[MyAppleMenu] Sep 14, 2005
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Sep 14 13:15:00 EDT 2005
Mac news for Mac people
*** Apple Bolsters Mac OS X For Intel Development Efforts
Daniel Drew Turner, eWeek
*** Analyst: Early iPod Nano Sales Good, Not Great
San Jose Business Journal
*** iTunes Upgrade Has Users Griping
Alorie Gilbert, CNET News.com
Complaints about iTunes 5 for Windows have surfaced over the past few days on numerous blogs and discussion boards, including the company's own discussion board at Apple.com.
*** EFF Wins Right To Unseal Apple Court Documents
Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
The documents show that Apple planned to subpoena the anonymous sources of two reporters from AppleInsider and PowerPage before conducting an investigation inside the company.
*** Speakables For iTunes Released
Larry Angell, iLounge
Speakables for iTunes work in conjunction with Speakable Items to allow you to launch playlists just by using your voice.
*** Macs Vs. PCs: Ignore The Hype. What's Right For You?
Andre Voshart, The Eyeopener
*** Apple To Open San Antonio Retail Store Friday
Dennis Sellers, Macsimum
*** Apple Releases Java Update 1.3.1 And 1.4.2 Release 2
*** Apple's Corporate Xserve RAID Updated
Jonny Evans, Macworld UK
*** StuffIt Deluxe 10 Introduced
Peter Cohen, Macworld
The new JPEG compression technology shrinks images and photos up to 30 percent with no loss in image quality, according to the developer.
*** 100 Songs Fits In 5 GB And 4 GB
David Chartier, Unofficial Apple Weblog
*** Reader Says Mac Switch Is Easy
Al Fasoldt, The Post-Standard
How hard is it to switch from a Windows PC to an Apple OS X Macintosh? I've said for a couple of years that it's easy, but you don't need to take my word for it. Here's what one reader's experience was like.
*** iPod's Dominance Is Risky Business
Troy Wolverton, TheStreet.com
Even if the competition hasn't been much of an obstacle, that doesn't mean Apple's path is clear.
*** iPod Nano: Will Small Size Mean Big Sales?
Peter Burrows, BusinessWeek
While the iPod nano has just hit store shelves, early indications are a bit worrisome.
*** iTunes Image Files Suggest Video Store
Ed Oswald, BetaNews
There buttons with the terms "Gift Video", "Buy Video" and "Add Video" were found along with references to a "protected MPEG-4 video file" within text strings in the code of iTunes 5.
*** Authorized For A Day
Glenn Fleishman, TidBITS
Let me authorize a machine for a day, a week, a month, and to re-authorize, I have to enter the account password at the end of that period.
*** iPod Nano -- Small, Sleek And Superior
Glenn Fleishman, InformationWeek
Apple's new iPod nano has a few problems, but overall it is a light and lovable gadget with cool features that far outweigh the annoynances.
*** Sweetening Your Xgrid With Cocoa
Drew McCormack, O'Reilly Network
We'll take a look at XGridFoundation, a framework that allows you to integrate Xgrid into your Cocoa applications.
*** Control Both Apple Clocks
Rob Griffiths, Macworld
*** Microsoft. User Interface. Innovation. In The Same Sentence
Heng-Cheong Leong
When something new works, we call it innovation. When something new doesn't work, we call it what-the-hell-are-you-thinking. (For example, Microsoft Bob.)
It's probably still too early to tell whether the new menu-bar-tool-bar combination <http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/240506_msftpdc14ww.html> from Microsoft works or not -- well, at least, I hope it had passed usability tests in the hallways of Microsoft campus before it being unleashed on all of us -- but I'm glad that Microsoft is trying out new things instead of just copying.
Although that metal window thingy looks familiar.
*** Speaking Of User Interface On Windows...
Heng-Cheong Leong
If you feel that iTunes 5 on Macintosh looks ugly, be glad that you are not using iTunes 5 on Windows. Imagine the same sharp-corners-are-cool window, with the menu bar squeezed in.
*** Menus Are Out In The Next Version Of Microsoft Office
Todd Bishop, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Microsoft showed the next version of its widely used Office productivity software for the first time Tuesday -- revealing a new aproach that abandons that standard drop-down menus in favor of a "ribbon" that presents the commands in a thick strip across the top of the window in such programs as Word and Excel.
*** Microsoft Thinks High-End With Vista
Ina Fried, CNET News.com
With Windows Vista, Microsofft is considering a product lineup that would include several new high-end editions of the operating system.
The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy
*** Software Porting Is Evil
Tom Yager, InfoWorld
Doing away with porting clearly requires diligence on the part of developers and their project leads, but when it comes down ot it, OS vendors must make application portability a best practice.
*** Google Unveils Blog Search Site
BBC News
*** Open Internet, We Hardly Knew Ye
Jennifer Granick, Wired News
The online response to Hurricane Katrina demonstrates the power of a fast and flexible web. So why are judges and lawmakers strangling the internet in red tape?
*** Health Records Of Evacuees Go Online
Jonathan Krim, Washington Post
The federal government is making medical information on Hurricane Katrina evacuees available online to doctors, the first time private records from various pharmacies and other health care providers have been compiled into centralized databases.
MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life
*** Singapore And Katrina
Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times
The discipline that the cold war imposed on America seems to have faded.
*** So Many Presidents, So Few Presidential Suites
James Barron, New York Times
While everyday New Yorkers are worrying about everyday gridlock, those schooled in hotel diplomacy are worrying about limousine gridlock and security types with sleeves they talk into.
*** How Emmy Works
James Verini, Salon
Ever wonder why your favorite shows never get nominated but "The West Wing" always does? Here's why.
*** March Of The Conservatives: Penguin FIlm As Political Fodder
Jonathan Miller, New York Times
Conservative groups have turned the stirring depiction of the mating ordeals of emperor penguins in "March of the Penguins" into an unexpected battle anthem in the culture wars.
*** Don't Worry, Be Healthy
Marc Siegel, Slate
Fear is more likely to get you than the avian flu.
*** Realistic Idealists
Alex Williams, New York Times
Teenagers are embracing social activism with the zeal of missionaries and the executive skills of seasoned philanthropists.
*** Once Removed
Derek White, Dislocate
*** From The Wave, The Shortcut
Valerie Mejer, Poetry London
*** An Oddness
Brenda Hillman, AMerican Poetry Review
Life in the city
*** Seawater Fit For Drinking Now A Reality
Lydia Lim, Straits Times
The $200-million desalination plant can meet up to 10 per cent of Singapore's daily water needs.
*** Steamed Food Please, We're Singaporean
Tan Hui Leng, Today
When given a choice, most Singaporean choose to eat healthier steamed food instead of fried food. This is what ACNielsen Research found in two separate surveys conducted recently.
*** Singapore And Katrina
Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times
The discipline that the cold war imposed on America seems to have faded.
*** First, Get Your Facts Right... Then, Double Check Them.
Lee Siang Leng, Today
The basic principle of journalism is, before expressing one's views, one should get the facts right.
*** Using A Nuclear Bomb To Kill Two Ants
Atypical Singaporean
Instead of putting these two racists into the slammer, why not ask them to write public apology and also go for some mandatory counsellling?
The Shuffle by MyAppleMenu
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.
*** The Prosecution Rests
Slow Dazzle
*** Fleur de Lis
Slow Dazzle
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