[MyAppleMenu] Nov 24, 2005

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Nov 24 13:15:00 EST 2005

Mac news for Mac people


*** iTunes Doubles Japanese Music Downloads
Martyn Williams, Macworld UK

The launch of iTunes Music Store in Japan helped more than double the number of songs purchased online during the third quarter of the year compared to the previous quarter, according to figures released by the Recording Industry Association of Japan today.

*** A Novel Repair Concept: Replace Battery Not The iPod
Michel Marriott, New York Times

The Sonnet kits, which cost $30 to $40 depending on the iPod model, include tools to open the iPod's case and remove the original battery.


*** Keyboard Vs Mouse
Robert Daeley, O'Reilly Network

Of course, there are certain tasks when a mouse or other input device is easier, but for a lot of geeks, myself included, the keyboard is usually the way to go.

*** Microsoft Moots 'Universal' MP3 Player Dock
Tony Smith, The Register

The Consumer Electronics Association has established a working group to develop a universal docking standard for portable devices. Apple's best option -- 'least-worse' might be better -- would be to co-opt the standards process by proposing its existing iPod dock specification as the de facto standard. That way, at least, it's not going to have to spend years ignoring the growing support for the rival specification, only to have to cave in to market forces and support it anyway.

*** Dear Switchers
Giles Turnbull, O'Reilly Network

It feels odd using this machine -- something you can rely on, something you can depend on all the time at home -- here at wok, but as soon as you're logged in you can dive into your work as never before.

*** The Seduction Of The Apple Computer
Celia Hirschman, KCRW On The Beat

I get that ovely feeling every time I turn my Powerbook on. It meets me on so many levels. It assumes I am intelligent and it responds with style and grace. It gives me room to create, and keeps the technocratic garbage out. It clearly identifies a problem and gives a solution.

*** Apple Instant-On Computers? I Don't Think So, But...
Blackfriars Blog

I'm betting on a new Intel-based Powerbook without any hard disk, just flash memory.

*** The Mini Stays In The Picture
Philip Michaels, Macworld

If you want the very best iPod, and one that comes in a small package to boot, then there's only one model that you need to get your hands on -- the second-generation iPod-mini. Preferably, the green one.


*** The iPod: All Decked Out

*** iPod Scratch Protection
Dan Frakes, Macworld

For keeping your iPod scratch-free without hiding it in a case, your best bet is one of the many "film" or "shield" products. My favorites are Power Support's $15 iPod nano Film Set and 5G iPod (with video) Film Set.


*** Pop Quiz
Heng-Cheong Leong

What does the new Xbox 360 and my iPod mini have in common?

They can both crash <http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1892779,00.asp>.

*** Didn't They Have Lots Of Power Mac G5s?
Heng-Cheong Leong

Reports are out: Your Xbox 360 may be crashing because of overheating <http://news.com.com/2061-10797_3-5969456.html?part=rss&tag=5969456&subj=news>.

Didn't the Microsoft folks used Power Mac G5 as their development machine? Just open the thing up and see how Apple cooled the machine. :-)

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** Red Herring
Adam L. Peneberg, Slate

Don't listen to Bill Gates. The open-source movement isn't communism.

*** Open Source Turns Strategic
Debra D'Agostino, CIO Insight

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** A Party Girl Leads China's Online Revolution
Howard W. French, New York Times

Chinese web logs have existed since early in this decade, but the form has exploded in recent months, challenging China's ever vigilant online censors and giving flesh to the kind of free-spoken civil society whose emergence the government has long been determined to prevent or at least tightly control.


*** Ten Commandments Of Restaurant Behavior
Nancy Leson, Seattle Times

As a critic, I acknowledge that there are three sides to every story: the patron's, the restaurant's and the truth. But as a former waitress, I'm inclined to wag my finger at those who've taken the "hospitality business" hostage and beg: "Oh, behave!"

*** Kung Pao? No, Gong Bao, And Nix The Nuts
Howard W. French, New York Times

Guizhou province in south-central China is the ancestral home of the dish, and one visit to Guixi, one of Guiyang's most famous restaurants, makes clear that where this popular concoction is concerned pronnciation was not the only thing lost in translation during its migration around the globe.

*** Native Foods Nourish Again
Kim Severson, New York Times

As American Indians try to reverse decades of physical and cultural erosion, they are turning to the food that once sustained them, and finidng allies in the nation's culinary elite and marketing experts.

*** 'Second Wives' Are Back
Don Lee, Los Angeles Times

Mistresses are again a status symbol in China.

*** Nobody Bikes In L.A.
Andy Bowers, Slate

But they'd be a lot of happier if they did.

*** Hung Up On Tentpoles, Studios Think Too Big
Anne Thompson, Backstage

No studio is going to admit the obvious: They can't afford to make all their movies at top-tier prices.

Life in the city


*** Why We Charge $10,000 For The Work We've Done
Heng-Cheong Leong

The Singapore Tourism Board answered queries <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/86285.asp> about why the Request for Proposal documents for the Integrated Resort is so expensive -- $10,000 for each copy for the public. (Proposers get a discount -- $1,000 each.)

"The price not only factors in the cost of producing the 800-page document, the logistical, security and administrative costs, but also takes into account the intellectual property of the document."

Gee, I guess the civil servants tasks to create the document, as well as the civil servants taking care of the logistic, security, and administrative, do not receive any salary, eh?

*** Why We Don't Like You
Heng-Cheong Leong

DBS really doesn't want to do business <http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/forum/story/0,5562,354721,00.html?> with people over the age of 60, as observed by Ong Tiong Meng in the Straits Times. "The maximum age that one can have an internet account with DBS is 60 years."


*** Singapore Opposition Leader Preaches Disobedience
Leading The Charge

Singaore's most vocal opposition politican believes that politics in the city-state will not be reformed through elections but by civil disobedience against what he calls "unjust laws."

*** Nguyen Case 'Could Go To ICJ'
Paul Osborne, AAP

Prof Rothwell said while it was "fairly remote" that both Singapore and Australia would agree to refer the matter to the ICJ, there was another option. "Countries can consent to refer disputes to the court by way of treaties that they might have become party to under which there is, within the treaty, a mechanism for dispute settlement by way of referral to the court."

*** Singapore Rejects Australia's Plea To Let Nguyen Live
Alexandra Kirk, ABC

*** Bridge Issue Need Not Be Solved By Top Brass - Syed Hamid
Amer Hamzah Md Sap, Bernama

Malaysia feels the contrversy over the construction of a new bridge to replace the Johor Causeway need not be resolved by the top leaders of Malaysia and Singapore. Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said both sides have left the bridge construction issue, with no solution in sight, to be discussed at officials level.

*** Witness Warns Of Hanging Trauma

*** Fears Singapore Execution Linked To Shortened Military Exercise

A former RSL official says the forthcoming execution of an Australian drug trafficker in Singapore may have led to a military exercise being cut short in central Queensland.

*** Flights Won't Sway Singapore: Costello
The Age

Treasurer Peter Costello says the rights to flight routes from Singapore to Australia should not be used as a bargaining chip in efforts to save Nguyen Tuong Van.

*** New $400m Building In Four Years For Alexandra Hospital

Alexanda Hospital will be moving into its new $400 million building in Yishun by 2009.

*** An 'Eye-Opening' Probation
Vinita Ramani, Today

Judge recommends community service with Malays for racist blogger.

*** Airline Row Link To Nguyen
Michelle Grattan and Ian Munro, The Age

A senior Liberal MP has called for federal cabinet to "take into account" the execution of Nguyen Tuong Van when it decides whether to give Singapore Airlines access to a lucative Pacific air route.

*** Singapore's Warning On Drugs
Luke McIlveen, The Advertiser

The Singapore government insists it must hang Australian Nguyen Tuong Van -- because the load of heroin strapped to his body was enough to ruin 26,000 lives.

*** Inflation Quickenes In Singapore
Shamim Adam, Bloomberg News

Singapore consumer prices in Singapore climbed in October at the fastest pace this year, government figures showed Wednesday, as food and housing costs increased.


*** Singapore: Crossroads Of The East
Samantha Hyde, Noblesville Daily News

Singapore is a small but wealthy and influential nation, and it stands as proof to the Eastern world that a multitude of religions and cultures can coexist in a modern society.

*** Pianist Dealt With, Though He's No Longer A Citizen
Benedict Lim, Ministry of Defence, Straits Times

*** 'End Death Penalty, Becomes A Democracy'
Chee Soon Juan, News.com.au

The Singapore government has assumed the moral high ground: Drugs are a scourge on society and the authorites have the sovereign right to protect its citizens from criminals such as Nguyen. Such a stand makes perfect sense. It is also, in the Singapore context, unadulterated hypocrisy.

The Shuffle by MyAppleMenu
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.


*** Princeton Junction
The Natural History

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