[MyAppleMenu] Aug 28, 2005

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Aug 28 13:15:00 EDT 2005

Mac news for Mac people


*** Apple Brings Hope To Detroit
Nolan Finley, Detroit News

Apple Computer is coming to the rescue of Detroit's schoolchildren and, in doing so, may finally push Michigan to nuke its failed public high school system and start over. Gov. Jennifer Granholm will announce Tuesday that the California computer maker and master of the red-hot iPod will help finance, equip and advise a small top-quality high school for Detroit students at most risk of being left behind.

*** Non-iPods Build In The Extras
Daniel Greenberg, Washington Post

The huge market for iPod accessories shows that Apple hasn't found an answer to every buyer's wishes. So what if you could buy a player with these extra features built right in? Apple's competitotrs are tryng to find out if they can regain some ground that way -- in addition to charging often lower prices and offering support for such newer subscription-based services.


*** E-Harmony: New 'i' And Open Windows
James Derk, Sun Herald

What has impressed me so far was that the Apple OS X fired to life out of the box and simply worked. Of course, a Windows laptop out of the box works, too, but after 50 patches from Microsoft and 10 reboots.

*** How Much Does iTunes Like My Five-Star Songs?
Brian E. Hansen, OmniNerd

iTunes' available song ratings of 1 to 5 stars allow users to quickly find their favorites and help the Party Shuffle feature play more of what they like most. This article explores the algorithm iTunes uses to pick what comes next in the playlist.

*** Mac... One Week Later (Clues For Windows Users Switching To Mac.)
Postcards From My Life

*** Why Is The Music Industry So Suicidal?

The record companies should set wholesale prices, not retail.

*** Tough Times Ahead For Steve Jobs
Om Malik's Broadband Blog

How can this geek be a better businessman than us, they say?

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** Google Anything, So Long As It's Not Google
Randall Stross, New York Times

Why, if you're Eric E. Schmidt, the chairman and chief executive of Google, a soft-spoken person without a history of intemperate action, do you furious strike at the poor messenger who delivers the news that your company's search service works very well indeed?

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** The Soft Revolution
Alec Hanley Bemis, Los Angeles Times

Today's folk songs are being sung -- very quietly -- by a generation that's had it with sex and drugs and doing it in the road.

*** The Past Lingers In Changing Vietnam
Amanda Hesser, New York Times

For nearly two decades, Vietnam's two big metropolises, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, have embraced capitalism and the modern world. But here in the center of the country, a belt of land only 40 or so miles wide, the mood is often less aggressive.

Life in the city


*** Restoring Part Of Singaporeans' Jaded Dream
Seah Chiang Nee, The Star

The 53-year-old Lee, who became Prime Minister a year ago, was making one of the most important speeches here in years.

*** Residents Bring Up 'White Elephant' Buangkok Station During Minister's Visit
Hasnita A Majid, Channel NewsAsia

*** Toilet Training Treads Tertiary Pathway
ABC News

Singapore is to set up what is being hailed as the world's first tertiary education course on toilets.


*** Singapore -- Kickapoo
Occasional Epicure

It's fruity and refreshing!

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