[MyAppleMenu] Aug 29, 2006
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Aug 29 13:15:01 EDT 2006
Mac news for Mac people
*** Foxconn Sues Journalists Over iPod Story
*** Apple Sees More Profit Per OS User Than Microsoft
Slash Lane, AppleInsider
By releasing operating system upgrades at a more frequently and stable pace, Apple is able to gain more profitability per user from its OS software than Microsoft, an analyst's study has found.
*** Time's Arrow
Shirt Pocket Watch
The fact that backup functionality wasn't in the OS left opportunities for 3rd parties, but that doesn't mean Apple shouldn't address the missing functionality.
*** We Love Our iMac
Iowa Guy's Blog
What a joy to come home to our almost-new iMac computer!
*** Apple's (Virtually) Painless Recall
Rita Desai, The Bivings Report
*** Is Apple's MacBook Rotten To The Core?
Munir Kotadia, ZDNet Australia
How many systems need to break before the situation is recognised as a disaster rather than an unfortunate blip in quality control?
*** Google's Latest Moves Also Put The Pressure On Apple
Dana Gardner, ZDNet
The ball is in Apple's court.
*** Apple Vs. HP: Who's Got THe Mojo Now?
Peter Burrows, BusinessWeek
The iPod maker seems to be streaming misfortune these days, while the business of tech's "Boy Scouts" could hardly be better.
*** Mighty Mouse Reviewed
*** Mac Pro: The Ultimate In Desktop Computing
Gary Krakow, MSNBC
Apple's Mac Pro is a super-speedy, souped-up desktop.
*** Turn Your iPod Into The Ultimate PowerPoint Accessory
Micro Persuasion
The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy
*** The Future Of Programming: Less Is More
Darryl K. Taft, eWeek
In the future of the progress of building software, the ability to do more with less could become the norm, some developers say.
*** Eric Raymond Speaks Out On Desktop Linux
Steven J. VaughanNichols, eWeek
Raymond said he believes that within the next two years, the Linux desktop must grab a large share of the desktop market, or it will never happen.
*** Google Unveils Office Rival
Ted Samson, InfoWorld
MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life
*** America's Muslims Aren't As Assimilated As You Think
Geneive Abdo, Washington Post
The real story of American Muslims is one of acclerating alienation from the mainstream of U.S. life, with Muslims in this country choosing their Islamic identity over their American one.
*** Taking Humdrum Astronaut Food, And Kicking It Up A Notch
Kim Severson, New York Times
The first rule about cooking for astronauts is don't make anything that crumbles. No one wants to chase a crumb around a space station.
*** Latest Food Additive: Viruses
Hilary E. MacGregor, Los Angeles Times
If you want to get rid of a pest, why not use a littler pest to plague it?
*** Kansas
Antonya Nelson, New Yorker
Life in the city
*** AirAsia Hopes To Fly To Singapore
Associated Press
*** Singapore Smiles For IMF WIth Lee Hsien Loong Leading; Foreign Tourists Reactions Flat
*** Singapore Courts Win Trust, RI Courts 'Win The Bribes'
Kornelius Purba, Jakarta Post
*** Singapore: One Nation Under Wi-Fi
Michael Kanellos, CNET News.com
By the end of the year, it will be possible to roam almost everywhere in Singapore and get a wireless signal.
*** Sex Singapore Style
Shhh! Secret Life Of A Princess
*** Foreign Talents Are In Singapore To Depress Costs Of Doing Business
The government is a one-trick pony. It is always about the economy. Never about the people.
*** If Zoe Tay Can Swallow, So Can You
Life's Ironies
There's a thin line between being funny and being vulgar.
*** Selling Immigration
Political skills matter and this is one example of how the People's Action Party's obsession with maintaining its overwhelming dominance, thus atrophying its own political skills, is not in Singapore's best interests.
*** When Deregulation Isn't Good Enough
Siew Kum Hong, Today
Eight years on, woes of cabbies, passengers point to a need to review system.
The Shuffle by MyAppleMenu
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.
*** History's Gripping
Matt Turk
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