[MyAppleMenu] Jan 7, 2006

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Jan 7 13:15:01 EST 2006

Mac news for Mac people


*** America: Still Inspired
David Levy, Apple

"The music skills -- the chops to play, the ears to hear -- haven't changed. But the Mac makes a genuine difference, starting with the capture of ideas, of useful moments."

*** Scott Rehling & Lance Webb: Texas Longhorns: Up Close And Personal
Barbara Gibson, Apple

"There's no way, without Final Cut's ability to capture and execute content as quickly as it does, we could broadcast fully-formed program segments over the web by Monday morning."


*** Now Will Apple Release A Wi-Fi iPod?
Russell Shaw, ZDNet

I'd bet that Apple is working on a Wi-Fi-enabled iPod.

*** East Coast Mac User's Lament
Tom Bridge, O'Reilly Network

*** Avoiding The Streamroller
Giles Turnbull, O'Reilly Network

Plans were made to start unveiling Sandvox to the press at Macworld next week; things were looking good. Then someone claimed to have found a reference to something called "iWeb" on Apple's web site.


*** Say Again, Creative?
Heng-Cheong Leong

After all these months of copying Apple, Creative Technologies may finally have shown some creativity of its own. Podcast, according to our fine folks over at Jurong East, Singapore, is Personal On Demand broadCast <http://cynics.info/backlogs/2006/01/stupidity_masking_as_creativity.php>.

No sir, that pod thing has nothing to do with the little black or whtie device over at Apple.

P.S. The Evil Genius advise any Creative customers to not use the feeds from Zencast <http://www.evilgeniuschronicles.org/wordpress/2006/01/06/for-the-record/>, the podcatcher software from Creative.

*** Rumor Today: Bill Clinton Taking Over Microsoft?
Heng-Cheong Leong

VoIP Watch <http://andyabramson.blogs.com/voipwatch/2006/01/clinton_in_redm.html>: Sources near Microsoft headquarters report that over the past few months the ex cigar smoking prexy has made trips to Microsoft headquarters and has been interviewing for hte top slot as the company looks at ways to transform themselves for the future.

Will Bill And Al bring together a greater friendship between Redmond and Cupertino? Will Microsoft finally admits defeat, and replace Windows Media and windows Media Player with QuickTime and iTunes?


*** iPod Rivals Ready For Prime Time At Last?
John Borland, CNET News.com

If there is hope for Apple's rivals, it may lie in the swiftly changing nature of the digital-media market.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Starbucks Economics
Tim Harford, Slate

Solving the mystery of the elusive "short" cappuccino.

*** Cantonese Is Losing Its Voice
David Pierson, Los Angeles Times

Speakers of the spicy tongue that can make words of love sound like a fight are having to learn its linguistic kin, the mellower Mandarin.

Life in the city


*** Blitz On Motorists

South Johor Baru traffic police collected compounds totalling RM41,510 from Singaporean motorists on the first day of the New Year in an operation launched on Sunday afternoon.

*** Many Don't Want To Take Part In Big Health Study
Salma Khalik and Chang Ai-Lien, Straits Times

Among reasons for Singaporeans' reluctance is fear that their details will be leaked.

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