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