[MyAppleMenu] Mar 28, 2004

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Mar 28 13:15:00 EST 2004

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Sunday, March 28, 2004

Mac News for Mac Users

[Top Stories]

*** Apple's Extended Warranty Smart Buy For Laptop Users
by Glenn Fleishman, Seattle Times
Every laptop I've ever purchased from Apple has had to make at least one trip back, sometimes for manufacutring defects and sometimes well after the original warranty would have run out.


*** HyperCard: 1987 - 2004
by Kevin Altis
Well it finally happened, Apple removed the HyperCard sub-directory from the main Apple site and you can no longer buy HyperCard from the Apple store.


*** Perosnal Finance Software: Five Programs That Make Sense Of Your Dollars
by Jeffery Battersby, Macworld
Quicken 2004 is by far the most comprehensive financial package available for the Mac. However, both PigMoney and Budget are good choices for people with less-complicated financial needs.

*** The Game Room: To Seek Out New Enemies
by Peter Cohen, Macworld

*** Mac GEMS: What's Your Function?
by Dan frakes, Macworld

*** Squeezebox: Digital Music Player Fit For A Home Stereo
by Jason Snell, Macworld
The Squeezebox is the perfect device for anyone who wants a seamless stereo-component experience from an iTunes music collection.

*** Setting Up Apple Remote Desktop
by Wei-Meng Lee, O'Reilly Network
If you work in an environment where you need to manage a large number of Macs (such as in a classroom), you might want to take a look at Apple's Remote Desktop.

*** Panther Secrets Declassified
by Christopher Breen, Dan Frakes and Rob Griffiths, Macworld
We go undercover to reveal 40+ Mac OS X 10.3 tips and tricks.


*** Calling It Right 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
The Nation<>: This is what Microsoft calls a "feature". Everyone else calls it a bug.

*** This Is Not Good 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
Apple's iPod for Windows does not support<http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93764> one of the features on Windows that is so great that Steve Jobs has to steal for Mac OS X: Switch User Feature.


*** Off With Their Ads
by Mike Musgrove, Washington Post
Microsoft is the latest software concern taking aim at one of the great banes of online life -- those annonying ads for diet plans, credit cards and low mortgage rates that suddenly appear on your computer screen while you are perusing your favorite Web page, forcing you to click on them to turn them off.

*** Microsoft's Concept Home Too Much Of A Wired Thing
by Rob Pegoraro, Washington Post
Demonstrations like Microsoft's are fun and thought-provoking, but the entire computer industry needs to do a much better job of makin its products painless to use before it earns the right to spread from one desk to the rest of the home.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technology. Innovative Applications. New Economy.

[Top Stories]

*** Bright Outlook For Digital Cameras
by Richard Taylor, BBC World ClickOnline
Diital photography has been around for the best part of a decade, but in the last few years it has really come of age.


*** Microsoft's Concept Home Too Much Of A Wired Thing
by Rob Pegoraro, Washington Post
Demonstrations like Microsoft's are fun and thought-provoking, but the entire computer industry needs to do a much better job of makin its products painless to use before it earns the right to spread from one desk to the rest of the home.

*** A New Era In Corporate Governance?
by McKinsey Quarterly, CNET News.com
Maintaining the status quo is probably a high-risk option.

*** Congress Moves To Criminalize P2P
by Xeni Jardin, Wired News
Congress appears to be preparing assaults against peer-to-peer technology on multiple fronts.


*** Linux Can Help You Appreciate The Simple Thins On Your Computer
by Lou Dolinar, Newsday
I like Linux because it is stable, secure and cheap.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Dictatorship.com
by Joshua Kurlantzick, New Republic
While it's true that the Internet has proved itself able to disseminate pop culture in authoritarian nations, its political impact has been decidedly limited.


*** Repair Man
by Pagan Kennedy, Boston Globe
Mahmood Rezaei-Kamalabad doesn't just fix cars at his Cambridge service center, he also maintains a mystical machine designed to soothe your soul.

*** It's Brash, It's British, It's Not PBS
by Caryn James, New York Times
>From music to fashion to politics, British and American cultures crisscross faster than ever today. In the six years since it began, the American offshoot of the BBC has shrewdly exploited those crosscurrents.

*** Heart Of Darkness That Was Rwanda
by Lynne Duke, Washington Post
A decade after the massacre, new films revisit the horror.

*** The Human Factor
by Jim Holt, New York Times
Should the government put a price on your life?

*** Swan Song
by Julia Reed, New York Times
When I found out that La Cote Basque was closing its doors, I was sad -- irrationally so, since it later occured to me that I hadn't actually eaten there in almost 14 years.

*** All Over The Maps
by Bryan Miller, New York Times
Oversize city maps, laminated maps, origami fold-out maps, variegated-highway maps, historical maps, topographic maps, where-the-stars-live maps -- all feed my peculiar and unquenchable thirst to ascertain precisely where things are, and how to get there with the least physical exertion.

*** In Obscurity, The Tallest And Oldest New Yorker
by Corey Kilgannon, New York Times
There is a tulip tree that towers in relative obscurity in Alley Pond Park in northeast Queens. Tree experts call it the Queens Giant and say that, at 134 feet tall and as much as 450 years old, it is the tallest and oldest living thing in New York City.

Life in the city


*** Money Woes Led To Jump In People Seeking Help Of MPs
by Azrin Asmani, Straits Times

MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong <mailto:webmaster at myapplemenu.com>. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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