[MyAppleMenu] May 2, 2004

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun May 2 13:15:01 EDT 2004

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Sunday, May 02, 2004

Mac News for Mac Users


*** Apple's Jobs Advising Kerry On Economic Issues
by MacMinute


*** Final Cut Pro For PC?
by Charlie White, Creative Mac
Apple could be developig the Microsoft Office of content creation.

Editor's Notes : Honestly, I don't see this happening. Final Cut Pro, it seems, is one bait that has worked for Apple where users will willing buy a Mac just to use the software. (Something like Lotus 1-2-3 for IBM PC -- a killer app.) So porting Final Cut Pro to Windows is not something Steve Jobs needs to do.

*** My PowerBook Wishlist
by Brian D Foy, O'Reilly Network
I could probably come up with more things, but I did not run that far.


*** With These Tunes, Anyone Can Play
by Allan Hoffman, Star-Ledger
A music-making craze is under way, and you don't even need a guitar or a keyboard to take part.

*** Tools Of The Trade: The Virtual PC That Lets Apple Mac Users Run Almost Any Microsoft Windows Application
by Stephen Pritchard, Independent
If you want to use a Mac, and need to run PC-only software, this is the best way to do both at once.


*** Rumor Today: Mac OS X 10.3.4 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
Think Secret<http://www.thinksecret.com/news/macosx10342.html> has the (sketchy) details.

*** Pac Manhattan 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
Pac-man, live-action<http://pacmanhattan.com/>.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** 'Friends' Of An Era
by Matthew Gilbert, Boston Globe
Now, 10 years later, "Friends" leaves the air as nearly the last representative of the once-ubiquitous "Seinfeld" clone.

*** Signature Collection
by Lawrence Block, Village Voice
OK, you wrote a book, but how many times can you stand to write your name?

*** 500,000? 750,000? 1 Million?
by Philip Kennicott, Washington Post
Despite our fascination with crowd sizes and numbers,numbers don't get at much of what makes marches on the Mall distincitve.

*** With NC-17, The Picture Gets Fuzzy
by Louise Kennedy, Boston Globe
The controversial movie rating reappears, but what does it mean?

*** Sex And The Cities
by David Brooks, New York Times
We are replacing marriage, one of our most successful institutions, with hooking up. This is a deep structural problem, and very worrying.

*** The Prodigious Son
by Chip Brown, New York Times
At 31, Christopher Wheeldon has choreographed more than 30 ballets, his most recent for New York City Ballet's centennial celebration of Balanchine. With his idiosyncratic style, can he step out of the shadow of a legend?

*** How To End Grade Inflation
by Michael Berube, New York Times
The principle is simple enough, and it's crucial to every diving compeittion: we would merely need to account for each course's degree of difficulty.

Life in the city


*** NTU Exam Answers Were Not Leaked On The Net
by Straits Times
The "online answers" were actually part of a marking guide to draft exam questions that a lecturer in the department had posted online accidentally.


*** Chomp Hither
by Debbie Yong, Sherwin Loh Ken Lee and Tan Su Yin, Straits Times
It's time to exercise your jaws against now that Chomp Chomp has reopened after renovations. Go sniff out favourites and savour some new ones.

MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong <mailto:webmaster at myapplemenu.com>. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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