[MyAppleMenu] Saturday, Jan 3, 2004

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Jan 3 21:05:00 EST 2004

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Saturday, Jan 3, 2004

MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
iPod -- Therefore I Am (Stephen Moss, The Guardian)
It was the must-have Christmas gift of 2003: a gadget that stores your favourite 10,000 tunes and looks incredibly cool, too. So why do people become such bores when they get one?

MyAppleMenu : News
Mac Maniacs Wait To Be Wowed (Leander Kahney, Wired News)
Rain or shine, dozens of die-hard Mac fans likely will camp overnight outside San Francisco's Moscone Center to snag seats for the opening keynote speech of the Macworld Conference & Expo, to be delivered by Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs on Tuesday morning.

Media Moguls Look To Apple Guru For Succour (Richard Waters, Financial Times)
In the long run, [Steve Jobs'] perfectionism may be better suited to the film theatre than the cut-throat world of technology.

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
It's TIme To Rate Apple's Performance In 2003 (Glenn Fleishman, Seattle Times)
We have high expectations for Apple, which is why I judge it so harshly on the areas it misses. It will have a chance to make good on its potential next week at Macworld Expo.

In Europe, Apple Threatens Linux (Always On)
We'll see great strides from Linux in the high-end server space over the coming years, with good steps in 2004, but with stiff competition from Apple in certain server segments. Apple? Yes, this is not a misprint.

Three Steps To A Stronger Apple (Alex Salkever, BusinessWeek)
After its bang-up 2003, better governance, increased quality control, and more product upgrades will make 2004 even better.

The Apple Cult Is Dead (AppleMatters)
I have seen a change in public perception towards Apple computers and other Apple products

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Canvas 9 Professional Edition (Paul Yoon, MacAddict)
Canvas is a great value for a single-person shop, a student seeking a bit of everything in one box, or someone with highly specialized geographical or scientific imaging needs. Casual users can find cheaper alternatives piecemeal.

Neverwinter Nights (John Lee, MacAddict)
With unlimited adventures waiting for you to download them, Neverwinter Nights is a game you can play for months or even years.

Quicken 2004 (Narasu Rebbapragada, Quicken 2004)
Users of Quicken 2002 and earlier should appreciate the Aquafied 2004 upgrade. If you already use Quicken 2003 and aren't wowed by the new features, skip a year and check back in 2005.

Soundtrack (David Biedny, MacAddict)
If you need sweet-sounding music for your multimedia work and don't happen to know any talented musicians, say hello to a virtual band even your mother could love -- one that won't clean out the fridge after rehearsals.

Studio MX 2004 (Niko Coucouvanis, MacAddict)
If you work the Web for a living, you'll find workarounds for Studio's quirks and buy this upgrade for its increased integration and the smattering of new features in FireWorks and Dreamweaver. The new Flash Professional makes Studio MX 2004 worth its upgrade price.

Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer (Cathy Lu, MacAddict)
Microsoft's IntelliMouse Explorer has always been one of our favorite mice. It just feels right -- and the newest wireless version is no different.

Wireless Optical Desktop (Nicko Coucouvanis, MacAddict)
If you can use the extraneous keyboard buttons, this combo's quality mouse and integrated battery charger make it a solid choice.

Ending Remote Madness... The Harmony Internet Remote (Owen Densmore, O'Reilly Network)
What makes this device unique is the "Activity Centered" (or task oriented) approach it takes.

The Apple Of Our Eye (Space.com)
In spite of our minor gripes, the Power Mac G5 is a major advance over the G4. It's got enough power to make Wintel users green with envy, and when a full-blown 64-bit version of OS X arrives, this system will really fly.

When Things On Your Mac Do Cool Things You Didn't Expect Them To... Or Adventures In Mac-Based Audio (Bob LeVitus, Mac Observer)
If you play an instrument, write songs, sing, or wish you could do any or all of the above, take a look at DigiDesign's amazing little Mbox, a complete audio production system with many uses.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: Top Stories
That Parent-Child Conversation Is Becoming Instant, And Online (John Schwartz, New York Times)
Instant messaging, long a part of teenagers' lives, is working its way into the broader fabric of the American family.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: News & Opinions
Barclays: No Linux On Desktops For Now (Andy McCue, ZDNet UK)
The chief technology officer of one of Britain's largest banks talks about how he made it to the top, and how Barclays is facing the challenges of technical innovation and corporate governance legislation.

Poll: Modest Boost In Tech Spending For 2004 (Andrew Donoghue and Karen Southwick, CNET News.com)
Companies are predicting somewhat bigger information technology budgets this year, but they're unlikely to loosen the purse strings significantly, according to a new report.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Parliament To Discuss Singapore-Malaysia Ties, New Legislation On Organ Transplants (S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia)
Parliament will be discussing the state of Singapore-Malaysia relations and new legislation to expand organ transplant rules during its first session of the year.

Singapore's War On Piracy Long Overdue (Bangkok Post)
While many Asean governments do little to combat the growing menace, Singapore has gone on the offensive and declared that no distinction should be made between pirates operating for personal gain and terrorists, with the motives of anonymous attackers impossible to judge until they are caught.

Growth Of Singapore Economy Slowed In Q4 (Associated Press)

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2004 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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