[MyAppleMenu] Jul 16, 2004
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applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Jul 16 13:15:00 EDT 2004
MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Friday, July 16, 2004
Mac News for Mac Users
*** Driving Force In Video Editing
by Leadner Kahney, Wired News
Michael Oh wanted to show off the power and versatility of Apple's hardware, so he packed a high-end $25,000 video-editing system into the trunk of his $35,000 Lexus.
*** In Silicon Valley, Tear-Down Interrupted
by Patricia Leigh Brown, New York Times
Have you ever yearned to live in Spanish Colonial Revial splendor, rattling around a 17,000-square-foot, 14-bedroom, 13 1/2-bath baronial mansion with deliciously thick stucco walls and an impeccable provenance? If so, Steve Jobs may have a deal for you.
*** The Apple Of Wall Street's Eye
by Lawrence Carrel, Smart Money
"Although music suite sales were expectedly strong, the upside surprise was due chiefly to stronger than anticipated sales of iBooks and Powerbooks."
*** History Repeated As Apple Slams CPU Supplier
by Tony Smith, The Register
In 1999 Apple complained that its chip supplier, Motorola, wasn't able to supply enough CPUs, forcing it to delay the introduction of a 500MHz Power Mac G4. Yesterday, Apple made much the same complaint about its other chip supplier, IBM.
*** Shine Comes Back To Apple
by Ronna Abramson, TheStreet.com
"The upside surprise in core Mac businesses this quarter was an important indicator, in our view. We have been waiting for signs that the anticipated 'halo effect' from Apple's retail stores and iPod would materialize."
*** Doom 3 Confirmed For Mac OS X
by Andy Largent, Inside Mac Games
While details are scarce, id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead assuages Mac fans by promising something as soon as it's polished and ready.
*** Apple Shares Rise 12 Percent On Results
by Reuters
Apple shares rose $3.45 to $33.03, after earlier hitting a session high of $33.63, helping to buoy the Nasdaq on Thursday.
*** Analysts Upgrade Apple Stock
by MacMinute
*** Macworld Boston A Success? Depends On Whom You Ask
by Dennis Sellers, MacMinute
Some vendors and end users interviewed felt it exceeded expectations, while others were much less kind in their thoughts about the show.
*** Reporter's Notebook: Closing Thoughts On Macworld Boston
by Dennis Sellers, MacMinute
*** RIAA: You Need To Get A Life!
by John Ginn, Corvallis Gazette-Times
The following is a message to the Recording Industry Association of America, more commonly known as the RIAA: If I can't put it on my iPod, you've got nothing I want.
*** Apple's Almost Perfect Package
by Peter Burrows, BusinessWeek
Apple's outlook is stronger than expected, but not as golden as it might have been. Wall Street hates uncertainty, and until it becomes clear that IBM and Hitachi can keep up with the orders Appel has generated, Mac lovers -- and investors -- will still have plenty to fret about.
*** Mac Office Is Better Than Windows Office In Some Ways
by Julio Ojedazapata, Pioneer Press
*** Poo Power
by Heng-Cheong Leong
Very often, when you visit a museum, you'll be asked to donate some money to help the upkeep of the museum.
Now, you can help in other ways too. Eat and drink well before you visit, and then release all that energy<http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3895975.stm> for the benefit of the museum.
*** Girl Power
by Heng-Cheong Leong
If you're keeping up with your news, tonight is the first time that the Singapore censors allowed the HBO series "Sex and the City" to be screened on local cable. We're starting off with the next-to-last season.
But you may not know that this series, screend on HBO Asia, has always been edited by HBO. Furthermore, even countries like Malaysia, Indonedsia and Vietnam has been screening this edited series for years without problem.
Sometimes, the Singapore censors amazes me with their out-of-touch-ness.
*** Microsoft Battles Apple Over Tiger's Spotlight
by Joris Evers, Macworld UK
Microsoft appears to be in a race with Apple to develop the best search technology by acquiring Lookout Software LLC.
MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life
[Tech & Science]
*** Will Compasses Point South?
by William J. Broad, New York Times
Although a total flip may be hundreds or thousands of years away, the rapid decline in magnetic strength is already damaging satellites.
*** Love Of Reading's A Labor Lost For Many Now
by Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal
But who knew half the nation was still reading?
*** Is Math A Sport?
by Jordan Ellenberg, Slate
And what about target shooting, Skee-Ball, and standing on one foot?
Life in the city
*** Israel Set Up Singapore's Army, Former Officers Reveal
by Amnon Barzilai, Haaretz
The Singapore army, which is today considered one of the strongest in southeast Asia, was set up by Israel.
*** IDA Defends Opt-Out Scheme To Curb Spam
by Straits Times
It says proposal is to 'establish a standard' for businesses, and it balances their interests with those of computer users.
MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong <mailto:webmaster at myapplemenu.com>. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.
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