[MyAppleMenu] Nov 27, 2005

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Nov 27 13:15:01 EST 2005

Mac news for Mac people


*** iPods Top Jukeboxes, DJs
Associated Press


*** First Look: iPod With Video

Apple wins. They got me. I'm hooked.

*** Time To Allow Hard Drives Pre Loaded With Music... And Change Harry Fox
Mark Cuban, Blog Maverick


*** Yes, The Government Paid Me Lots Of Money To Make Mistakes So That I Can Lean From The Mistakes
Heng-Cheong Leong

Scott Adams <http://dilbertblog.typepad.com/the_dilbert_blog/2005/11/the_perfect_job.html>: If you're infamous for being slow to act, your best bet is a job that bills by the hour.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** New Options Emerge For Better Data Backup
Daniel Greenberg, Washington Post

There are new products that are tring to take the hassle out of backups by delivering high-end business solutions at consumer-friendly prices.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** A Family Interrupted
Matt Bai, Los Angeles Times

A writer asks his Japanese American in-laws about their experiences during World War II, long obscured with silence.

*** Dave Chappelle Is Alive And Well (And Playing Las Vegas)
Dave Itzkoff, New York Times

Just six months ago, Mr. Chappelle seemed dangerously close to becoming a different kind of punch line -- starring in the kind of spectacular career flameout normally reserved for philandering clergymen and disgraced politicians.

*** Bring Bridge Back To The table
Sharon Osberg, New York Times

Bridge will never have the spectator appeal of games like poker. But it's worth trying to bring back some of the glory of bridge by getting young people engaged in the game.

*** All The Right Moves
Jennifer Shahade, New York Times

How can chess save itself? No doublt it would make purists protest, but chess should steal a few moves from poker.

*** Our Jennifer Fixation
Rebecca Traister, Salon

We've seen her laugh, we've seen her cry. We've seen her almost-exposed breast. Will we ever get enough of Jennifer Aniston?

*** Sex And Chess. Is She A Queen Or A Pawn?
Dylan Loeb McClain, New York Times

While Vaness Reid is clearly no novice at the game of chess, she isn't exactly taking it by storm. She is ranked 47,694th among both men and women. But Ms Reid is arguably the top player in the world based on a more subjective criterion: her looks.

*** Mardi Gras To The Rescue? Doubts Grow.
Jere Longman, New York Times

Mardi Gras has been plagued by harsh financial realities, indecision, lowered expectations and the possibility that this year's parade lineup could be absent some of its most popular krewes, or social clubs.

Life in the city


*** Stupid Justification From Our Transport Companies
Heng-Cheong Leong

We have some of the state-of-the-art technologies of the world in our transport system -- contactless farecard, GPS, RFID, driverless trains, etc...

But we are still relying on 1970s "technology" <http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/forum/story/0,5562,354967,00.html?> to calculate the distance between two points.


*** Friends Arrive To Support Nguyen
Daily Telegraph

Nguyen Tuong Van's best friends flew into Singapore today for painful farewells as the condemned drug trafficker approached his final 100 hours alive.

*** Republic's Scholar System May Become Obsolete
Seah Chiang Nee, The Star

Scholars may produce good bureaucrats and administrators but they do not necessarily have sound judgment, market ideas or profits, qualities needed in the new economy.

*** Still No Sex, They're Singaporean
The Star

The Sexpo lived up -- down? -- to the island republic's reputation for giving off those "No sex, please, we're Singaporean" vibes.

*** 'Lingering Resentment' Over Nguyen

Prime Minister John Howard has warned Singapore to prepare for lingering resentment in Australia if it goes ahead with the execution of convicted drug smuggler Nguyen Tuong Van.

*** PM"s Plea to Singapore Fails
The Australian

The PM has admitted that his personal appeal to Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong at the CHOGM meeting in Malta has failed to make a convincing case for clemency for condemned Australian Van Nguyen.

*** Nguyen's Dawn Walk To The Gallows
Steve Butcher and Connie Levett, Sun-Herald

Organisers of an art exhibition in Singpaore featuring nooses and a stool with Nguyen's prisoner number have denied that the work has been inspired by the Melbourne man's pending execution.

*** Nguyen Hangman Sacked
Clare masters, Sunday Telegraph

Singapore has sacked its long-serving hangman on the eve of the execution of Austrlaian drug courier Nguyen Tuong Van. It is believed the new hangman will be flown in from another Asian country, possibly Malaysia, with which Singapore has a close relationship.


*** Chicken Droppings
Trompe L'oeil

The ugly truth of the matter is, pet or egg-layer notwithstanding, the fate of the chickens are entirely dependent on the environment where they live -- in this case, a region living in constant fear of a bird flu outbreak.

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