[MyAppleMenu] Jul 28, 2004
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applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Jul 28 13:15:00 EDT 2004
MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Mac News for Mac Users
*** Tempest In A Specialty iPod Case
by Leander Kahney, Wired News
Since last year, Andrew Ackloo of iSkin and Lajo Cymbalski of Xsin have been feuding over the sale and distribution of iPod cases.
*** Laptops Going To Kids At 4 Broward Schools
by Steve Harrison, Miami Herald
Students at four Broward County public schools will get laptop computers this year in a pilot program with far-reaching implications.
*** Lazy New iPod Owners Rescued By Ripping Idea
by Jo Best, Silicon.com
US-based LoadPod will come to the door, pick up the CDs, rip al, the tunes to an iPod and return them within five days.
*** Survey: CEO Pay Rises In 2003
by Kendra Locke, Associated Press
The CEOs of four companies -- Oracle, Apple, Yahoo and Colgate-Palmolive -- watched their total compensation packages surge by more than 1,000 percent in 2003, largely through exercising stock options and receiving restricted stock.
*** Apple And Pepsi To Face The Music Again?
by Macworld UK
Apple and Pepsi may be planning a new iTunes co-promotion next year, AdWeek suggests.
*** Cue Cancels -- In Sickness, Or Harmony?
by Johnny Evans, Macworld UK
Apple cancelled a high-profile speech at the Jupiter Plug.IN Conference and Expo this week. Macworld can confirm that the official explanation for Cue's no-show was "sickness". However, sources at the show indicate that most attendees felt that he cancelled as a response to RealNetwork's Harmony announcement Monday.
*** A Precious Moment With iPod Mini
by Gizmodo
While colors are certainly important in the US, it seems the Japanese (or at least those marketing to them) are taking it to the next level.
*** Apple Becoming The 'Microsoft Of Music'
by MacMinute
*** QuickTime: The Real Star In Digital Media
by Eugene Liu, osViews
Although iPod really catapulted Apple to become the digital music leader, it's QuickTime that's really going to be the star for Apple in the long term.
*** DRM Begins To Work Its Magic
by Andrew Orlowski, The Register
The favorable press for online download sites such as iTunes, despite their insignificant volumes, is beginning to convince the music industry they can have their cake and eat it too.
*** State Of Shareware On The Mac -- Part One
by Kristie Masuda, Spymac
*** Macs And Linxu -- An Enemy Of An Enemy Is Not Your Friend
by Dennis T Cheung
Would replacing all the Windows desktops in the world, with stripped down $400 Linux PCs really be a win for the Mac?
*** For Apple, Harmony Is Off-Key
by Peter Burrows, BusinessWeek
Apple should fight it -- whether in the courts or by competitive means. In the long run, that would be a good thing for the industry and consumers.
*** Top 5 Mac Web Sites
by Bambi Hambi, Mac360
AppleTurns, VersionTracker, MacMinute, MacSurfer, and Crazy Apple Rumors Site.
*** Creating DVD/VCD Photo Slide Shows For Your Mac
by Wei-Meng Lee, O'Reilly Network
Developing hundreds of photos for less-computer-savvy relatives and friends is not practical, so I thought the best way would be to create a DVD or VCD. The no-frills Unlead DVD PictureShow for Mac turned out to be the answer.
*** AirPort Express Can Charge iPod
by iPodlounge
*** Dinner With Bill Gates
by Heng-Cheong Leong
Jeff Maurone<http://jeffmaurone.typepad.com/metanoya/2004/07/more_on_my_dinn.html>: Are you beginning to feel like you are in Myst (the video game), because I was.
*** Segway Polo
by Heng-Cheong Leong
People<http://www.segwaychat.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8685> will ride on anything to move a ball around. :-)
*** Houston, We Still Have A Problem
by Heng-Cheong Leong
According to Walt Mossberg<http://www.macminute.com/2004/07/28/sony> of Wall Street Journal, Sony's latest Network Walkman (what a stupid name) is "markedly inferior overall" when compared with the iPod.
Which means that the entire tech industry has yet invented the iPod-killer.
*** Microsoft: Windows Server Service Pack, 64-Bit Editions Not Until 2005
by Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft Watch
Don't expect to see by the end of 2004 any of the new 64-bit Windows Server or Windows XP versions that Microsoft was shooting to deliver this year.
The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technology. Innovative Applications. New Economy.
*** Take A Cab And Surf The Web
by Eva Dominquez, E-Media Tidbits
Next time you read a newspaper in a taxi, it may be a digital one.
MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life
*** Boston Week
by Heng-Cheong Leong
We continue with Boston Week -- where we explore works from Boston writers -- with three poems by Mr Frank Bidart.
*** Song
by Frank Bidart
You know that it is there, lairwhere the bear ceasesfor a time even to exist.
*** For The Twentieth Century
by Frank Bidart
*** The Sacrifice
by Frank Bidart
Life in the city
[Top Stories]
*** PM Goh Wants To Focus On International Affairs After He Steps Down
by Channel NewsAsia
"I would like to concentrate on a few project on the international side as the new prime minister will have to consolidate his domestic ground even as he reaches out to have his own international network of contacts."
Editor's Notes : I hope this is not an implication that Lee Hsien Loong needs Goh Chok Tong to resolve the recent Taiwan incident.
*** Singapore Wants You!
by Stuart Luman, Wired News
The future-friendly city-state has an offer bioscientists can't refuse: unrestricted research, top-notch equipment, and limitless funds. Just leave your chewing gum at home.
*** Competition Law Won't Cover 10 Key Sectors
by Kelvin Wong, Straits Times
Minnistry says areas such as public transport have rules already.
MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong <mailto:webmaster at myapplemenu.com>. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.
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