[MyAppleMenu] Oct 23, 2004

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Oct 23 13:15:00 EDT 2004

Mac news for Mac people


*** Apple Making Multimedia The Life Of The Party
Alex L. Goldfayn, Chicago Tribune

*** Color Your iPod, Save Your Life
Joshua Fruhlinger, Engadget

Sure, you could send out an SOS via telegraph or a mayday by radio, but why go through all that trouble when you could just paint your iPod orange?

*** 5 Apple Execs Make $29M Stock Profit In Last 7 Days
Brad Gibson, Mac Observer

*** Apple To Open Two New Retail Stores Next Week

Rancho Cucamonga, California; and Danbury, Connecticut.

*** The iPod's Real Dirty Secret
Leander Kahney, Cult Of Mac

The FireWire port in first- and second-generation iPods suffers from a fatal design flaw. The connector is unreinforced, and the constant plugging and unplugging of the FireWire cable can loosen the solder on the motherboard.

*** Lee Browstein: Extremely High On High Definition
Bija Gutoff, Apple

"We knew we had to take post in-house. So we asked ourselves, 'WHat do we need to invest in, to make it work?' That's where Final Cut Pro HD saved the day."

*** Francis Hills: Shooting Star
David Levy, Apple

"As soon I began working with images I struggled horribly with the PC. My colors weren't right. I was having all sorts of trouble. So I went over to see a friend, we did some image work on his Mac -- and that was when the bolt of lightning hit."


*** Radio, Radio
Christopher Breen, Playlist

If Apple were to offer some kind of radio feature on the iPod, it would skip plain old FM and do something far more impressive -- like make the iPod compatible with an Apple-branded satellite broadcasting system.

*** Does This Brushed Metal Stuff Really Even Matter?
John Gruber, Daring Fireball

Maybe it is just aesthetics -- merely the color of pixels, rather than how the interface truly works.


*** Making Cocoa-Java Apps Scriptable
Mike Butler, O'Reilly Network

This article will take you through a number of the most common operations undertaken when implementing an AppleScript interface in a Cocoa-Java based application.


*** Rumor Today: International iTunes Music Stores
Heng-Cheong Leong

Think Secret <http://www.thinksecret.com/news/0410briefly2.html>: Apple will roll out local iTunes Music Stores for several European countries, as well as possibly Australia and other countries [on Tuesday, October 26].

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy

[Top Stories]

*** Tell Me Something I Don't Know
Tom Yager, InfoWorld

IT pros deserve to hear more about technology they aren't already using.


*** Open Source Or Outsource?
Chad Dickerson, InfoWorld

Commercial software has its place, but open source and hosted solutions now dominate.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Fear And Loathing, Campaign 2004
Hunter S. Thompson, Rolling Stone

All we have to do is to get out and vote, while it's still legal, and we will wash those crooked warmongers out of the White House.


*** How Desperate Women Saved Desperate Writer
Bernard Weinraub, New York Times

Two years ago, Marc Cherry was a 40-year-old television writer who felt his career was rapidly sliding downhill. His script, "Desperate Hosuewives," had been sent to every  broadcast and cable network as a black comedy and was rejected by all of them. His agent was arrested for embezzlement and went to jail.

*** Take The A Train (Or THe F, The Q, The 1, The 7...)
Brian Braiker, Newsweek

If anything truly revolutionized the way New Yorkers live, work and play, it's the subway.

*** The New York Subway, 1904-2004
Joe McKendry, New York Times

One hundred years ago next Wednesday, at precisely 2 p.m., a wall of sound shook New York City from Battery Park to Harlem. Church bells and the sounding horns of ferryboats competed with the steam of whistles of hundreds of power platns and the firing of salutes. Cheering citizens flooded the streets, creating what this newspaper described as a "carnival" atmosphere that had the city "in an uproar from end to end."

Life in the city

[Top Stories]

*** Non-PAP MPs Query Limits On Questions
M. Nirmala, Straits Times

A seemingly innocuous change to Parliamentary procedures, capping the number of questions MPs can raise during question time, has raised hackles of some non-PAP MPs.

See Also: Don't Limit MPs To 5 Questions
Arthur Lim Tech Meng, Straits Times

If MPs ask, on average, two questions, how can they claim to be representing their constituents?

Editor's Note: Singapore


*** Singapore Sheds Its Rigid Image, Opens Doors To Gays

Singapore has opened its doors for gay tourists as the city-state is trying to shed its image as an authoritarian, rigid regime and to earn valuable foreign exchange.

*** Courteous Drivers Wanted In Singapore
Associated Press

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